Status: Active

A Picture, A Decision, A Friend

Part 4: A Night At Castle Bam, And Radio Bam

When I woke up, I was surrounded by posters above me. I looked around the room I was in and recognized it. I looked next to me and saw Renee still soundly asleep. I saw the time and it was only 8. The HIM DVD was still on Buried Alive By Love Live was playing. I laid back down not sure for how long with my eyes shut but when I opened them to a stirring Renee it was it was about 11 now. She stretched and so did I. I had to take a mean piss too. Now playing on the TV was And Love Said No.
“Renee where’s your bathroom?” I asked.
“Downstairs to your left. And be careful going down, those steps are steep.” she said. I nodded remembering. I walked in, the bathroom pretty big, it was painted all blue like their kitchen. And her parents bedroom from what I saw. I did what I had to do and carefully made it back upstairs. She had turned the DVD off and had clothes out and a towel laid out.
“Taking a shower?” I asked. She turned from the computer.
“Yeah, I have to check some things first. It’s like OCD.” she laughed. I giggled I understood that. She was done after another good minuet. “If you want to get on and check anything go ahead.” she got up and grabbed her outfit for the day. Which I saw consisted of a Tutu. I cocked a brow. I looked at her wardrobe and saw she had mainly shirts and maybe tank tops. I saw a few dresses. Then I saw where the front window was. She had a mini ghetto walk in closet. She had dressed and heels hidden back there, along with a small bureau. I didn’t dare look through it. I exited the little walk in closet and went and sat at the computer checking some things. Once I was done I left it up and saw if there was anything to watch while I waited. A good 3 minuets later Renee came upstairs dressed in a HIM tee shirt with Ville’s face in red. On the back was a red Heartagram. She wore a tutu like skirt that matched her shirt, and thigh high stockings.
She looked pretty good. She went in the back closet and pulled out Plaid boots and put them on. After that she grabbed her studded belt with Killing Loneliness buckle and put that around her waist. Her hair was still wet and it was wavy instead of straight. She found her beanie and placed that on her head. She walked over to her computer and checked a few things once more then switched users and turned the monitor off.
“Why do you switch users if you’re the only one?” I asked. She looked to me.
“Oh, the bar where the start menu is. When I turn the monitor off or leave it and it goes into hibernate, that bar disappears every damned time.” She shook her head. “It get’s annoying, so I switch users, so when I log in everything is still there and I don’t have to bring up the task manager like 15 times to ex out of things.” I nodded.
“Ahh alright, makes more sense now.” I laughed. “So you ready?” She nodded. She got up and grabbed her messenger bag, everything still in it and we headed out. Her dad was downstairs when we made it to the living room.
“Heading to Bam’s alright.” she said. He nodded and we left. As we got out and into the car, I started it and looked to her.
“You’re dad is really laid back isn’t he.” I said. It was almost reminding me of Phil.
“Yeah, allot of people say he looks like Vito, but say he’s as relaxed as Phil… A friend of mine was like ‘I’m shocked you haven’t found out you and Bam are related yet!’ and I’d be shaking my head saying ‘Yeah well when that day comes I’ll be the fucking pope worshipping Satan!’” she laughed. I almost didn’t know how to take that line. I laughed as I thought of her dressed as the pope worshipping Satan. I began to laugh. The popes robes weren’t what you would normally think of to say the least. Especially if they are worshipping Satan! She laughed and I kept driving. I sped up heading down the highway.
“I don’t know why but the thought of what I just thought of as you dressed as the pope was funny.” I said. She laughed.
“I bet.” It got quiet a moment. “Could I plug my iPod in?” she asked. I nodded to her and she did. A song I did not recognize came on.
“Who’s this?” I asked.
“Kings Of Leon. Four Kicks.” she said. I listened to it not really sure about the genre. “You should see the video!” she laughed. “This is what they used to sound like.” I nodded.
“You’ll have to show me the video when we get to my house.” I said. She nodded to me. After that song went off it was a play list of all different kinds of songs. A Japanese song came on. I looked to her. “What the hell!?” she giggled and started singing. My eyes widened. We were at a stop light. She giggled even more. “I didn’t know you knew Japanese!”
“I know Japanese and Finnish. I’m currently learning Korean, and Swedish.” she said. I looked to her.
“How do you remember all of them?” I asked. She shrugged.
“I guess it’s something that happens. It’s in human nature I guess. Like I know some German, but I have to retake the course.” she said.
“You took German before?” I asked.
“Ja!” she smiled. I laughed.
“You’re really something else.” I said. She nodded.
“I’m told that all the time, but I can’t deny it’s true. We’re all different, only some things to compare to others, or have in common, but in all reality, we’re all human and we’re of the same flesh and blood.” she finished her rant. I really was taken aback. She was intelligent, but a girl her age, shouldn’t be thinking about life like that. It’s like the time where they just want to break free. But looking at her and how content she was. It reminded me of Ville! Damn I can see those two now in countless hours of conversations. The songs changed and A Boy Named Sue by Johnny Cash came on.
“You and Dunn would get along just fine.” I laughed. “And I won’t lie, I never took you for a girl who liked country.” She giggled.
“Oh I like country. Just not many of the artists.” she said. I nodded. As the song was coming to an end we made it to my driveway. I drove up and parked in front of my garage. We got out and headed inside. It was about 1 o’clock now and Cleveland was still passed out. Louie was in his underwear in the kitchen getting food. He looked to the door when Renee and I walked in.
“Dude, where were you last night? You never came home.” he said then looked at Renee’s outfit. I saw his eyebrow twitch.
“I crashed at her place last night. I was too tired to drive home.” I said. He cocked a brow to me. “And if you saw we fucked I’ll kick you and throw you in the pool.” he backed up and went back to what he was doing. I knew Renee shook her head and followed me upstairs. She sat on the couch and pulled out her ringing cell phone. I remembered it as Chris’ call tone. She answered.
“Hei… No I won’t be. I could get on, on my iPod. Though I don’t know how the connection would be.” I looked to her.
“Get on skype?” I asked. She nodded.
“Hold on.” I said and went to my room. I grabbed my laptop I normally never use and took it downstairs. “You can download it on there. It has a built in microphone and webcam.”
“You sure?” she asked. I nodded.
“Yes, go ahead.” I forced it onto her lap. She giggled.
“No problem, also I’ll be in the shower so do whatever.” I said. She nodded.

