Sequel: Lean On Me
Status: Please re-read chapter 29; The Battle Begin's, I have changed a few things....PLEASE RE-READ CHAPTER 29.

Till the End of the Road.

Clear at last

Chapter Sixteen

The next few days things didn’t go back to normal, everyone was still freaking out. Bill and Fleur were back, having breakfast with the family. Still nobody knew where Harry, Ron and Hermione were, Mr. Weasley had sent a Patronus message to them but nobody knew if they had gotten it or not. After breakfast Mr. Weasley and Bill sat close together, talking in rushed, hushed tones, Mrs. Weasley was off busying herself, trying to act as if not knowing the where abouts of Harry, Ron and Hermione didn’t bother her, but everyone knew she was a nervous wreck. The conversation between the people at the table turned to Remus, for what Erin didn’t know, but all the same she jumped up and left the room, going to sit in the living room. She sat there for while, just thinking. She could hear Mr. Weasley go off to work, and Bill do the same, and still she just sat there, not sure what else to do with herself. Just then, Fred and George walked in, another man fallowing them.

“Erin, this is Lee Jordan, a friend from Hogwarts… Lee, this is Erin” said Fred.

“Nice to meet you” smiled Lee.

“Same here” said Erin, halfheartedly smiling back.

“We three will be taking you back to Monty’s to get your things” said George, Monty was still in ST. Mungo’s, nobody knew if he would be alright or not, there was no cure for his ailment.

“All my stuff’s been blown up,” said Erin, standing up.

“We’ll see what we can do about that,” said Lee. “We might be able to repair some stuff.”

Erin nodded and all four of them went outside and apparated back to Monty’s hillside house, it looked the same as it did on the night she had returned there. The door was still blown off and there were holes and blasts everywhere, all of them went back to where her room was and dug around in the wreckage. A few hours later, they all returned to the Burrow to have dinner. After that, Lee left and Erin once again sat in the living room, rather depressed and bored.

“Mum says Lupin was here to see you,” said Fred, as he and George walked into the living once again and took seats.

“Yeah?” Erin barked. “Who cares?”

“I heard dad say this s’moring that he hasn’t been home with Tonks the last fortnight” Fred went on.

“Mum reckons he’s just scared be…”

“I don’t really care to be honest,” Erin then said, a bit louder then she had planned. “I don’t want to talk about him or see him… or....or anything…”

“I wish you’d give him a break.”

“Why should I give him a break?” she demeaned of Fred.

“Because the bloke has problems,” said George.

“I don’t care… not [i[my problem… he has Tonks to take care of him….”

“We over heard them telling Mum at the wedding… she’s pregnant” said Fred.

“Who is?” Erin asked, slightly confused.

“Tonks” answered George.

“We reckon it happen before they got married… they’ve no…”

“They’ve not been married long enough…” Erin stood up quick, her eyes wide, it all made sense now.

“And Lupin being the good guy he is….” George trailed off.

“He wanted to do the right thing” finished Fred.

“Of course he did” Erin mused, it all was clear now, suddenly she felt guilty, guilty for being so mean to him. “Even if he didn’t want to.”

“We don’t reckon he doesn’t love Tonks, Erin, we just reckon he wasn’t ready for marriage” said Fred, looking wary at Erin.

“Where did your dad say he was?” Erin then asked, ignoring Fred’s statement.

“Nobody knows,” said George. “We only know he was here today and hasn’t been home with Tonks.”

“That doesn’t mean he won’t go back,” Fred said, giving George alarmed glances as they watched Erin’s eyes widen bigger by the second. But it had all became clear to her now, everything made sense, and she had to find him, find him and apologize, this changed everything, Erin didn’t fully understand how it changed things. He was still married, he was even going to be a father, but it did, it changed everything. She went sprinting out of the living room and to the back door, but before as she could so much as get over the threshold, she felt two hands pulling her back, Fred and George on either side of her.

“Are you mental?” shouted Fred.

“Do you think you’re going to go out and find him?” asked George.

“He could be anywhere, you’ll never find him” shouted Fred.

However, Erin said nothing, because as they stood there, shouting at her, she was forming a plan, she would leave in the night, when they were all sleeping, she didn’t know where Remus was, but she knew where she wanted to go.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it is so short... the next one will be longer, do you think Erin's mental? At times I do think she is... anyway... 2 more comments and I will post another!!!
