Loving You Is Just So Hard to Do

- Girl Talk

Jacob & Sam was patrolling so Tiffany was home with Emily cooking ;

" i love , how you and Sam are so in love" Tiffany said smiling

Emily smiled "i love it too , but at first i wouldn't give him the time of day" she said giggling

Tiffany laughed "really you guys look like love at first sight"

She shook her head ; "No actually he was with my cousin before me , then he imprinted on me during their relationship , i turned him down time after time , but that never stopped him, then one day i figured any man that could chase me like this can be a keeper right? , so i gave him a chance , now look at us " she said smiling

"Awe , thats like a fairy tale" Tiffany said happily

"thats how you and Jacob are gonna be like" Emily implied

Tiffany shook her head "i don't know Em , i just think i'm not good enough" she said messing with her fingers

Emily gasped & shook her head ; "Trust me you are , i honestly never seen Jacob this happy or anything especially protective"

"But Bella always pops up and it makes me think he has feelings for her , it makes me think i need to step up , or that im not good enough"

"Bella is a bitch , she wants to see you crumble , cause she knew she choose wrong when she had the choice of that Cullen and Jacob , she knew Jacob would make he dreams come true and everything , but she said she loved Edward more and that hurt Jacob , then you came , Tiff you are good enough trust me you turned this boys life around" Emily said sitting next to Tiffany

Tiffany sighed "i just dont wanna be hurt Em" she said putting her head in her hands

"he won't Jacob loves you trust me" , "i love him too but i feel bad cause he don't really know my past or anything really we just fell in love like a rush" she said frowning

"Then tell him . Secrets aren't healthy in a relationship Tiff" Emily said

"i know , i know but its hard especially when you have a history of different families and stuff it will make him more protective"

"Wait for the right time then , its better that then letting your past push him away" Emily said

Before Tiffany could respond they heard Sam & Jacob walked in the room ; "My two favorite ladies " Sam said as they walked in the kitchen , "How was patrolling" Tiffany asked as Jacob came and kissed her lips "Same ol same ol" Jacob said smirking , "what you and Emily do" he asked

Tiffany looked at Emily & smiled "Just had girl talk"