Status: Active

A Picture, A Decision, A Friend

Part 2: What To Do…

As Bam was driving he was hitting the highway headed back to PA. The radio was on, he leaned up to turn it down still looking at the road.
“So, what do you feel like doing? Lunch? Walk the park?” he asked a few. I hadn’t eaten lunch yet.
“I guess lunch.” I said. “You seem nervous.” He glanced to me.
“Not really, I just want to get to know you is all.” he said. I cocked a brow, though he couldn‘t see behind my glasses.
“Dude, if you’re looking for another chick to add to you’re list of girlfriends, I’m not interested.” I said. We were at a stop sign. 1 of 3 cars there. He looked to me.
“That’s good to know. Cause that’s not what I’m looking for.” he grinned. I looked to him and saw something I wasn’t expecting. He was serious. I nodded.
“So then what are you looking for out of this?” I asked. He started going farther up the road.
“I don’t know really. I ended up speaking to you out of boredom. But at the same time, I saw something different about you through your photos.” he said making a turn. “I thought ‘Maybe I can find a chick laid back and just want to talk.’ And all that shit.” I laughed.
“Well I am a good listener. And I’m up for making new friends. Though I’m weird on keeping who closest to me. Fair warning.” I grinned. He smiled. We made it to a little outside restaurant.
“Well, now that I know that, let’s just hope I can be a friend to keep close.” He said parking. “Also if anyone asks, you’re Ryan Dunn’s cousin.” I laughed.
“Alright.” I said and we got out of the Lambo. We walked inside no one really there. I took off my sunglasses and placed them on my shirt. A girl who was the hostess took us to a private table for two. She gave us menus and went back to the podium in the front.
“Order whatever you want. On me.” he said. I looked to him and he looked as if he was deep in thought. I looked at the menu and picked a crispy chicken salad with ranch and a raspberry tea. He got a sandwich with fries and a soda. We sat there and he asked questions and I answered. It started to get less awkward. He asked me what I normally did for my day while trying to find a job. I told him truthfully.
“I sit on my ass pretty much, talk to my friend Chris on Skype, and maybe my other friend Chelsey, depending on if she’s role-playing with other friends.” I said. Bam looked at me weird.
“What kind of role-playing?” he asked. I could tell he thought something completely different.
“Uhm, she get’s into characters from like Anime’s. And she’ll role-play with friends. She’s a cosplayer. So am I.” I said.
“Oh so that kind of role-play. I saw pictures of that on your face book.” he said.
“Yeap. She’s in a few of them with me.” I said.
“You’ll have to show me later.” he said. “So continue on.”
“Oh yeah.” I giggled. “So if like she’s not doing that or away from the computer, I talk to her and Chris. Though this week she’s camping with her family.” He nodded.
“Heh, I haven’t went camping in a long time!” he exclaimed.
“Maybe you should plan a random day and do it!” I said.
“Maybe I will!” he was finally acting like himself.
“GOOD!” I said loudly. He leaned back a smile on his face.
“I knew there was something about you.” he said arms crossed. We were done eating now, and waiting for the waiter to come leave the check.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” I laced sort of defensive, and sarcastic.
“You’re like a mini-me.” he let out a laugh.
“Go-figure… I’m not known as the Mini Asshole for nothing.” I said. He cocked a brow.
“Oh Mini Asshole huh?” he asked. I laughed.
“That’s what my friends say. And if I’m not a mini you, I’m a mini Ville.” I said.
“That I have to see!” he said. I laughed.
“Maybe you will.” I said sweetly. His face went from cocky to shocked.
“Do you have like Bi-polar?” he asked shocked still.
“That too!” I smiled. He laughed. Finally the waiter came with the check and left. Bam grabbed it pulled out a $10 and left it on the table. As we walked out, he paid and we left. We got back in the Lambo and left the restaurant. While driving Bam hit play on his iPod he had connected to his radio. Right around the time he did Daddy’s Lambo by Yelawolf came on. I laughed out loud. Then I got a text from Chris.

“Hey, how’s hanging with Anal-bead Bammie?” I giggled.

“Alright actually, just had lunch. Now idk where we’re going.” I replied. About a good minuet or so later he replied.

“Ahh, cool. And remember he tries anything, kick him and run.” I shook my head.

“No worries bro. XD I’ll text you later.” I said.

“Alright.” he said.

