Status: Active

A Picture, A Decision, A Friend

Part 1: Just A Glance

While I was sitting on the computer not sure of what to do for once. I sat there bored out of my mind and actually kind of wishing I decided to go out with my friends. Tammy was out with a few of her girlfriends, and I was kind of relieved. I just saw Missy earlier and, I was more than happy to. We talked and she wondered when everything would just stop and we could finally just settle down as we had originally planned. I truthfully didn’t know. She knew I had 2 girlfriends on the side, I mean, our marriage counselor said it would be good to be away. But ALMOST 2 YEARS NOW! I wanted to kick my own ass. We ended up having sex, and of course, it was blissful.
She ended up leaving about an hour later after we spoke more about it and went to see her mother, who last time I checked, is still not on good terms with me because of everything. It’s Sunday afternoon and I have nothing to do. I tweeted earlier on.

“Nothing to do, who wants to chill?”

And of course people who are annoying as hell, and just either want to brag or have sex. I got onto Twitter seeing an update from a girl named NN_Valo. I went to her profile and saw her real name was Renee. I looked at her picture and how really random it was. She had pink hair, or what looked like a wig, a HIM sweatshirt, and a pink scarf. She had a huge smile on her face and her eyes were really pretty blue. I saw she was only 18. My eyes widened. There was just NO WAY she was. She looked at least 20. I saw that she had favorited a few of my tweets, and even replied to some. I felt bad now that I saw she had indeed did when I checked. I didn’t know why but something told me we had a lot in common. Not just the fact I saw her in a HIM sweatshirt, or the fact her layout was heartagrams. That she posted random links to videos of bands that I loved. But something more to it. I thought what the hell, why not.
I saw she had posted her face book link, and I went to it. It showed her and what looked like a boyfriend, but it said she was single. Now I’m not looking for another girlfriend, but someone I can just hang out with. I mean yeah I have my friends but something just crazy about her, I want to know her more. I looked up all of her information and saw she was indeed 18, had people she considered family, had a LOAD of a music collection. She was into dressing up or as the folder was called “Cosplaying”. And she has met a few people like; Ville and the guys in HIM, The 69 Eyes, Raab!
I blinked my eyes and saw it was indeed him. As I went through the list I saw my mom and dad, Alan Rickman, Insane Clown Posse, Twizted. This chick was badass! I looked through all of the people she met and saw that she didn’t have me added to that. Well I wanted to be added to this list and SOON!
I went back to twitter and thought what the hell, why not? I tweeted to her.

“@NN_Valo Hey, what you up to, Miss NN?” I didn’t know if she had a cell phone or was at the computer. I waited about a good 5 minuets before getting a reply.

“@BAM_MARGERA Hei, nothing much, just watching some TV & talkin to a friend. Hby?” I blinked not sure if it was a bad idea now but I already went for it so might as well go in deeper.

“@NN_Valo Oh cool! An nothing much, bored actually.” I sat there a few moments and got a quick reply.

“@BAM_MARGERA You, the Great Bam Margera, bored & nothing to do? That’s shocking! :O” I got back. I laughed. It was shocking. I had to agree.

“@NN_Valo Lmao Yeah it is I guess. So other then talkin to your friend, what are you doin?”

“@BAM_MARGERA Just about as much as you. Just a lazy day. Still trying to find a job, just about it. :/” I felt bad for her. It was difficult to find a job lately.

“@NN_Valo Ahh well that sucks..” Then I thought and added, “Hey, do you and your friend want to chill?” I waited a few moments. When I checked her face book, I saw she was in NJ.

“@BAM_MARGERA Well I can, but my friend can’t. He’s in Georgia! LOL” I laughed. Damn she knew a lot of people it seemed.

“@NN_Valo Oh that sucks! Would’ve been cool to chill with him!” I wasn’t kidding.

“@BAM_MARGERA Well if he get’s his ass up here soon maybe you can! ;]” I laughed. Alright this chick is officially awesome.

“@NN_Valo Lmao, Alright, well I’ll PM you on my FB. We’ll talk more on there!” I left it at that.

“@BAM_MARGERA Alrightly then!”

I went to face book immediately and added her. I PM’d her and got her address and cell phone number.
“Damn, she lives in Pennsville! How have I not seen her around!” I thought to myself. I told her I’d be there within the hour. I had to get dressed and out the door.

