Status: Formerly known as Stolen

In My Arms

Between The Lines Of Fear And Blame, You Begin To Wonder Why You Came

Kasey’s P.O.V.
After I had ditched Jimmy I made my way over to the Jaden’s house. It wasn’t all that surprising. I had managed to sneak my way into the backyard so I could look through the windows. I wasn’t stupid enough to just walk right up to the house and say “hey I think you’re holding my sister captive and are on a man hunt for me, can I have her back?’. Oh, please.
Once I found a window I looked in but didn’t see much. Just a room with a bed and a dresser. Having no luck, I went to the next window. I couldn’t see anything but I could have sworn I had heard a scream come from inside. I gasped as someone put their hand on my shoulder.
“Looking for someone?” A man asked staring at me. I gulped and tried to back away, but only bumping into a wall.
“Uh-no. Sorry.” I said. It was then that I had finally realized that this was a really bad idea. I tried to run but he caught me before I even made a foot away.
“No please, I’m sorry, just let me go!” I said as he pulled me into the house with his arm around my waist.
“Too late sweetheart.” He said. I tried to scream as he dragged me inside but his other hand came up to cover my mouth. Then, another guy ran in and grabbed my legs as I started kicking and then they both worked to tie me up.
“Put her in the closet.” He said gravely. Before I knew I was being thrown into a dark closet and he shut the door on me. This plan hadn’t gone over well. Not at all.
Matt’s P.O.V.
“You son of a bitch!” I shouted and tackled him to the ground. Before he even had a chance to get up I punched him so hard that I knocked him out cold. I ran inside the house shouting for Kasey and Sarah and came face to face with the other guy I had seen.
“What the fuck!” he shouted and came at me. Again I punched him but he didn’t stay down. So I swung again and he stumbled back and tried to get up. Without wasting any more time I ran to the back and into a room where I heard Sarah screaming.
“Go! She’s in the closet in the other room!” She shouted as she tried to untie herself. I wanted to stay and help but I knew the guy would be getting up soon so I ran into the other room and threw open the closet door. I saw Kasey in tears and went to her side.
“It’s gonna be ok baby.” I said as I pried the duct tape off her wrists and ankles.
“I’m sorry. I should have listened to you.” She cried.
“It's not your fault. You have nothing to be sorry for.” I told her.
“Hurry!” I heard Sarah shout. After I got Kasey untied I picked her up and ran back into where Sarah was.
“Stop right there!” The guy shouted. When he raised the gun I pushed Kasey behind me to protect her. I couldn’t help but wonder where all the guys were.
“Just put the gun down.” I said calmly.
“Fuck no! Now you best get out of here before I blow their fucking heads off!” He shouted.
“I’m not leaving without them!” I objected.
Zacky’s P.O.V.
“Alright all of you come with me!” A guy shouted at us as he raised a gun. We all wanted to go inside and help out because of the screaming but now we couldn’t. Now only Johnny could help, since he wasn’t with us.
“Ok man just chill out.” Jimmy said.
“Man shut the fuck up!” He screamed. Immediately we all became quiet as he led us to the side of the house. Pretty soon we were all tied up and then he left us there to go into the garage.
Johnny’s P.O.V.
Since I was by myself I had snuck into the garage hoping to find an entrance to the house. After I had managed to make my way past all of the junk I heard a noise so I stopped. As the footsteps got closer I picked up a huge metal stick to use as a weapon. The light went on and a guy came at me. But he was too slow so I whopped him with the metal stick and he instantly went down. Next I went into the house and ran to the back where I saw a guy holding a gun up to Matt, Kasey, and Sarah. Quietly I went up behind him and smacked him on the back of the head, making him fall to the ground.
“Help me untie Sarah.” Matt said quickly. She was tied up really good. We just couldn’t get the rope to budge.
“M-matt.” Sarah stuttered nodding her head. We looked behind us and saw the guy getting back up aiming the gun at Sarah. Just as I ran to tackle him a shot went off and Matt pushed Kasey back while everyone screamed.
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Alright first update of the day! So i guess you guys can tell that I love the Fray. LOL. So a shot went off? Who's it gonna hit if anyone? Comment and Subscribe pwease!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:D :D :D