Loving You Is Just So Hard to Do

- Forest

"want me to stay the night" Jacob asked he had styed for dinner

"if Sam says yes" she said smirking , he got up to ask Sam , of course he said yes Sam thinks its okay for him to it basically protecting her

Tiffany and Jacob soon was in her room Jacob had his own little drawer with his clothes.

"babe " he said got in the bed with her

"Yes hun" she said as he got comfortable next to him she felt more comfortable with him after her and Emilys talk

"I love you" he said smirking kissing her collar bone

"your corny, but I love you too"

Jacob smiled he couldn't be happier with Tiffany while out on parole he was doing some thinking on their relationship and he felt as though she was the one for him , even though she doesn't open up as much but he knew that was so he wouldn't get mad and go into kill mode ; He chuckled abit when he heard Tiffany lightly snore, he got comfortable pulling Tiffany close to him, drifting away in a sound sleep with a smile on his face

Tiffany woke up & jumped in the shower did what she had to do then jumped out putting on her bra and underware then going to her room to wake up Jacob.

She hated waking him up cause she knew he was tired from patrolling last night

"Jacob wake up " she said shaking him and hitting him alittle

"im up im up" he mumbled

"lies then raise up" she said popping his face pulling his arm up

"are you happy now babe" , "Yes now get dressed for school" she said walking to her closet pulling out some tight black jeans, a tight pullover hoddie, & red pumps ; she turned around to see Jacob staring at her.

"i dont see much progress with you and getting dressed Jacob" she said smirking

"its hard to concentrate when my hot girlfriend gets dressed in front me" he said raising up & picking out an outfit she rolled her eyes & sat at her dresser fixing up her hair and make up

Jacob smiled as he got dressed and watched Tiffany finish doing her make up. Soon they were outside on their way to school. All the guys and Tiffany were outside the school talking , Tiffany leaning against Jacob holding his hand

"Did your girlfriend show you the message we wrote to her" Josh said coming up smirking

Jacob looked down at Tiffany seeing her clearly sad "that was you who wrote that" he growled ready to attack Josh Paul & Embry held him back

Josh laughed "Yeah , but your a punk you won't do nothing" he said steping closer to Jacob , Tiffany pushed Josh "You should leave " she said Josh laughed in her face before nudging her out the way

"hes gonna change" Paul said "go to the forest" he added so Jacob could change he growled loudly then stormed off "im going" Tiffany announced, "dont its dangerous " Quil said Tiffany shook her head the head for the forest

"Jacob" she called out repeatly as she walked deeper in the forest , She screamed alittle as a big brown wolf came next to her, Jacobs wolf form was huge she was face to face with it

Tiffany sighed & stood in front of the big wolf in front of her "why did you let it get to you Jacob I told I was fine" she said the wolf looked away from her , Tiffany walked closer to him , "Jacob dont let that asshole get to you please. Okay? I love you no need to be so protective" she said he nodded she rubbed his fur on his face kissing his wet nose "Your a little cute wolf " she said , she could tell he was smiling

The wolf walked in the trees , she knew Jacob was changing back into human form ; she smiled as she saw a shirtless Jacob walk out the trees , he came up & hugged her he was happy he controlled him self around her & didn't harm her
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- mobile, sorry of there's a lot of mistakes it was kimd of a rush