Status: Active

A Picture, A Decision, A Friend

Part 3: A Hectic Day, And Crashing For The Night.

Bam’s POV:

After watching Renee do what she pulled on Louie, I immediately knew right there she was a mini me. Then Cleveland came out to see what all the commotion was about. I decided to be an ass and shove him down. Renee watched and we looked at each other. Immediately at the same time we both started laughing then high fived each other walking inside. I walked down to the Pirate Bar for a drink. I grabbed one of my beers and Renee saw the Smirnoff stash I had.
“Hey could I get one?” she asked. I looked to her.
“You’re underage.” I said plainly.
“And? I drink all the time.” she said. “AND anyways, didn’t you drink at a young age?” She had me. I shrugged and grabbed one and tossed her one. Who was I gonna stop when I did it at one point too? She popped it open on the counter and took a sip then catching the cap that flipped in the air. I just stared at her. She placed her bottle back on the counter. It was quiet a moment. Then her cellphone went off again. Except it was The Sacrament (Disrhythm Remix). She pulled out her phone answering it.
“Moi moi.” she said. “Where am I? I’m out why Chels?” she asked again. “What’s so important?… You’re coming home two days earlier then expected!?” she seemed excited. “Alright, well… hold on.” she looked to me. “When is Chris supposed to be coming in?” Her hand was over the receiver.
“Uhm, not tomorrow but the next day!” I said. She nodded thanks and went back.
“Ironically Chris is flying in that day. Earlier in the morning.” she seemed to almost question the last one. I nodded to her. She nodded back. “No a friend and I are going to pick him up. What time are you getting home?… Oh alright, I’ll see if we can come swoop around and get you then haha.” She went quiet a few moments. “Yeah true, she might not like that… Well what if I came and picked you up? I could do it a little later on after we get Chris… I know I don’t but I know someone who I can borrow one from.” She looked to me. I cocked a brow. “Yeah they won’t mind… I’M A GOOD DRIVE EXCUSE ME!” I laughed… I wondered if she was also a mini me driver. I shook that off. “Well I’m gonna let you go. I’ll call you later on. Oh Are you able to get on skype or no still?… Haha awesome, I’ll get ahold of you and Chris when I get home then… Kay, bu-bye.” she hung up her cell.
“Who was that?” I asked.
“My friend Chelsey. The one I told you about.” she said. I nodded.
“Oh cool. So whose car are you picking her up in?” I asked. She looked to me with a cute smile. And when she said she turned into a mini Ville… Damn she wasn’t lying. “Alright, but you have your license right?”
“Yeah, here.” she pulled out her wallet and her ID. I looked at it and nodded.
“Alright. I give you permission. But have you ever driven one?” I asked. She shook her head.
“No but I’ll be sure to take care of it.” She said. I saw in her eyes she would. I nodded. “So what to do?”
“I don’t know… But after throwing them in the pool I want to go swimming now.” I said.
“Alright you go on ahead… I don’t have a bathing suit.” she said. “Shit!” I thought. I remembered some of Missy’s bathing suits were upstairs still.
“Well I have a few of Missy’s bathing suits if you want to borrow one. They’re all clean I can promise that.” I said. She looked like she was thinking.
“You sure it’s alright?” she asked. I nodded.
“Yea!” I grabbed my beer taking a sip. “She won’t mind. I’ll have it washed and back up there anyways.” She nodded.
“Alright, I guess.” she said. I started walking upstairs. She followed and we headed to my room.
“BE GENTLE BAM!” Mowhawk yelled. I shook my head as I heard the guys laughing. As we walked in my room I set my beer on the table. It looked like hell. It looked like someone had been murdered in there. I opened the door to the closet and moved everything to the sides. There was a small bureau. I opened the top drawer and moved aside.
“Go ahead and look for whatever you want. The bathroom is over there.” I pointed. She nodded.
“Alright, thanks.” she said grinning.

