Sequel: Lean On Me
Status: Please re-read chapter 29; The Battle Begin's, I have changed a few things....PLEASE RE-READ CHAPTER 29.

Till the End of the Road.


Chapter Seven

The next morning came quicker than Erin would have liked, once again she had stayed up far too late, but not because she was drawing or talking but because the couch was rather unpleasant to sleep on. She staggered into the kitchen to see only Remus sitting there, a cup of tea in his hands.

“Hello” she muttered, taking a seat at the table.

“Good morning” he looked over at her and sighed. “You should have let me take the couch.”

“Oh, this again… I told you already…”

“It would have been fine.”

“Never mind that” she told him, rolling her eyes, she had more pressing matters to discuss. “Let’s talk about why in the name of Merlin you were at the bloody Leaky Calderon, as a known Order of the Pheonix member… a random Death Eater could have walked in and finished you off, while you sat there acting grumpy…”

“I realize this, Erin, but by all means thanks for reminding me.”

“But why did you do such a stupid thing?”

“I was upset…. Am I not allowed to be upset?’

“Why didn’t you find someone to talk to? I was right down the street, you could have come talked to me….”

“No I couldn’t have come talk to you” he remarked, loudly.

“Why not… whatever it was…I’d understood… you can talk to me about whatever you’d like” she told him.

“No, I couldn’t… there’s something’s I’d rather not tell you” he told her, she was getting mad now… why couldn’t he confined something within her? That was ridiculous.

“Is it Tonks? Is that what it is?” she then barked. Remus huffed then stood up and walked into the living room. Erin was quick to fallow him. “Why can’t you just tell me? I tell you everything… and you tell me nothing…”

It doesn’t concern you, Erin,” he told her, not looking at her, he turned his back to her and looked out of the window.

“It does concern me… I’m the one who found you at The Leaky Calderon… I think I deserve a good reason as to why you were there… and I care about you… so it should make it my concern….”

“But it doesn’t…”

“Ok, fine… how about this?” she spat, fuming. “I don’t five a rat’s ass what and what does not concern me… I want to know and I want to know now!”

“Well, that’s too bad, because I refuse to tell you what’s happening in my personal life, so as of now…. I think I’ll be going.”

He walked out of the room again and back into the kitchen, wrenching open the back door.

“Yes, good idea… leave… because that helps anything” Erin spat, again fallowing him.

“You don’t understand… and you’d do well to mind your own business,” he told her, before walking out and slamming the door shut. Erin let out a frustrated yell and hit the wall with her fists.

“Blimey, Erin, what’s the matter?” asked Mrs. Weasley as she walked into the room.

“Nothing, I’m sorry… I just….he doesn’t make any sense at all… he acts like I’m ten-years-old half the time… I can take care of myself when need-be, I’m not daft, and I could handle it if he told me something that was bothering him, I’d love it if he did… but he doesn’t… its none of my concern he says…I care about him… I do…and….”

She broke of mid-sentence and covered her face with her hands, letting her eyes fill with tears, Mrs. Weasley then came up to her and patted her on the back.

“I know, dear… I see the way you look at him, but Remus has a lot going on right now, dear, he’s conflicted at the moment, and you probably don’t help.”

“But, what did I do?” she asked, as Mrs. Weasley guided her to a chair. “I just wanted to help and he…he…”

“He pushed you away… it’s the same thing he’s doing with Tonks, like I said, dear, Remus is confused, he’ll sort himself out soon enough. Until then it might be a good idea if you spend some time apart.”

“I hadn’t seen him in forever though,” she said, as Mrs. Weasley started fresh tea.

“He hasn’t seen Tonks either, she told me she was going to see him, but I told her not to.”

“I think she did... I think she did and that’s why he was at The Leaky Calderon... he kept mumbling about how she knew he was home or something like that...why is she bothering him so much?”

“The same reason you are, dear” said Mrs. Weasley, Erin heaved a sigh and stood up.

“I think I’ll just go to my room then, I didn’t sleep much as it is…”

“Alright, dear, have a good nap.”

Erin nodded and walked out of the room. She was in her room for hours, just lying there, until she heard Mr. Weasley call her down, when she went into the kitchen she found a frantic Mrs. Weasley a worried looking Bill and an always annoying Fleur.

“Ron has been hurt, me and Molly will be going to Hogwarts to see him” said Mr. Wealsey.

“What?” she asked, shocked and slightly confused.

“No time for details now, Bill will fill you in…. come along Molly, dear” said Mr. Weasley, within minutes they were gone and Erin turned to Bill.

“If you’d like to go too…”

“No, no… we’ll stay, there can’t be too many people there anyway” Bill told her.

“What happen to him?” she then asked.

“He was poisoned.”

“Who the hell would want to poison him?” Erin asked,

“No idea, but luckily Harry was there and used a Bezoar, we’ll get more details when mum and dad get back, they’ve still got to meet with Dumbledore and all” Bill told her. Erin put her face in her hands and sighed, she didn’t know Ron very well at all, they had only met at Grimmauld place, during Christmas and not since, but still she wouldn’t want to have anything bad happen to him, or Hermione… and defiantly not Harry.

“Will he be alright?”

“He should be… but we’ll have to wait and see what mum and dad say,” said Bill, she sighed again and ran her fingers through her hair.

“If you don’t mind I’ll wait in my room, give you two some time alone” she told them, then went right back to her room. She didn’t know at what time but she had fallen asleep, she woke up the next morning in a start, no one had come told her if Ron was alright, and so she raced down to the kitchen where she found Fred and George, any Weasley was a good Weasley… as long as they had information.

“Is Ron alright?” she asked, they looked up and stared weirdly at her.

“He’ll be fine” said Fred, not elaborating on this.

“He’ll need to stay in the Hospital Wing for a week, but other than that fine,” said George.

“Good” she sighed, falling into a seat. “Where’s your mother?”

“Probably making Harry a thank you sweater… she thinks half of us owe our lives to him now,” said Fred, with a smirk.

“Well, he did save your dad….”

“He saved Ginny too, in his second year,” said George.

“Hm, he’s kind of wicked, just letting you know” she smiled at them.

“Never said he wasn’t, wish he was my brother…”

“Yeah, mine too.”

“But you are brothers so he would be both of your brothers…”

“You don’t make any sense,” Fred told her.

“About as much sense as you do, wanker” she remarked, just then Mrs. Wealsey walked in.

“Erin, dear, didn’t know you were awake, care for any breakfast?”

“No, I’m fine, how are you?”

“Oh, just fine, dear, but you do look a bit peak-ish, sure you couldn’t do with some breakfast?”

“Yes, sure…alright” Erin smiled.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, their fighting again... I know right? Your all probably like "ohh not again..." but sadly I can't give you any info about if they make up or not... you'll have to wait and find out, 2 more comments and I'll post another chap tomorrow, PLEASE COMMENT!!!