I had just gotten out of the shower when I heard Cleveland yell.
“GUYS SHUT THE FUCK UP, LOUIE STOP BEING A DICK TO SHOW OFF!” I heard Renee yell. And she sounded pissed. They got quiet. My door was open a crack so I could still hear her. “Chris hold on.” I heard her foot steps, she was still wearing her boots. “Cleveland are you alright.” she asked.
“Yeah, my arm hurts though.” he said. He didn’t sound like he was acting.
“Common, I’ll take you down to get some ice. And Louie, I’m not interested. You’re cool on all but, you need to stop.” she said. “Common Cleveland. You head down, I’ll be right behind you.” she walked to the table and picked up my laptop and headed down behind him. I slipped on a pair of clean boxers and pants I grabbed my purple Turbonegro shirt and headed out. Louie was looking kind of pissed, and disappointed sitting on the couch. I walked down and looked to him.
“I told you not to mess with her.” he sighed looking down. “Dude, the best thing to do is don’t piss her off, just go apologize to them.” he looked at me.
“YOU, who wants to kick Cleveland out, telling someone to apologize. Dude, she changed you fast.” he said. I shook my head.
“Yeah, because I found someone who is like a sister to me.” I said. “Now, if you don’t go and apologize I’ll kick you down there and make you after you’ve fallen.” I was getting pissed. As weird as it sounded, she did seem like a sister to me. She could kick some ass, she had my temper as just witnessed. Louie got up and headed down, I followed him. When we got down there Cleveland’s face went hard and so did Renee’s. Chris was talking on skype.
“Hey Chris can you hold that thought?” I asked.
“Yeah.” I heard him say. I turned to Louie.
“Alright, I’m sorry. I should’ve listened to Bam the first time he said not to piss you off, and Cleveland sorry for that up there. Is your arm alright?” he asked. Renee’s face was hard still a moment. Cleveland looked down.
“I’ll forgive you this time, but something stupid happens again, I’m kicking your ass, and throwing you in the pool.” Renee said.
“And I forgive you, and my arm hurts a little still, the pains going away slowly.” Cleveland said.
“Alright! Now that’s all done and over with!” I called.
“Uhm, what’s going on?” Chris asked. Renee laughed.
“Louie…” She turned the laptop to show him, then turned it back. “Ran into Cleveland here to try and impress me.” All we heard was a heap of laughter.
“Hahahahahaha! Why!?” he asked.
“Well obviously I’m interested.” Louie said. And Chris laughed more.
“It takes allot to impress Renee! I know that!” he said. “She likes an intelligent type of guy, someone she can relate to.” I saw Renee nodding.
“You know me too well Chris.” she said.
“Well other then being the unrelated brother, we do talk all the time, and I’ve known you for years. I just picked it up.” he giggled. Though they weren’t related, I saw that bond they had. I wanted that. Everything died down and it was only 2. Renee and Chris got off skype and we were now sitting upstairs watching TV. Though Renee was sketching in her book. She was sitting in the beanbag chair. I got up to get a drink, when I came back up, I looked over her shoulder. I saw she drew me, Cleveland, Mowhawk, and Louie. They were small portraits of us all on one page with our names under them. She has allot more space to draw bigger pictures but for some reason I think she was saving that.
“Whoa! That’s really good!” I said wide eyed.
“Hey! No looking!” she freaked.
“No looking at what?” Cleveland asked.
“She’s been sketching in that damned thing for about 20 minuets now! And you haven’t noticed?” Louie asked.
“I’m not done so no one is allowed to look!” she called.
“Well too late!” I called and tried to snatch it. But she was faster. She flipped it shut and stuffed it under her shirt.
“No.” She smiled.
“Don’t think I won’t go in there.” I threatened. She cocked a brow.
“Uhh huh, and remember this Margera, you ever put something in your shirt or pants and don’t think I won’t go after it.” she said. I stood there. She couldn’t be serious. I saw her cell phone laying there on the table. I was closer to it now that she got up. I snatched it and stuffed it in my pants.
“Dude, are you really testing her?” Cleveland asked. I nodded to him.
“Not a good idea.” she said.
“Oh yeah?” I questioned. I turned to walk away. She was already behind me turning me. She stuffed her hand down my pants and retrieved her cell phone.
“Yeah, cause I’m not afraid of you and your penis.” she mocked.
“Well then I’m not afraid of your stomach ‘Oooo‘” I made a noise. And when I went to lift her shirt, it wasn’t there. Everyone laughed.
“That’s what you get for turning around!” Cleveland was sprawled on the couch. I knew my face was in complete shock. I just got played, BY A MINI ME! Oh I knew this would be war.
“What’s so funny?” Mowhawk asked.
