Status: Active

Tonight Is Alive With A Promise

Chapter Two

“You think you are so fancy with your Ray Bans, but really no one cares about you sunglasses,” Randall commented as soon as Caraline stepped out of the van, placing her sunglasses over her eyes.

“And you think that you are so in style with your plaid shirts when really you look like a douche,” Cara retorted as they started to make their way to the several story sky scraper. Randall shot her a look and look down at his outfit. As a response she laughed at his insecurity and matched her steps to his.

“So here’s what I was thinking, Cara could just chill out and look like a boss, Randall could be a player, and Caleb could help with setting the dates.” Jacob suggested from on side of Caraline and Caleb. Caraline nodded in response, content with doing nothing, while Randall started to open his mouth, wanting to do something in this meeting, “Alright, Randall, you can help with uh, whatever else we face,” Jacob said knowing very well that this meeting was just made to set up studio times and meet the producer along with catch up with some of the executives. They all walked into the building together, the half of them wearing sunglasses taking them off.

“Meeting for The Perfect Crime?” Caraline asked the receptionist after she had looked up from her desk. The young blonde woman looked in her book before writing the room number on the piece of paper and handing it to them. “616.” Caraline read aloud before stepping over to the elevators with the rest of her band. Once in the elevator she remembered the first time she was standing here with her band, acoustic guitars, bongos, and a demo CD in their hands.

“It’s really happening, we might get signed you guys!” Caraline jumped around excitedly with a huge grin plastered on her face, her tambourine jingling as she moved. Her three band mates simply laughed at her, being just as excited inside but choosing to keep in private. To be honest, everything single one was starting to breathe shaky breathes. This was their chance to make it, and they had to be perfect. The elevator dinged and they all put on professional faces and straightened out their clothes.

“There they are!” An executive Chuck Walters proclaimed to his coworkers as he spotted the band he had found after going to one of their local shows. The band awkwardly walked up to the executives, shaking many of their hands before shuffling into the door right behind them. Without saying of exchanging another word with anyone in the room, The Perfect Crime walked into the studio room set up and settled in. Caraline opened her mouth and soon, a soft velvet voice was flowing out. Caleb and Randall strummed every cord perfectly and Jacob was beating the hell out of those bongos. As Caraline held her voice in a steady long note, it got even more gentle as the song came to a closing.

“That was perfect! Now let’s talk.” Chuck said with a secret all knowing grim plastered on his face.

The elevator dinged, taking Caraline out of her walk down memory road and into the world of business. They quadrate walked down the hall in a laid back manner among the interns and executives in suits and ties until they reached door 616. Being the lead of the band, Caraline was the one to open the door and have all the members in the room stand as they heard the click of a door. This was the best atmosphere in the building, the meeting rooms with the people that discovered you. All it included were a few of the high class workers , a producer, the band members, and managers. Everyone had gotten so used to each other, it was mere casual attire of t-shirts and skinny jeans with the exception of a select few that wore regular jeans. Caleb was less than second behind Caraline and was by her side in no time, scanning the people in the room. There was their manager Allen, tour manager Darren, their label manager Chuck, and two extra people that the band recognized but never met; The head of merchandise and obviously their producer. Glancing at the producer Jacob had to double take to make sure he was indeed seeing what was in front of him; Alex Gaskarth- his hero. Needless to say Jacob was now and in fact star struck. Sitting down and taking their seats, Caleb immediately launched into action along with Darren. Caraline decided to sit back and look out of the window, taking in the view and staying out of any conversation.
Alex Gaskarth stared from across the long table, slightly staring at the only girl in the room and taking in her every feature. As he stopped his staring, he began to wonder what role she played in the band, but he could tell one thing; she had some huge talent and she knew it. Now this could work out and then completely go haywire. She could use the talent wisely or grow a head the size of a hot air balloon. But then again, this young lady looked as if she was extremely laid back.

“I’m Jacob,” Alex heard someone direct their voice toward him. He snapped out of dreamland to turn directly towards the voice that was speaking. It was a boy around 19 with dark brown hair was the culprit and obviously by looking at him, he was the pretty boy of the band, much like Alex used to be himself.

“Alex,” He introduced himself with a head nod and Jacob nearly laughed at the older man.

“Oh, believe me I know that very well,” He said with an all knowing smirk and Alex laughed along with the boy for a minute. He had made a name for himself, and he was happy that after all these years, someone still recognized him.

“I take it that you’re a fan then?” He asked with a raised eyebrow to which the young boy nodded eagerly before opening his mouth to talk.

“You guys were my inspiration. Heroes at that, and to be honest you probably still are. Just as blink was for you guys.” Jacob’s explanation left Alex grinning like a fool, feeling happy for inspiring someone once again.

“I’m sure at the rate you guys are going; you will also be an inspiration for someone. I’m telling you, finding out that inspire someone is probably the best feeling in the world; The first time being complete and totally bliss,” Alex said recalling the first time he was told that he was someone’s hero.

Walking out of the back door, fans cheered as Alex Gaskarth finally made his appearance after making sure he was showered and ready. Rian and Jack made jokes about Alex being late to everything and all he could do was laugh, because every single one of them were true. He began signing various items for the couple of fans they had at the time in 2007. He spotted a girl that was unusually quiet for being in a group of fans and sauntered over to her.

“Hey you wouldn’t happen to be Ariel, would ya?” Alex asked the girl after noticing her fiery red hair that was styled to perfection. He had seen that movie thousands of times on account of his little cousins. The girl giggled and shook her head, understanding the reference. “Well then, if you have a voice why aren’t you using it? I bet it’s beautiful,” He asked the girl, noticing the blush creeping up her cheeks. She shrugged and he thought of how to get the girl to talk. “Need me to sign anything?”

“No Alex, I just want to tell you that you inspired me to start doing things I stopped doing years ago. Your voice got to me, and made me happy. You’re my hero and inspiration.” The girl said and then turned around to start walking away. On any other day Alex would have called out to her, but today, she amazed him more than anybody ever has. And although the girl claimed that he made her happy, she had just made him a blissful person.

“You really think so man? “ Jacob asked Alex, removing him from his memories and Alex responded with only a simple nod, starting once again to drift into dreamland.

Minutes later, when Caraline was almost asleep, her name was shouted along with someone else’s.

“Cara! Alex!” Chuck shouted in order to bring the older man’s and young girl’s attention to him. “First day is the 24th, is that cool with you two?” Cara nodded and Alex muttered out a small ‘yeah’

“But wait,” Cara started. “Isn’t that two days after our last show?” She asked realizing that she would have no time to go visit her family.

“Yeah, so?” Caleb asked his sister with a tone of questioning why that was a big concern for her.

“Just wondering,” She said and slumped back into her seat.

“Alright then, it’s set. You guys will see each other on the 22nd, because Alex shall be going to your show to see what you guys sound like. Have a good time kids,” Chuck said before exiting the room, leaving everyone behind him.

“PARTY TONIGHT!” Randall yelled before taking the lead of exiting the room.
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So this one is a lot better than the last one. Also, does anyone know how to put a banner on the layout?