Sequel: Lean On Me
Status: Please re-read chapter 29; The Battle Begin's, I have changed a few things....PLEASE RE-READ CHAPTER 29.

Till the End of the Road.


Chapter Twenty-One

“Oh, I’m so sorry… I didn’t mean to… I… I’m sorry….”

“It’s ok, Erin” said Remus, they had both jumped up from the couch now; Remus already had his wand out. “Go find the others we formed a plan in case such things happen… tell them to get you out, I will go out and…”

“No you won’t!” Erin shouted and grabbed his arm, for he was already heading to the front door. “You think I’m going to let you go out there and get killed?”

“Erin please, be reasonable.”

“You be reasonable, I’m not letting you go get killed!” she shouted at him.

“Were all going to be tortured and killed if you don’t listen to me,” he told her, in a hushed yell. Just then, Fred and George came sprinting out of the kitchen, just as there was a loud bang from on the other side of the door, Fred and George now had their wands out too. They all stood close together, as a blast was heard and the door blew off the hinges.

“Alright” said a dirty looking man as he came over the threshold. “Don’t anybody move.”

“Yeah cause were s’pose to sit back and let you blast off our door, eh?” said Fred, Erin turned and looked at him, he had to be an idiot to bad mouth a Death Eater like that, he smirked down at her before she turned back around quick to see the man walking around them, looking at them all strangely. He stopped right in front of Erin, who was still holding onto Remus’ arm, the man looked down at her hand and then back up at her face.

“What’s a pretty young thing like you doing with the likes of a beat up, old bloke like him?”

“I was attacked by a werewolf,” said Remus, he seemed to have taken offense to this. “What’s your excuse?”

“Hm, is that so?” the man smirked. “What’s your name?”

“Wilberforce” said Remus, quite proudly. “Moony Wilberforce.”

“Moony Wilberforce?” the man asked, suspiciously.

“Got a problem with my name?” Remus asked, threatening.

“We’ll see about that… you, pretty, what’s your name?” the man now looked at Erin again, her eyes grew big and she looked up to Remus who was staring off beyond the unhinged door.

“Er….Erin” she muttered.

“Last name?” the man asked, getting impatient.

“Er….Bl…Black” she said quickly, the first name that popped into her mind.

“Erin Black you say?” asked the man. “Any relation to Bellatrix Lestrange? You know even if you did it might not help you.”

“I don’t know who you’re talking about” Erin lied.

“Hm, don’t you?” he looked over Erin’s head and stared at the Weasley twins . “You two look like you’re a couple of Weasleys.”

“What?” asked Fred, sounding annoyed. “Just because we’ve got red hair?”

“I find that insulting,” added George. The man and the twins bickered back and forth a bit. All the while Remus bent down slowly and whispered to Erin.

“Greyback is outside, if he comes in here he will know me, and ruin any slim chance we have of us escaping.”

“What are were going to do then?” Erin asked back, her voice in rushed whisper.

“I haven’t the foggiest idea…”

“What are you two whispering about?” the dirty man then spat at them.

“Just wondering if you’ve even got the dark mark on you… being second rate and all,” said Remus, Erin gasped at this and stared wide eyed at Remus.

“Yeah, it must be awful having to do You-Know-Who’s dirty work…. The direst of work” said Fred.

“Do you lot get paid for it?” asked George. “Bet not.”

The man with dirt stains on his face and clothes looked as if he were a snake about to strike, he suddenly yelled names Erin didn’t know and three other men walked in.

“Round this lot up, pureblood or not were taking them in.”

But a rather hairy man, who was rather tall was walking towards them, ignoring what the dirty man had said.

“Lupin, how nice to see you again” the man said, with fakeness in his voice.

“Can’t say the same, Greyback,” said Remus, he quickly turned around and shot Fred and George a look, they nodded once and then Remus turned back to the men. “Oh, and I really do love what you’ve done to Bill Weasley, some of your best work, I presume?”

“Thought you’d enjoy it,” the hairy man growled. “Not as fun as biting em young though.”

