Status: Activee

Wake Me Up


We loaded our equipment into our van, and we were off to Toronto. A girl named Stephanie was having her Sweet 16 tonight and asked us if we would play at her party. She said That it would be the happiest Day in her life. And of course we'd do anything for a fan. So we agreed, and told her that we weren't going to charge her that it was a present from Rad Like Whoa. But of course, we did get her a gift. I was on my laptop, as I always was when we traveled. it kept my mind off driving cause I sometimes get car sick without a distraction. Of course our manager John was rambling on as he usually did.
"I still think we should of charged money for the party. At least 500 bucks, it's not too late. We have her number." he tried to reason.
"Oh, shut up. We're not going to charge a sixteen year old girl 500 dollars on her birthday. Forget it!" Shayne told John.
I chuckled at the two as they argued.
It was Tanner's turn to drive, so that meant he got controll of the cd player. Luckily he was listening to something good. He chose Norma Jean, which I love by the way. And Taylor was in the back with her drumsticks playing the "air drums" as she always did when we listen to music. Max was in the seat behind me listen to his ipod. The weird part was that as he was listening to it, he was running his fingers through my hair.
"Ahahah, what are you doing bud?" I asked.
He just looked at me kind of puzzled and took his ear phone out.
"Come again?" He chuckled.
"You're a nut." I told him.
Then he got up and took a seat beside me in the van.
He looked at the computer screen.
"Oh, so you actually do answer back to myspace comments?" He asked.
"I always comment my friends back." I said.
"Well you never answer back to my comments." He persisted.
I smiled at him.
"I said I always comment my friends back." I laughed.
Then he got up and sat right on top of me, then put me in a headlock as he always did when I teased him. That's when the little "You've got an e-mail" bubble popped up at the bottom right corner of the screen.
"Get off me! Ahah, I might have to kill you Maxxie." I laughed.
"And what makes you think that I would get off you?" He asked.
"Because I have an e-mail." I persisted.
"Well I take you out of a headlock, but I'm staying on your lap Dan." He said as he took his arms from around my neck.
"FINE! Be like that." I said.
"Oh, I will." He whispered.
"Cut it out back there!" Dave yelled from the front seat.
"You can't tell us what to do!" Max yelled back and stuck his tongue out.
"Yes I can, I'm sitting shot gun!" Dave said to him.
Max opened his mouth to say something when i interrupted him.
"Both of you shut up, I'm trying to read this e-mail." I told them.
Turned to the screen still sitting on my lap so he could read my e-mail. i didn't really care anyway, he read my e-mails all the time. When I opened my hotmail i noticed that in the inbox it said :
"New Message from: Vans Warped Tour."
I was puzzled, I opened it. Maybe they were offering us a discount on tickets. I don't think we are well known enough to be invited on Warped Tour.
I read to the bottom of the message, and I guessed that Max did to because at the exact same time both our jaws dropped and we started screaming.
Everyone stopped what they were doing and turned around towards us. Tanner pulled the van over.
"What the hell is the matter with you two?" He asked.
It's not making the video, it's making love to the camera.