“Yeah, we walk in downstairs and all we hear is fatass over there busting a gut.” Chad said. Then saw Renee. “Ohh, so who’s this fine young lady Bam?” he walked over. “Another girlfriend? Does Tammy know?” he questioned making a face. Renee laughed.“Well well then, you’re eye is getting bad then.” she said.
“Oh well, well.” he started. I got confused. “Well then little missy what are you doing here with the skateboarder superstar then?” I was more than confused. Last I remember she didn’t have CKY in her meetings folder.
“Oh common Chad!” she said.
“Oh common NN!” he went. I thought a second.
“How do you two know each other?” I asked.
“What I want to know?” all the others said in unison.
“Oh! Well, let’s see.” Chad began.
“A friend of mine who he knows threw a party awhile back, I was invited and so was he. I thought the band was touring but it turned out they postponed some things and he was able to go.” Renee started.
“We bumped into each other and she was wearing a GG Alan shirt and we started talking. She was 17 at the time, so I made sure most of the guys who ended up showing up laid off her. Me and her have been buds since.” he put her in a head lock and messed her hair up.
“Ginsburg! I will flip you on your ass if you don’t let me out of this headlock!” she snapped. He immediately let go.
“Not having a bruised tailbone again!” he said. I laughed.
“This is really a small world.” I laughed.
“So Bam-Bam how did you meet NN here?” he asked. I laughed and Renee and I both said Twitter. He laughed. “No seriously.” he looked at us.
“No that’s seriously the truth.” Renee was scratching the back of her head.
“It was out of boredom too.” I said. Chad was speechless.
“YOU BORED!” he yelled then bust out in a fit of laughter. “That-that’s just too good!” As I knew it everyone was just laughing. We all calmed down with it and sat around talking about what has been going on the past week. It was hitting about 5 o’clock now and Tammy walked through the door. We were all watching some bullshit movie when she walked in. Louie was on the floor sprawled looking at the TV upside-down Mowhawk had the beanbag chair. Cleveland was sitting on the loveseat and Chad, Renee and I sat on the couch. I had my arm rested behind Renee, Chad was leaning in an angle somewhat hanging off the couch.
“My god how I missed yo-.” She stopped herself. “Uhm hi?” she questioned. Jealousy in her eyes.
“Oh hey babe.” I wasn’t enthusiastic. I got up and gave her a kiss not really meaning it. She kissed back not meaning it at all. She looked at me and whispered.
“Who is she?” she seemed pissed.
“She’s a friend.” I said simply.
“A friend of mine. “ Chad cut in. “I met her awhile back. Bam and her happened to meet randomly.” telling the truth.
“Yeah, she’s cool.” I said. Her eyes weren’t trusting. I knew she already had to deal with the fact I was married, and that I wasn’t divorcing neither. She gave me ‘We need to talk’ look. We went downstairs and into the laundry room. We had an argument before she believed me that I wasn’t fucking her. And we went back upstairs. When we got there Renee and Chad were gone. “Where’d they go?”
“Out on the deck.” Mowhawk said. I nodded and looked to Tammy and she sat down. I walked over and out onto the deck to laughing.
“Wait-wait, so tomorrow Bam and you are going to pick up your friend Chris?” he asked. Renee nodded.
“Yeah, our friend bailed on us so Bam was cool to pay for his ticket.” she said taking a drag. “I thought it was kind of, sweet.” she grinned.
“Why thanks.” I said barging in. They looked to me.
“So things cleared up with Tammy?” Chad asked. I nodded looking down. I wish she wasn’t here tonight, especially before Radio Bam. Renee who was going by NN was invited onto the show and I know Tammy will want a headset. Hopefully someone will come in and take that last one out of her hands. Then as if my prayers were answered I heard through to the front door.
“OHHHH BAMMY-PIE!” Frantz’s voice rang through the house. I turned thankful that he had walked through the door. Chad and Renee looked through the sliding glass door as I was walking through.
“Frantz!” I called “What’re you doing here?”
“Well I thought why not visit! AND I have stories! I hope not all the mic’s are taken?” he asked. I shook my head.
“HELL NO! Also, I have someone I want you to meet.” And as I said that Renee walked through with Chad. “Frantz, this is Renee or NN, Renee, Frantz.”
“Hi there beautiful.” He kissed her hand.
“Oh kittos.” she giggled. I shook my head. Chad distracted her for a moment.
“How old is she?” he whispered without looking away from her.
“18, and don’t try anything.” I whispered. He looked to me and turned.
“Dude are you sure?” he whispered seriously. I nodded.
“Yes, and no you’re not putting your monster cock on her face you sick bastard.” I seriously gave him a face.
“Alright, there’s a reason, you’ll tell me later.” he said and I nodded. “So is she on Radio Bam tonight?” I nodded.
“Yeah she is. We have a funny story to tell.” I said.
“Yeah we do too.” Chad said also about himself and Renee. I laughed.
“Hey it’s almost time, shouldn’t we get in the room?” Louie asked. I nodded.