“Always the same with you isn’t it?” Remus asked. “Will you ever stop giving werewolves a bad name?”

“Not if I can help it.”

“Right, of course, once a disgusting, deranged man, always a disgusting, deranged man, I am not shocked to see your working with You-Know-Who again either, still not worthy enough of a mark though, are you?”

“Watch it!” spat Greyback and he came at Remus, but just then Erin stepped in front of him.

“Don’t even think about it!” she yelled, pushing herself in front of Remus even more, making him knock into the Weasley twins who were still standing behind them.

“Oh, how cute, Lupin, you’ve got yourself a….” But the man trailed off, breathing in deep and then growled. “A mudblood.”

The hairy man grinned, showing his pointy, yellow teeth. Erin backed up even more; the man was looking at her as if she were some sort of food.

“Take the rest in, let me have the girl,” he growled.

“We’ve got to take them all in,” said one of the two other men.

“No one will know if one is missing, don’t report it…”

“I’ll know,” said Remus, pulling Erin’s arm and making her move from in front of him. “And if you want her you’ve got to get through all of us…. NOW!”

Suddenly red lights were shooting in every direction, Erin stood there confused a second before she pulled out her own wand. Fred and George took on the two men that came in with Greyback, Greyback however went right after Remus, who was attempting to stun him, but failing. The third man, the dirty one, looked around slightly perplexed, seemingly, he did not want to duel anyone. So Erin pointed her wand at him and shouted.

“Stupefy” and he fell to the floor without knowing who hit him. She then went running after Remus who was now standing by the front door. Greyback was rounding on Remus; he had just missed Greyback with a stunning spell and now was trying to get the oversized man outside. Erin pointed her wand at the back of his hairy head and did the stunning spell Remus had just tried, Greyback froze and fell to the ground, Remus hurried over him and grabbed Erin’s arm, but just then Grayback twitched, he was coming out of the spell already.

“Go find Lee, he will know what to do, get yourself out and we will meet you there when we can” Remus yelled in her direction. She had no time to argue for Greyback had just gotten up from the floor and went bounding after Remus, who fled outside. Erin watched as the men dueled outside in the almost darkness. She turned to look for Fred and George; Fred was dueling with the two nameless men whilst George was nowhere to be seen, a sinking feeling filled Erin at this, where had George gone?

She went running into the kitchen to see if he was there, her heart pounding, but he was…..he stood by the kitchen table looking rather annoyed, and sweaty.

“He left, the damn git left you here… it was his job to get you out!” George shouted.

“Forget it, get your ass out here and help your brother!”

George fallowed Erin back into the living room, one if the men had just gotten off the floor, but before he could go after Fred again George yelled, running straight at him, Erin watched as the Weasley twins battled these men for a few seconds before she saw Fred being shot back on to the wall. His wand had flown out of his hand and he lay there helpless on the floor.

The man over top of him laughed before pointing his wand at Fred, but Erin was having none of that and she pointed her wand at the man, he wasn’t even expecting it, she did the disarming spell and the man’s wand shot from his hand, he wheeled around and with a smirk went to make a run at Erin.

“Petrificus Totalus!” Erin shouted and the man froze, going stiff he fell to the ground; Erin walked around him and held her hand out for Fred, to help him up. He smiled at her as he staggered to his feet.

“Wow, Erin, I reckon Lupin’s wrong about you.”

Just then George came strutting over to them, Erin looked behind him and seen that he had stunned the man he was dueling with.

“Where’d Lupin go anyway?” Fred then asked, a wrenching feeling once again took Erin over, her eyes bugged out as she went racing outside, the twins on her tail. Everything was deadly silent, nobody was out there, nothing was making noise, where was Remus? Her mind gave horrible images of a hurt Remus, clinging to life just a few feet from where they stood now, or perhaps Greyback had killed him. No it was too much, she couldn’t take it, she tried to run into the forest, trying to find him, but she felt two strong hands grab her shoulders.

“You can’t go off looking for him, now,” Fred told her, Erin saw the worry in his eyes though, even in the dark, they all needed Remus, but not as much as she did, she felt as if she could not go on without him.

