Loving You Is Just So Hard to Do

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Jacob was the happiest that Tiffany was home and doing well. He was happy to be staring in those big gray eyes again. They were in her room laying in her bed cuddling. He asked Sam if he could have the night off patrolling, Sam gladly gave it to him he knew how Tiffany’s accident had took a toll on him.

“Babe I missed you so much” Jacob whispered lightly kissing her neck

“I missed you too, Babe why did you only come visit me one time?”

Jacob’s heart broke slightly he sighed “Tiff I couldn’t see you like that”

“Things are going to happen, that’s how this life style is” she said turning to face him

“But Tiff when it happened and you were laying on the grass you looked so lifeless, I touched your cheek as Carlisle checked on you and you were cold as ice, and when you got out the operating room and seeing all those tubes and machines I was scared I lost the love of my life and the day I did visit you and to still see you so happy I felt so weak compared to you and babe I couldn’t see you like that” Jacob said dropping a tear

“Jacob” Tiffany whispered wiping his tears, “I’m not going anywhere this only makes us stronger, I love you so much no matter what”

Jacob stared at her and kissed her with so much passion, slightly moving on top of her. Tiffany moaned as he moved down to her neck licking and kissing it. “Babe these bruises are ugly” She whispered as he started talking her shirt off. He kissed her lips having his tongue explore her mouth, “Babe who cares your beautiful” he said then went back to taking her shirt off. On her sides , chest and stomach were dark bruises, Jacob just stared in awe as he massaged his hands over them, he then took her bra off that revealed her breast that too had bruises on them. “Babe” Tiffany whined in protest she couldn’t tell if he was disgusted or amazed

Jacob smiled and went back to kissing her soon she was on top of him kissing him neither of them didn’t know what was coming over them

“Jacob I want you now” Tiffany moaned breathing

Jacob raised up looking her deep in her eyes “Are you sure baby”, Tiffany bit her lip and nodded.

“Aren’t you in pain babe” he asked, “Baby I don’t care I want you, I need you, and I love you.” She said grabbing his hand

“I love you more baby, you’re my world”

That night Tiffany and Jacob took their relationship to the next level