Status: Complete!

Owl Eyes

"Sometimes, ghost get on my ***ing nerves."

I hate grill cheese sandwiches.

I don’t know, they just have an odd taste; all that cheese and bread and shit. It just seems like a bad combination to me. Like ice cream and hot sauce. And everyone I know knows that I despise grilled cheese.

So why did my boyfriend leave me one?

That’s a rhetorical question. I know why he left me one; cause he’s a huge dick. And waking up in the morning to a grilled cheese on the table and no cream for my coffee makes me a pissy sissy camper.

He is definitely not getting any tonight.

Actually, I’ll make it a whole week. Cause I’m freaking evil.

I smile and take a puff of my cigarette. I let the smoke simmer in my lungs for a few seconds before releasing it out of my nose and out the apartment window. Spencer hates it when I smoke, so I usually park myself in a chair in front of the living room window so it won’t funk up the house. I watch the smoke hover gently in the air and disperse slowly. It’s really relaxing, watching it do that.

After I finish, I notice the weather. The sky looks intensely crappy, and the air is thick as fuck. Great. Another factor to add to my pissy sissy camper day.

I stand and close the window. Class doesn’t start till ten, and it’s eight fifty-one now. I’m already dressed so if I head to McDonald’s now-

I stop thinking once I turn around. A little girl, no older than six, is standing in the middle of the living room. She has one hand over her mouth suppressing a giggle, the other hand holding my cell phone in mid-air. She’s wearing a simple blue dress that’s caked with dirt, along with her body, face and hair. She’s wearing no shoes and three bullet holes grace her forehead.

Damn it, it’s too early for this shit.

I sigh and walk towards her. I snatch the phone from her hand and place it back on the table. Her silent giggling stops immediately and is replaced with an anger scowl. I crotch to her level and look her dead in the eye.

“Hello little ghost girl. Yes, that’s right I can see you. And you know what you’re doing is wrong, right? Scaring people like that isn’t nice for pretty people like you to be doing.
Have you seen an angel anywhere? Has he come to pick you up?”

The little girl’s scowl begins to morph into a frown, and then a blown out sob. Oh shit.

“I-I, can’t,” she blows, snot and tears mixing on her face.

“Why not?,” I ask, but I already know the reason.

“He-he said I ha-have bad things inside m-me,” she wails. I pull her into my chest, allowing her to soak my shirt. I may be in a ‘PSC’ mood, but I’m not a bitch. I can’t leave her like this, even if I’m late for class. She looks like she died a horrific death too. Yeah, I can sacrifice a McGriddle, coffee and class for this.

“Ok, stay here, I’m going to help you,” I said to here, pulling her away from me. Her face is still wet but she’s stopped crying.

She nods and I smile. I gently push her backwards, towards the couch. She flops down and looks at me curiously.

“Now, close your eyes and everything will be better,” I coo. She nods and closes her eyes. I peed off my hoodie, revealing the black tribal marking lacing up both my arms. I close my own eyes and breathe in deeply, calming my arms. I feel my arms grow warm, and I open them again. My marking are a glowing blue now.

I place my palm over the girl’s face and immediately her body is engulfed in a bright white glow. Her shape is retained for a moment before it’s compressed in a levitating basketball sized orb. Then the bright light peels away, revealing a inky black orb underneath. It seems denser than the light ball. The light ball shoots up ward, gliding through the ceiling and other people’s apartments towards the sky.

Towards heaven.

I look up and sigh in content. Then I look back down at the black orb. The demonic leech.

It’s forming into a human figure now, a bit taller than me and a lot buffer. The fitting in more details now; feet, knees, hair, fingers all that good shit. His skin forms palely. His hair a inky black. But it’s face, is what I want to see. Because I have a damn good hunch who what this creature is.

“Blakious. You asshat, what the hell is wrong with you?,” I hiss.

Blakious, with teeth like knifes, grins slyly.

“Doinnnng what’s nnnnatural in my ssssoul,” he drones, his voice like a deep echo.

“Yeah? Well, you’re soul’s as nasty as grilled cheese,” I spit “Now get your ass back to hell or I’ll send you there myself.”

He frowns then. His already red eyes glow brightly in anger.

“Do nnnnot talk to meeeee like some-“

“I’ll talk to you however the fuck I want. Now haul ass or get you ass kicked.”

He raises his arms. They morph into black blades coming up to his elbows. He crotches in a fighting stand and waits for my next move.

I roll my eyes and ball my fist. My marking glow red now, and fire erupts from my hand.

“Fine. Have it your way.”