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Wake Me Up


"Well it really depends, do you guys want to do the whole entire tour?" I asked them all.
It was then when we all thought about it for a moment.
"Yeah, I think we should. It'll be our first time, and I think it will be a way of spreading the word about Rad Like Whoa." Shayne insisted.
We all agreed on the doing the entire tour.
Suddenly My pocket started to vibrate and I heard the chorus.
"Talk is cheap with your words honey, I can smell your breathe and it smells like money, girl."
It was the song Treasure Island by Brighten. It was my phone. I then shrieked, because each person on my contacts list has a different ring tone when they call me or text me. And that song is Justin's ringtone.
"Oooh, did Danielle get a text message?" Taylor asked.
Justin Richards, leadsinger of Brighten. We grew up together. He's also my BEST FRIEND in the world.
"I haven't talked to him since about a month ago. Now my day is officially perfect." I said.
I read the text. Max still on my lap. Looking at my sidekick.
It said:
God I miss you.
I've been so busy lately, and my cell broke so I had to get a new one.
So I heard your on Warped Tour this year?
I am stoked to see you!
And your band.
I will see you at the pre-Warped Tour party?
I really hope so.
I love you man!
I then started to text him back.
I miss you so much too!
I haven't spoken to you in a month.
And Jaheese, learn to buy a cell phone faster bud!
I am stoked to see you perform!
I can't wait to see Jimmy, send him my love.
Oh, and thanks for mailing me a copy of King vs Queen.
It's the only cd ive been listening to lately.
And I am so at that party.
I love you as well buddy!
ps. Max says hi and that he loves you.
Max started laughing.
"I can't wait to meet him!" he said.
"You already have met him Max. He is with me every other summer." I replied.
"I know but a month is soooo long, I feel like a stranger." He said in his attemps at teasing me.
I just flicked his adams apple instead of a come-back. Although I am quite capeable of a good come-back.
"OUCH, bitch! AHAH." He said to me.
"That's what you get, you deserved a good flick in the adams apple." I said.
"Grrrrr." He growled at me.
Then he leaned in and bit my nose.
I just stared blankly at him. And then we just bursted out laughing. My nose was red for a while.
We got to the party. It was so cute, it brought back memories of my sweet sixteen. With all the decorations. And come to think of it, a band played at my sweet sixteen. It was Max's brothers band. And I also remember me and Max dated at the time. Ahah, funny thought. I am now nineteen. So that was, three years ago. I remember we sat in my room before the party started and decided to start a band. i can't believe that Tanner, Shayne, Taylor, Max, Dave, John, Jake and I are still best friends. I love my life.
We parked infront of Stephanie's house. We each put one of those present bows on our heads and Max insisted that we cover him with wraping paper, so I spent half of the ride taping him, and then I had to carry him to the door. Ugghhh. I rang the doorbell and we all got into a pose on the front door step. Stephanie opened the door and shrieked.