It was about 5 minuets since I left my room. The guys were already out in the pool. Dunn even popped by with Angie and they joined us, being they were going swimming anyways. I turned around to see Renee wearing her Vains of Jenna tee still.
“You can’t wear that in the pool.” I said.
“Well…” she seemed, uneasy.
“Oh common, you don’t look bad at all.” I said. She took it off. She looked fine, but she looked uneasy.
“You have a FINE body, that’s just the truth.” I said “So why are you shy?” Then I saw why. She had what looked like cut marks on her hips. “Where did those come from?” She looked down.
“That’s why I wanted to wear my shirt.” she said messing with it.
“NO! I mean, don’t worry about it. Whatever it is, you don’t have to talk about it. I mean I barely noticed them, till I looked there.” I said. She looked at me. “I’m being serious. Just, let’s go have fun.” I smiled. She grinned and I handed her, her drink.
“Heyy! Bam! Who’s the girl?” Dunn called. I looked to him.
“This is Renee! She’s cool, be nice to her guys!” I called.
“Hi Renee, I’m Angie!” Ange said. Renee smiled to her.
“Hi there Angie.” she said. Angie took her away and they talked. Louie walked over to me, pushing his wet hair out if his face.
“So, you gonna fuck her?” he asked. I looked to him.
“No.” I said. “One I just met her.”
“Aanndd? That didn’t stop you from the last few.” he made a point.
“Yeahh, so? She’s different. I wouldn’t anyways.” I said. I was being serious. I saw him eye her. And from what I already knew about her, there was something more to it then just cut scars. There was a story she wasn’t telling me. But the look Louie was giving her pissed me off. “Dude you try anything with her, I’ll hurt you.” he looked back at me.
“Dude, why are you so over protective over her all of a sudden?” he asked. I wish I knew even. I shook my head.
“Just don’t.” I said.
“Okay.” he backed off. Then out of nowhere I heard some song playing.
“Not mine.” everyone said.
“I found this in her purse.” Dunn said.
“WHAT! Why are you going through my carrier bag!?” Renee yelled.
“Sorry it fell off the couch.” Dunn said. “The cat knocked it over.” She sat back. Then she started singing. I recognized the song.
“Hey Dunn! Go start this song over! Renee I want you to sing this.” I said. She blushed.
“W-why!?” she called.
“Cause I want you to.” I said.
“B-but why?” her face was red. I never realized just how pale she was.
“Oh please!” Angie begged.
“I’d like to hear you sing.” Cleveland popped in nicely. She looked to him and grinned.
“FINE!” She said annoyed.
“Ahahaha Sounds like you Bam!” Mowhawk called.
“Shut Up!” Both Renee and I called. We looked at each other.
“TWIIIINNNSSSS! I swear!” Louie sing songed at first, then said like stating a fact.
“Well can I start it the FUCK over now?” Dunn asked. We all laughed and I nodded.
“Yeahh!” Then the song by Oh Land, Sun Of A Gun started. We all sat there listening as her unique voice rang through our ears. Though the most shocked face shockingly wasn’t mine. It was Louie AND Cleveland. And as that song ended another came on. I didn’t recognize it but I liked it.
“There are you all happy?” she asked jokingly.
“You have a beautiful voice Nee.” Ryan said. She blushed and hid her face behind her hair.
“Hey hey! No hiding that pretty face!” Louie went to touch her. She moved her head away.
“Awee she’s shy!” Angie put her arm around her. I giggled. It was cute I couldn’t deny it.
“Alright, enough, leave the poor girl be already!” Dunn said.
“Actually, no! I have to get pay back still. Which reminds me…” Louie said picking Renee up.
“AHH! PUT ME DOWN YOU FUCKER!” she yelled.
“NOPE YOU’RE GOING IN WITH ME!” Louie yelled taking her to the slide. They both disappeared going down.
“AHHH!” I heard her scream before hitting the water. We all ran over. “YOU FUCKER!” Renee yelled as she surfaced. Louie could only give his ‘What can I say’ face. I shook my head. There was no way, this party was going on without me. I jumped in doing a back flip. Dunn ran down the slide and tumbled in. Angie came down the slide and landed next to Dunn. Cleveland jumped over the deck. We were having a water polo fight, then Marco Polo. It was a lot of fun that none of us had in a while. Mowhawk was taking pictures as usual. Later in the night we got showered and dried off and watched a movie.

“Dude it’s almost 9.” Cleveland said.
“Oh, do you want to crash here or do you have to go home?” I asked Renee.
“Well I did promise Chris and Chelsey I’d be on Skype tonight.” she said. I nodded.
“Alright, I’ll drive you home when the movie is finished.” I said. She nodded. I got up to get some soda. When I came back Cleveland was in my seat next to her. She seemed to enjoy his company. I was just hoping he wasn’t trying to get sympathy sex. I’d have to kick him for that. They talked about music and he also found out she was a big fan of HIM. He seemed to like her more. I shook my head. The movie was starting back up again, there was only a good 20 minuets left of it. I sat in the beanbag chair Cleveland was previously sitting in with a small hand full of popcorn in my lap. Then of course someone had to interrupt.
“Cleveland stop trying to get laid and watch the fucking movie!” Mowhawk yelled throwing popcorn.
“I’m NOT trying to get laid! I’m getting to know her!” Cleveland yelled back. I looked behind me to Renee shaking her head.
“Pschh, boys will be boys.” she shook her head. She looked back to the movie after it all died down. It was almost 10 minuets in to the end of the movie when it went back to commercial.
“Jeez!” I was irritated, “Why can’t they just show 20 fucking minuets without a commercial interrupting the damned thing!”
“Why don’t you buy the movie?” Renee asked. I looked at her, she had her arms crossed and she gave a cocky look.
“Maybe I will!” I said loudly.
“Well GREAT!” she said as loud and sarcastically.
“God, Bam… When Louie said she was a mini you… Damn…” Mowhawk said. Renee laughed.
“Oh you didn’t believe him?” she asked. He shook his head. I shook mine too and went to take a piss. As I came back out the movie was back on, but Renee had Louie wrestled to the floor. “Oh! You wanna try that again!?” she yelled.
“OW OW OW I’M SORRY!” Louie got out of the hold. “Jeeeeezz, she’s worse then you Bam.” I shook my head.
“Ya sure?” I kicked him.
“Oawe!” he fell to the ground with an oomph. Mowhawk laughed and so did Cleveland.
“So what happened?” I asked.
“He was talking to her after Cleveland went to get another drink for himself and Renee, and Louie started flirting with her and tried to kiss her.” Mowhawk said.
“Well he did out of nowhere and his other hand touched my boob… So I grappled him to the floor and put him in a headlock.” she said.
“That was the coolest thing I’ve seen a chick do!” Dunn called. Angie giggled next to him. I laughed. Then as we all knew it the credits were rolling..
“Awe man!” Renee called. “Ehh awe well, when Bam buys it we should all watch it again, WITHOUT interruptions.” I laughed agreeing.
“Well guys, and gal, Angie and I are gonna head home. I’ll see you all later!” Dunn said.
“Buy guys.” We all said. Angie ran over and gave Renee a hug.
“It was very nice meeting you. Hope to see you soon!” she said.
“You too Angie!” Renee said sweetly. I smiled glad she fit in pretty well.
“Well I’m going to head to bed now. Night guys, and hope to see you again Renee.” Cleveland said kissing her hand.
“Well of course you are! I’m definitely coming over more often.” she said. I nodded,
“Hell Yea!” I called.
“Awesome, well I’m going to head out myself. I’ll upload those pictures from today and send them to you!” Mowhawk called.
“Alright.” I said to him and I looked to Renee. “So you ready?” She nodded.
“Yeah, I got everything.” She said holding her bag. I nodded to her and grabbed my keys.
“Alright let’s go.” I said.