“Maybe we should just go…” George trailed off; looking nervously behind him, those spelled would not last forever on the men inside the cabin.

“No!” Erin shouted, feeling the tears well in her eyes. “We can’t leave…he….he will be back…he will!”

“We can’t wait much longer, Erin” said Fred, Erin was shocked, he was not being his prat self at all.

“We can’t leave him…” she trailed off, her voice almost a whisper. She turned back to look at the dark trees that were all around them. Suddenly a crunch made her quickly turn her head to the left; there was a shadowed figure coming towards them, Fred and George hurried and got in front of Erin their wands drown, but who staggered out of the thick of trees was Remus Lupin. Erin pushed Fred and George out of her way, quickly and went rushing to him and hugged him tightly, not even caring that he did not hug back, instead he groaned.

“He fled” Remus said, over the top of Erin’s head, she could hear Fred and George mumbling and as she slowly pulled away from her lonely hug, Remus smiled quickly down at her before looking away.

“We have to get out of here,” then said Fred, looking back at the cabin. “We’ve got to go meet Lee.”

“That damn git left without her,” said George, still in shock over this.

“I’m sure he was just panicking, and he needed to get the Potterwarch equipment out before they saw it, all and all she does seem to be intact so I can’t be too upset,” said Remus. Erin had now latched onto his arm again and did not plan to let go, for she had been far too scared she had lost him.

“She was bloody brilliant” then said Fred, smiling proudly now. “I thought you said she was delicate? This girl can really kick arse is all I know.”

“I still think you’re a wanker” Erin smiled at Fred and he smirked at this.

“We should probably get on with it now” then said Remus, his voice sounding rather annoyed and horse now.

“But our stuff?” Erin then asked. “All our clothes and food?”

“I trust everyone has kept their bags packed?” Remus asked, with a raised eye-brow.

“Yeah” all three of them said together. Remus nodded and pulled out his wand, only a few seconds went by before five bags were lying on the ground in front of them. Fred and George heaved up the luggage and George took Erin’s hand, Fred on the other side of George. They all then closed their eyes and the ground left them. When Erin felt ground again she opened her eyes to see more woods, if it wasn’t for how drastically darker it was she would think she was in the same place. They all looked around, trying to find Lee.

“He did know where to go, didn’t he?” Erin asked, concerned.

“Indeed he did…” Remus trailed off

“Then where the hell is he?” Fred yelled from behind them, Remus did not brother to turn around and look at him, but Erin did, she watched as Fred waved around his arms in an angry fashion. “First he forgets Erin then he’s nowhere to be seen…. I mean…. Where the…..”

“Keep your knickers on, Freddie, I’m here” came the voice of Lee Jordan suddenly, he came from behind a few trees, heaving a brown box with him. “Just had a look around, there’s nothing for miles as far as I can tell.”

“What are we going to do now?” Erin asked, turning to Remus.

“We can go stay with our auntie Muriel; she lives around here…somewhere" said George.

“Is she the one who told me I should dress nicer?” Erin asked.

“I don’t know” smirked Fred. “Did she tell you she was a hundred and seven?”


“Then, yeah, that was her… isn’t she a gem?” Fred smiled; George rolled his eyes behind him.

“I don’t want to go stay with her…. I’d rather go live with rats….”

“I’ll make sure Wormtail gets the message then…” Remus trailed off, Erin suddenly felt bad for saying that, but it was true; she didn’t want to go stay with that old bird. “However if it keeps us all safe… and we all reframe from using You-Know-who’s name…. we will be find there for a few weeks.”

“I didn’t mean to say it… I…I’m sorry” Erin looked down at her shoes.

“No one’s blaming you, Erin, but we should all get on with it, how far away is your aunt’s?” Remus then asked the twins.

“Not that far, we can apparate us there.”

