Sequel: Lean On Me
Status: Please re-read chapter 29; The Battle Begin's, I have changed a few things....PLEASE RE-READ CHAPTER 29.

Till the End of the Road.

Teddy Lupin.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

As April rolled around Harry Potter had escaped from Malfoy Manor, no one was supposed to know this, but a few of the Order member’s did, Harry, Ron and Hermione now were staying at Bill and Fleur’s, though no one was supposed to know this either. Tonks was huge at this point and she had rather a lot of trouble getting around, not used to being so big. Remus being the great husband he is helped her around and fond over her like she was a baby herself. Erin mostly stuck to her room, reading and rereading her Dark Art’s books, Remus often talked about how he feels there was going to be another battle soon, Erin really hoped not, she hated those blasted battles. Erin stood in the kitchen with Andromeda making dinner while Remus and Tonks were in the living room, who knew what they were doing; Erin really didn’t what to know either. Just as she had rolled her eyes at that thought a yell came from the living room area. Erin turned around from stirring the soup on the stove and Andromeda got up from the table quick, where she had been cutting up Leaks, Erin rushed into the living room, Andromeda behind her drying her hands on a towel.

“What’s the matter?” Andromeda asked, concerned.

“It….blooody…hurts!” yelled Tonks, Remus stood there wide-eyed, looking a bit green and very guilty.

“Alright, this is it…” trailed off Andromeda. “Come with me, Dora, dear, can you make it up the stairs?”

“I am an Auror, mum,” Tonks growled and heaved herself off the couch, her face turned white at once. “I can’t do it…”

“I figured as much, Remus, can you carry her?”


“I’ll help him” Erin jumped in quick, for Remus looked too frightened to even speak. Andromeda Nodded and went to prepare the area, Erin walked over to Remus and gave him a very kind nudge, he heaved a sigh and walked over to Tonks, who was still white faced and was cursing under her breath. He heaved her up wedding style and she told him off for it, he said nothing looking now red in the face as Erin walked in front of them, making sure he did not bump Tonks into the wall or any other hazard. Once to their room, Andromeda came running out and helped him into the room, Erin waited in the hall staring at the closed door, one half of her sort of wondered what was going on in there and the other half of her vowed to never have children when she heard Tonks screaming. Soon Remus was also pushed out of the room; he leaned against the wall looking horrified.

“It will be alright, Remus…” Erin trailed off, trying to comfort him, yet it didn’t seem to work and he had seemed to have lost his will to speak. “Would you like some tea while we wait?”

He just nodded and Erin rushed down the stairs, she made the tea as quick as she could but right when she had gotten back to the hall, with his cup of tea Andromeda was talking to him in the hall, he nodded and fallowed his mother in law into the room, shutting the door behind them, Erin sighed and turned back around taking the tea back into the kitchen. An hour had gone passed and no one had come down to tell her anything yet, she was rather curios as to what was going on up there, had Tonks had the baby yet or not? She would hope someone would come tell her so she didn’t have to be so worried. Another hour had passed and Erin had finished the soup, though did not eat any of it. She sat at the kitchen table, just waiting. Suddenly there was a loud bang overhead, like someone had fallen. Erin jumped up and rushed to the stairs, only to see Remus rushing down them, his face a bit flushed. She was about to ask him what was wrong when he came at her and pulled her into a bone crushing hug, he picked her up, sipping around before setting her down again and placing his hands on her shoulders, at this point Erin had no idea what the bloody hell was going on.

“Oh, Erin…dear, Erin…it’s a boy… can you believe it, a boy” Remus exhaled, looking more flushed then Erin had ever seen him. “A son… I can’t believe it…”

“That’s great” she smiled.

“We’ve named him Teddy, after Dora’s father… I still… a son…” he trailed off, beaming like Erin had never seen him beam before.

“Teddy, that’s cute… is Tonks alright?”

“She’s great…. A son… a boy…We’ve named harry our godfather, its only right….wait…Harry” he half yelled, he let go of Erin’s shoulders and rushed over to the front door, pulling off his cloak from the coat rack. “I will be back… not to worry!”

And with that he wrenched open the door slamming it shut rather loudly. Erin stood, staring after him, rather confused, yet still with a smile on her face, Remus Lupin really was something. Just then Andromeda came down the stairs, looking rather tired.

“Where has Remus gone?”

‘I have no idea…”

“What do you mean?”

“He said he would be back” said Erin, shrugging. “He’s gone off to do something… he’s really happy right now.”

“I seen, he nearly passed out.”

“That’s funny” Erin smiled again.

“Not when he was holding the baby isn’t not…”

“Well, he was nervous, I’m sure” Erin smiled still.

“Right, you can go up and see him if you’d like, Dora is trying to get some rest, but I am sure she wouldn’t mind you coming in.”

Erin nodded and Andromeda went into the kitchen, once Erin was up the stairs she knocked on Remus and Tonks’ bedroom door and heard a faint ‘come in,’ she pushed open the door to see Tonks laying in the bed holding a bundle in her arms, she looked even more tired than Andromeda and almost had red faced as Remus.

“Wotcher, Erin” she smiled, meekly.

“Um, how’s it going?”

“Not bad” Tonks smiled, looking down at the thing in her arms again. “How about you?”

“I’m alright…”

“Wanna to see him?”

“I do” Erin smiled.

“He looks just like Remus, of course, Remus doesn’t think so, but he can be a real… what is it you call Fred? A wanker?”

Erin laughed and slowly made her way to Tonks’ bedside; she peered beyond the white blankets to see blue hair.

“Mum says she thinks he’s a morpher too, but only time will tell, I think the turquoise hair is cute,” said Tonks.

“I…I think so too” Erin muttered.

“Want to hold him?”


“Oh, come on, sit down” said Tonks, Erin did what she had said and sat on the edge of the bed, Tonks sat up and placed the bundle in Erin’s arms. Erin looked down at the baby, she could see him better now, and he did look very much like Remus, though if he was indeed a Metamorphmagus then that could change at will, though Erin was sure that wouldn’t be for a few years. Erin smiled down at the baby, she was very happy for them, though she still couldn’t help but feel slightly jealous and sort of like she wanted to cry. Soon she handed the baby back to his mother and told Tonks she would let her rest, once out of the room Erin went to her room and lay down in her bed, just thinking; she may have vowed to never have children, but she defiantly did want to have a child, though with who…she had no idea. Suddenly there was a loud bang as if the front door had just been opened. Then loud footsteps up the stairs, Remus most defiantly had returned.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, Teddy has arived!! Ya Teddy!!

2 comments and I shall update again.

Oh and if you'd lke to know if Remus and Erin get together I sadly must say you will have to stick with me till the very end to find out!!