We were halfway back to her house when I turned the music down.
“So what are you doing tomorrow?” I asked. She was looking out the window then to me.
“I don’t know, probably nothing. Why?” she asked. I shrugged.
“Well if you aren’t doing anything, I could come pick you up and we could hang out at my house again. And you could meet Chad and be on Radio Bam.” I said.
“That’d be cool!” she smiled. After that we talked a little more about me. I told her more about Tammy, and how I’m starting to not really want her around anymore. Same with the other 2 girlfriends I have, who I barely see. One I let off and I haven’t spoken to her in awhile. So now technically it’s Tammy and the chick from Cali. Finally we make it to her town and it’s about 9:45. I pull down her road and pull into her parking lot.
“Alright so I’ll see you tomorrow?” I asked her. She nodded. “Cool. Merh… I really don’t want to drive.”
“You look tired.” she said. I nodded.
“I am. The chlorine from the pool is getting to me.” I said.
“If you want, you can crash here. I have a big bed. I don’t mind sharing.” she said. I didn’t want to impose. Nor leave the nidiots alone at the house.
“Are you sure?” I asked. She nodded.
“Doesn’t bother me. Plus you can finally in a way meet Chris.” she said. “My friend Chelsey wont be on being her grand mom would never let her stay up this late.” I nodded.
“Alright sure.” I said.
“Cool. Just pull in back there, there is a parking spot.” she said. I pulled in and saw what she was talking about. I parked and we both got out. When I looked I noticed there were lights on. We walked up and in the backdoor.
“Uhm, you still live with your parents right?” I asked. She nodded.
“Yeah, uhmm, I’m going to tell them a story that I ran into you while up in Phili alright. I’ll say a friend of mine and I went up there and we ran into you. Just go along with the story.” she said. I nodded.
So we go in and sure enough her parents are right there. I wont lie, when I saw her dad, I thought he was Vito. He was just standing up to get a drink. She said hi to her parents and introduced me and they spoke to me a few times. Asked for autographs which was cool. I didn’t think they’d be into the Viva La Bam show or even Jackass, but they were. Her parents were pretty badass. Her dad I learned is in a band called the Cartunzz and I had heard of them from my mom. She said they were pretty good. Soon after we went to her room which was in the attic. It was decked out in posters and almost anything you could think of. She had a fucking Mini Fridge, AND microwave. She had more HIM posters then anything. I saw she had 2 of my posters and a CKY poster. She placed her things in an orange chair, and moved some things out of the Victorian chair she had next to her desk. I sat there and she took her place at her desk.
“I wonder if Chris is still on.” She said turning her monitor on and clicking on her profile. Once it finally loaded she logged back on Skype and low and behold he was. She clicked call on his profile and he answered. She was on webcam. “Hey Chris check to see who’s here.” she said.
“Who?” he asked then saw me on the screen. “HOLY FUCK ANAL-BEAD BAMMIE!” he yelled Renee laughed I hung my head.
“Dude remember I’m bringing you up here!” I said
“I know but, I couldn’t help myself.” he said and finally got on video. Of course as Renee had mentioned awhile earlier he’s a chimney.

We spoke for awhile on skype till about midnight then finally got off when his dad needed to go to sleep. I got out into my boxers not caring, and Renee slipped into boy shorts. We both passed out to the HIM DVD I put in. Solitary Man playing as we fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright so here is part 3.

My father, does indeed look like Don Vito, everyone tells me..
Also ironically they are born on the same day just a different year..
My father is also in a band called the Cartunzz. Check'em out!

Part 4 should be up soon. Please Comments reviews are loved =3