“I suggest we do that, and quickly” said Remus, for there had just been a disturbance behind them. They all grasped hands again, with the add of Lee this time, who needed help with the big brown box. Once in front of an old looking house, Fred and Lee set down the box and George went ahead to the door, after only a few moments wait George came back with the old lady that had told Erin she should dress nicer. She stood around tuting as Lee, Fred heaved up the brown box again, and George guided them inside.

“You, you’re a werewolf correct?” she asked, as she walked ahead of Remus and Erin.

“Yes I am” said Remus, Erin watched as he looked around the house, the old women guided them into the kitchen and they sat down. Soon the Weasley Twins and Lee joined them.

“And this is not the same young lady I saw you with at the wedding is it?” the old lady asked, Remus, he sat there a few seconds, not saying anything at all, everyone was staring at him.

“No, this is Erin….” Remus finally trailed off.

“Yes, the one who dresses badly, I say girl, do try to present yourself better” snapped the old woman and went over to the kitchen counter. Fred looked over at Erin and smirked hugely, she shot him a dirty look right before their Aunt turned around. “So, you’ve left your wife, have you?”

“I wouldn’t say it in that ma…”

“Yes, I would, I would say you’re off running around with some other bird that you’ve left her for.”

“I’m not running around with anyone, thank you, I have a duty to uphold” said Remus, turning red faced once more. “Dumbledore entrusted me with her safety.”

“Yes, I’m sure ol’lying Dumbledore isn’t one to cross” smirked the old lady. “Haven’t you read Rita Skater’s book?”

“I don’t believe any of that rubbish, and I will not waste my time reading it,” said Remus.

“Best believe it boy; your precious Dumbledore wasn’t a saint like we thought, eh?”

“Whatever Dumbledore did before, I still think he was wicked,” said Fred, Auntie Muriel looked over at him and frowned.

“Move it boy, I am a hundred and seven” she hit Fred over the head with a white glove she once wore on her left hand and he was quick to move. After dinner Muriel showed them to their rooms, Lee, Fred and George all shared a room while Erin and Remus both got their own rooms. Once settled Erin ventured out into the hall and saw Remus looking out the window at the end of the hall, she hurried down to him and stared at him, watching the half-moon in his eyes.

“Did Greyback hurt you?” she finally asked.

“No, nothing worth conserving ourselves over” he answered, his voice slightly deflated.

“No one thinks you’re running away from Tonks….” Erin then trailed off, she was sure this was his problem.

“But, aren’t I?”

“No, your….your…I don’t really know, but you’re not running.”

“I am beginning to think Harry was right” he sighed, running his hand through his hair.

“Harry was right about what?” Erin asked confused.

“Nothing, it doesn’t matter now,” said Remus, turning away from the window. “Were starting Potterwatch tomorrow, we have found a good location to do the broadcast then we will come back here…”

“Am I s’pose to stay here while you go off and do this?”

"That is up to you, if you wish to come…”

“I do…”

A few minutes of silence filled the hall, Erin’s mind then wondered to what Muriel had said about Dumbledore.

“Remus, what was she talking about when she said Dumbledore was a….”

“Oh, there’s a book going around about Dumbledore, but none of the Order believes any of it, it’s all rubbish if you ask me… don’t believe what you hear about Dumbledore.”

“I’ll believe whatever you tell me,” said Erin, Remus looked down at her with a pitied look. Soon they were interrupted by Auntie Muriel herself, who tuted at them as she walked past them to her room.

“Do you think I dress badly?” Erin then asked him, he had the best opinion anyway, well maybe not the best, but the one Erin valued the most.

“No, not at all, you dress….er…just fine” he muttered, looking out the window again. They stood there longer in a silence Erin didn’t know how to break, and soon Remus dismissed himself, saying he was rather tired and needed to go to bed, and Erin soon did the same, but sleep did not take her over, she lay there for hours, just thinking.
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K, I'll post again tom, I rather like this chapter a lot, Remus used the name Wilberforce, funny story about that really, I had used the name without really thinking about it, but then as I went on I was like "Where have I heard this name before?" It turns out it had something to do with James and Sirius.. so I left it.... it makes the moment more cute :*

2 comments please!!!