Normal POV:

I sat there thinking to myself, there was just no way, I mean NO WAY in hell this was happening. I was sitting there in my HIM tank top, and lounge pants talking to Chris one of my best friends on Skype.

“Yeah so then out of nowhere Jasmine decided to be the ‘Queen Bitch’ she is and puke all over the damned floor.” He was going on about his cat. And took a hit off his cigarette. “And THANK GOD I got it cleaned up before dad got home!” I was laughing hysterically as he exhaled the toxins.
“Let me guess, this happened the other day and HE had to clean it up because you were passed out till like 4.” I joked.
“Hahahaha, sadly yes.” he admitted. I laughed even harder. I’m good at this. I went to my Twitter to check if Jarrpi replied to the picture I drew of him as Jarrpina the Ballerina yet, to see I had a mention from Margera. I looked at it and almost didn’t believe it.
“Holy shit…” I said aloud.
“What?” Chris asked.
“Margera mentioned me on Twitter, and just said ’Hey what you up to miss NN?’ Uhmm…” I stopped.
“No Way!” He exclaimed. I took a clippit of it and sent it to him. “Oh shit he did… What you gonna say?” he asked.
“I guess Hei back.” I said. And I did. I was talking to Bam and Chris at the same time. Then when Bam asked if I wanted to chill, I was down. He added ME to his private face book, which the last I heard was under control of his friend. I was really wondering what was up with this. Was it fuck with NeeNee day or something? I wasn’t sure, but if it sure was, more then just Bam Margera would be fucking with me. It’d be Chris and our friends as well. Which clearly wasn’t happening. We spoke a bit on face book and swapped numbers and gave him my address. He said he’d be there within the hour, so I chose to use it wisely.
While still in the call with Chris, I laughed remembering Bam saying he could come along. But the fact he was in Georgia was pretty tuff. Chris Davis or Dark Ringy/ Ringy as he goes by is one cool dude. He’s laid back, down to earth, a good sense of humor. LOVE’s horror movies, he’s a Juggalo, and he has so many interests it’s hard to believe it’s him sometimes. But as he likes to say “If You Don't Like What I Say Then Don't Listen, If You Don't Like What I Do Then Don't Watch, And If You Don't Like Who I Am Then Stay The Hell Away." And he lives by it.
Ever since I can remember, this guy has been there for me through thick and thin. And I’m proud to call him my brother. Though I miss him dearly and wish he was up here, I have to deal with the fact he’s all the way down in the south.
So it’s been about an hour, and I got a text from Bam.

“I’m almost there, I’m at a light.” I laughed and sent.

“Alright. I’m ready and I’ll be waiting.”

“Hey Chris, I’m gonna head out now, he’s almost here.” I said.
“Alright, and make sure to use a condom Nee! AND DON‘T FORGET HIS ANAL BEAADS!” He yelled Then sing-songed..
“Yeah, like I’m just gonna go and have sex with him… Yep little ol’ slutty me.. An Bahaha my fucking god!.” I said with a large dose of sarcasm, and laughed.
“Haha, I’m only kidding!” he laughed. I giggled.
“I know, I’ll text you later or something with pictures!” I laughed.
“Alright! Have fun!” He said.
“Will do!” and the call was ended. I posted on my Skype status what was going on and logged off. I went down and outside with my carrier bag I always have with me. My sketch book, iPod in my pocket, Cell phone in the other, and keys in my bag. I was wearing a pair of cut off shorts that stopped to my knees, a Vains of Jenna tee-shirt, and a flowing vest with a light scarf. I had my cut off gloves on and a pair of DC sneakers and my Electric sunglasses on.
I sat there waiting about 5 minuets listening to the Cauldon Road. Then as I knew it a blue Lambo pulled up and Bam hopped out.
“Hi, Ready to go hang?” he asked. I got up.
“Ready as I’ll ever be Margera.” I smiled. He smiled and opened the door for me. As he got in we sped off and to the main road, not sure where we were going.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright so that is part 1.

Here is the outfit.

Random ass story I know but bare with me here...
Chris get's credit for his extra line of "Don't forget his Anal Beads!" lmao
Please comments of any kind are loved. I love the criticism.