We had everything set up and everyone besides Tammy had a headset. Mowhawk and Louie had their normal seats. Chad was next to me and next to him was Renee. Where Tammy normally sat got taken up by Frantz. Tammy seemed pissed about that. As the intro went through I started off as usual.

“Awe yeah, fuck yeah! Alright so this past week has been really weird, random, and downright nasty!” I was enthusiastic.
“Well, well Bam Bam let’s start off with your week!” Chad called.
“Yeah, alright tonight we have Chad, AS per usual, Frantz who came as a surprise visit to tell some jokes and stories, Mowhawk doing what he does, Louie just to be here, Cleveland being fat! AND a new friend of mine…Miss NN!” I called into the headset. “Say hello.”
“Moi listeners out there!” she had a slight accent. It was cute. I grinned.
“Alright so Chad said to start off with me, let’s see what happened, Tuesday, went out with the dipshits, and pretty much did nothing, Wednesday - Thursday drove around and fucked with ape at her job, Friday went to the club, Saturday, went to The Note, and Sunday, Saw Missy, and hung out with NN.”
“Alright but how exactly did you two meet?” Frantz asked.
“Well I’ll go next then…” Renee spoke up. “Pretty much my whole week consisted of looking for a job, being an Insomniac, and randomly talking to him.” she pointed to me. “Through twitter. We spoke a few, he added me to face book, he picked me up and we hung out for the day. Now I’m here.” She laughed.
“So you spoke to her… OVER TWITTER!” Frantz busted into laughter. Tammy seemed pissed because I never told her that… Now I would’ve if she didn’t bitch and scream at me earlier. Well now she knew and I didn’t really care. The laughter from Frantz died down when the next story came and continued.

