Loving You Is Just So Hard to Do

- Energized

Tiffany groaned as the loud bell rang signaling lunch ; she grabbed her stuff and walked down the hall to the lunch. She was so tired she got her food and sat at a table , she was sleep till she felt a nudge "Wake up" she heard Quil voice say , she yawned and asked "Why you guys sitting here" , "Cause your our friend so we're not gonna make you seem like a loner" , Embry said , she laughed and made room to get comfortable she was in between Paul and Jacob she had her back slightly turned to Jacob , The Guys notice how she looked mad at Jacob but left it alone.

Jacob sighed he knew Tiffany was still mad and sad from last night ; he soon felt her head on his arm , he looked down to see she was sleep , he didn't like seeing her that tired ;

"whats up with you guys" Jared asked

Jacob sighed , "Bella , she came and said something to Tiffany while we were walking so she's mad"

They all said a rude comment to Jacob about Bella he didn't care ; he was just staring at Tiffany on his shoulder soundly asleep , shaking every few seconds which made him nervous , she looked so beautiful in her sleep he thought , "Oh great the imprint thing is really kicking in" Paul said noticing Jacob staring at Tiffany sleep , he rolled his eyes, and soon lunch was over.

The day was such a blur to Tiffany soon she was in the front of the school waiting for the guys. She looked to see a guy from her math class , she was nice and waved at him ; "hi , Tiffany did you get the homework" he said rushing over , she smiled & looked for her notebook , "Here you can keep it till tomorrow , i already did it in class" she said handing him her notebook

He Smirked , & hugged her then left ; "Short Stacks" she heard Paul yell out here nickname , she smiled & turned to see the guys , "Look here tallness me and you are going to fight if you keep talking about my height" she said standing on her tippy toes trying to reach his face , she hardly past his chest . They laughed at her .

Jacob smiled he like his girls short with body , just like Tiffany ; "Someones energized" Embry said seeing Tiffany trying to slap Paul , "I know i slept the whole lunch and the whole 6th period" she said giggling , she screamed as Paul picked her up and threw her over his shoulder ; she huffed and said "You cheated" ,

Jacob felt a wave of jealousy come over him he wanted to play with Tiffany like that , he knew Paul didn't like , or want Tiffany like that , but still to know someone else could be like that with his imprint other than him made him ... jealous

Jacob was going to talk to Tiffany tonight and settled everything , he wanted her to be his.