I put my cell back in my pocket and saw Bam look at me. We were at a stop light.
“Who was that?” he asked.
“My friend Chris, he was making sure I was still alive.” I laughed.
“What did he think I was some rapist or something?” he asked kind of defensive.
“No, he likes to joke around a lot. Like earlier, when I said I was chillin’ with you, he made sure to yell use a condom.” I shook my head. “Ohhh I can’t wait till I can bag on him.”
“How are you going to do that? You said he’s in Georgia right?” he asked. I nodded.
“Yeah, but I can always be an ass and go on about how he hasn’t been laid in like 3 years.” I laughed.
“SERIOUSLY!?” Bam yelled then laughed. “Damn, I’ll bring him up here and get him laid!” I laughed.
“He’s about my height.” I said. Bam looked to me.
“Seriously?” he cocked a brow. I giggled at his expression and nodded.
“Yep. And though he has brown hair kind of like yours, allot of people think we’re actual siblings.” I laughed.
“How’s that?” he asked.
“If he get’s up here, and you see how we act, you’ll see why.” I giggled. He shook his head and we headed out to the country side. As we were driving Yelawolf came on. Daddy’s Lambo. I started laughing. As it got to the main chorus Bam started singing.
“Can I drive yo’ daddy’s lambo, lambo-o-o, daddy’s lambo, lambo-o-o.” And he sped up. I laughed and we started randomly dancing while he was recklessly driving. As we were nearing the trail to his house he slowed down. We made it to the gate, and he punched in a code on his intercom and it opened. “I’ll give that to you later.” he said. I laughed and cocked a brow.
“Alright.” I said. He drove up the snake way driveway and parked outside his garage. He turned off the car and we got out and went in. He looked around from where we were to the Hobbit Hole.
“Awe Christ…” he said. I looked to him.
“Looking for something?” I asked. Then I heard Chris’s call tone Show Them To Me by Rodney Carrington go off.
“Christ!” I said aloud just as annoyed as Bam. “Moi!” I put Chris on speaker.
“Where are you? I have something to tell you.” he said.
“I’m at Bam’s house. And what is it?” I asked.
“Remember how Bryan said he was going to bring me up?” he asked.
“Yeah… Wait… Don’t tell me…” I stopped.
“Yeahh, he can’t get me up there.” he said. My head dropped.
“What was his excuse?” I asked.
“He didn’t give one. Just said, ‘I can’t’ and that was it.” he said. I wanted to punch Bryan so bad now.
“I love how he swore and promised he would.” I said laced in anger.
“Yeah I know…” he sounded disappointed.
“Hey, I can always get you up here.” Bam chimed in.
“Huh?” Chris asked. I looked at Bam.
“You don’t have to.” I said.
“No, you said it yourself your friend swore he would and he ended up not following up. I’ll pay for your ticket. Hell I’ll even give you a place to stay!” Bam exclaimed.
“Bam… You’re scaring me.” I said.
“And ME!” Chris said.
“Hey, I can be an asshole. But I have my moments. So, where are you at right now?” he asked Chris. I just ended up handing Bam my cell phone. I had my iTouch out listening to Oh Land. I had one earphone in and the other was dangling. I began quietly singing.
“You go down, down, down, I fall out of love with you. Come back round, round, round. You son of a gun.” I sang. Bam was still on the phone with Chris for a moment, then hung up. “You son of a gun… Birds sing, for you. You can make the blue sky blush.” I went.
“You have a good voice.” He said randomly. I blushed. “Who is that you’re singing?”
“Oh Land… Sun Of A Gun.” I said, my cheeks still a tad flustered.
“Oh, Missy likes her.” he said. I nodded. “Oh here’s your phone. And to your question from earlier, I wasn’t sure if Cleveland was home yet.” I nodded.
“Ryan Cleveland?” I asked. He nodded.
“Yeah… Wait?” he questioned.
“Radio Bam.” I said. He nodded remembering. I placed my cell back in my pocket and he opened the door to the pirate bar. Didn’t sound like anyone was home. We went upstairs and he went and checked the radio room. He walked back out.
“Stay out here. I’m gonna check the rest of the house.” he said. I nodded and placed my bag on the couch. One of his two cats appeared. He sniffed me and meowed. I picked him up.
“Hello, which one are you?” I asked. Then the other one appeared. It hopped on the couch and began purring. I petted him too while holding the one. Bam came back downstairs.
“Oh! Seems like Trouble and Mischief like you.” he said.
“Which one’s who?” I asked giggling.
“The one you’re holding is Mischief.” he said. I assumed the other one was Trouble then.
“So was he home?” I asked. Bam shook his head.
“Nope, I was making sure cause sometimes he let’s his ex borrow his car.” he said.
“Ahh, like the argument from the last episode of Radio Bam.” I said.
“You listen to those all the time don’t you?” he asked. I laughed.
“Well I do have every episode from 2004 to the latest one on my iPod.” I said. He looked at me shocked.
“How?” he asked.
“A guy online who has been listening to your shows since you began, he has a website to download all of them for free. He doesn’t do it for a profit. He does it for everyone who want to listen to the show and can’t afford to get Sirius Radio.” I said. “Like right now, I can’t afford it. So when I’m like out on a drive or on a road trip, I listen to my few favorite episodes.” He nodded.
“Oh alright… It’s cool I guess.” he said. I put the cat down and decided to walk around the house a little bit. I looked over above the fire place and looked at the framed HIM photo he still had. After that I walked over to the sliding glass door to go out on his deck. As I did, I heard Venus (In Our Blood) playing from his jukebox. I sat down on one of the chairs, put on my sunglasses and pulled out a cigarette from my pack. Bam came out and joined me under the umbrella.
“So, how long have you been a fan of mine?” he asked. I exhaled the toxins after taking a good long hit.
“Well let’s see, since I was about… 6 or 7 maybe.” I said thinking back. He looked at me astonished.
“Really?” he asked. I nodded taking another hit. “How the hell?” I exhaled.
“A friend of mine had 2 of the CKY movies. I always watched them when I went to their house.” I said. He nodded thinking back now. “So yeah, a pretty long time.” I giggled a small smile on my lips. He nodded.
“That’s awesome.” he agreed. I nodded.
“Yeah, just a few months ago, I finally found all of the CKY videos. I have your whole collection now, besides Unholy Union.” I said.
“Yeah, that’s apparently hard to find now.” he said. “So you bought Minghags too?” I nodded.
“Yep, once I had enough I got it.” I said. I took another hit from my cigarette and it was quiet a few moments. Then we heard what sounded like a group of people piling in the door.
“Move your ass Fat Cleveland!” I heard one yell.
“Fuck you Mowhawk!” I believe Cleveland yelled.
“Well if you actually worked out!” I heard another voice. I looked at Bam who just shrugged it off. Finally it died down a bit and someone walked out. He had medium brown hair.
“Hey Louie!” Bam called.
“Hey Bam. When did you get here?” he asked then looked to me. “And Who’s you’re friend?” I lifted the sunglasses to rest on my head.
“Moi, nimeni Renee.” I said in Finnish. Bam looked at me.
“What?” Louie asked. I giggled.
“I said, ‘Hi names Renee’ in Finnish.” I said. Bam was still looking at me weird. Louie got it.
“Oh! You know Finnish!?” he asked. I nodded.
“Just a little. Some basics but that’s about it.” I said. He nodded.
“Kewl…” he said. I looked at Bam and laughed.
“Hey, hey, I’m cultured!” I said.
“I didn’t say anything… I’m just shocked.” he said. I giggled more taking the last and final hit of my cigarette before putting it out. I exhaled the smoke from my nose.
“Well that’s why you said you wanted to get to know me.” I cocked a brow.
“Alright, so… Wait what?” Louie asked. I giggled.
“Well Bammie here is being shy, how about I tell the story… Not more then what 2 hours 3 hours ago now? I was sitting in my boring little room talking to the same best friend like brother that I always talk to. In my boring little life, when I had a mention from Bam here on Twitter.” I began. “Then out of the blue he added me to face book, though he told me so it wasn’t really out of the blue, and we made plans to chill today. If you’d like to join us. Feel welcome.” I ended.
“Wait… So you randomly just met her online?” he asked. Bam nodded.
“Dude, wait till you’ve been around her for about as long as I have so far.” Bam said cocking a brow to his friend.
“Why? Louie asked. Now during this I looked to Bam and gave him the finger to my lip as a shushing thing and I got up and quietly ducked away. When Louie looked to see me gone, I ran towards him carrying him over to the slide that was still connected to Bam’s deck.
“FIRE IN THE HOLE!” I tossed him into the pool. I stood there posed and he finally surfaced. When he did he looked at me shocked.
“You! What!?” he was shocked. I smiled evilly. “Ohh my gord, you have that look Bam get’s when he’s got an idea…” Then as I knew it Another guy who I expected to be Cleveland was pushed down the slide. I looked next to me and Bam and I high fived.
“DUDE WHAT THE FU-!” Cleveland didn’t finish his sentence as he surfaced and saw me. “Who the hell is she?”
“Her names Renee from what she told me.” Louie said. “And I think Bam found a long lost sister.” They both looked up as Bam and I laughed and walked back into the house.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright part 2 of the random story...
I don't know, I kind of like it... I thought it was going to be complete shit, then the spark of being up at 5 in the morning kind of helps...
Now if only I had a cigarette and some wine... Ahh Then I'd be complete...

Please read my other stories =3
Comments would be kewlll.