“So wait, wait… You took her to some stripper joint and she didn’t care?” Renee questioned. Frantz nodded.
“Yeah, then I was being a complete dick and she still didn’t take the hint!” He went on.
“So she didn’t take the hint that you wanted nothing to do with her?” Renee cocked a brow. “If I were you, I would’ve tried another method.” She said plainly.
“LIKE WHAT!?” Frantz snapped.
“Hmm, did you ever think of having a party while she was out one day and just bang out like 3 girls? Ya know how you like to just throw your cock in their faces? I mean she must’ve really liked you for your dick as long as it wasn’t in some other chicks face.” She said plainly. I couldn’t help but laugh.
“So, so wait, wait… YOU WERE WITH THE JERSEY SMOKER AGAIN!?” She yelled. And as I thought about it… It seemed like he got caught with another Jersey Smoker besides the fact she was from Newark Delaware. Frantz’s face was priceless and I was laughing harder. Everyone began to laugh.
“DUDE! DEFINITELY A MINI BAM!” Mowhawk called.
“Alright, alright time for our first break, and Miss NN you choose a song.” I said. We all looked at Renee. She thought a moment.
“Break The Clouds, Eyeshine.” She said. We all looked to her. I have no idea who it was. She pulled out her iPod and went through it then handed it to Mowhawk. He plugged it in and hit play. It wasn’t a bad song.

During Break:
“So… Damn… DAMNIT BAM! How the fuck did you find a mini you?” Frantz asked shocked. Chad, Renee and I laughed.
“It just happened. I’m still kind of pissed CHAD, never introduced us before!” I punched his arm.
“Yeah!” Renee did the same on his other arm.
“God damn! Just gang up on me!” He called. We all laughed. The song was finally came to an end and we went back.

“Ahh, man, I can’t believe NN here got you man.” I said.
“Neither can I.” Frantz said. Renee giggled and so did Chad.
“Ohh! I just got an idea!” Cleveland called. We all looked to him. “NN call your friend Chris!” Her smile went so wide I started laughing.
“Every time I call him he always answers with something stupid. Let’s see what he answers with tonight.” she said. I nodded.
“Also people, who we are about to call is a good friend of mine in Georgia, Bam and I are picking him up in the morning.” She said and began to dial him. We waited as it rang then he finally answered.
"THERE IS NO 11 YOU FUCKING WHORE!" He yelled. Everyone started laughing
"Dude you're on radio Bam." I said. He got quiet a moment.
"R-really... I just embarresed myself on radio..." Chris said.
"No, it's not as bad as me putting Louie in a headlock." Renee said.
"Wait, Renee why are you putting little defenseless people in headlocks" Chris asked.
"LOUIE WASN'T DEFENSLESS!" Cleveland yelled.
“Wait you gotta tell this story." Chad said.
“So do the rest of the people!” Chad said.
“Yeah! Why did she have you in a headlock?” Frantz asked. Louie face palmed embarrassed.
“Alright so here’s what happened!” Renee went on.

The whole hour consisted of our stories, some of Chris’ before he had to get off the phone, and Renee ending it with Disco Pogo by Bloodhound Gang. That night was probably the best I had, had in a long, long time. Tammy was pissed off and even left early throughout the show. I was thankful. Frantz, and Mowhawk left for home, and apparently Renee had a change of clothes with her.
“So wait, when did you do that?” I asked.
“I put a change of clothes in my bag last night when you were checking things on the computer. Thought it’d be easier then picking me up again.” she said. I nodded. “So where do I sleep?” she looked to the couch. And before Louie or Cleveland said anything.
“With me of course! I’m not letting you sleep on the couch.” I said. She looked to me. She knew I had guest rooms. But I wasn’t trusting Louie at the moment. I whispered to her. “I don’t trust Louie from how he’s been acting.” she nodded.
“Yeah, good idea, he touches me and I castrate him.” she said evily. I laughed.
“Yeah you’re staying with me.” I shook my head. I wasn’t trying anything with her, and as I was feeling right now, I wasn’t trusting anything. She got changed and we watched TV till we passed out. That next morning, I could feel it, it was going to be crazy.
♠ ♠ ♠
There's part 4 for everyone's reading =D

Also here is the link to her outfit: