Status: Activee

Wake Me Up


"So Stephanie, what do you think about the band not charging you for the party?" He asked.
We all just rolled our eyes.
"Seriously dude, stop it. We're not going to charge her. It's her birthday, at least try to be deascent?" Taylor told him
"Guys, if you really think it's more reasonable to pay, I will for sure. You guys came down here to play at my party. And take me to the mall." Stephanie said.
"We're not charging, don't speak another word of it." Tanner said as he smiled at her through the rear view mirror.
"Okay, now let's go! Before the party starts." Dave whined.
"Gahh, we're going." I said.
We got inside the mall, and it was right there, infront of me in American Apparal. The banana yellow sleevless hoodie i had been looking for forever. It was beautiful. So I ran in and bought it right then and there. then I noticed Max was looking at the exact same sweater, just in black.
"I just bought that in banana yellow bud." I said to him as if i was bragging.
"I'm buying it." He said.
"Alright, but we can't wear it at the same time. We'll look like a cheesey couple that dresses the same.Ahah" I said.
"Ahah, it's a promise." He said.
The funny part was it was exactly the same as mine except black. And it was the same size as mine. He actaully has a good sense of style. I wear his jeans and hoodies sometimes. He does the same. Ahah.
"TAYLOR! Look" I yelled across the mall, and everyone in the food court turned and looked.
"Not you guys. Y'all can just turn around." I said to them all.
"You're an idiot." Max and Taylor said in unison
"Ahah, agreed. But, look what I bought!" I said as I pulled the hoodie out of my shopping bag.
"You found it!?" She asked suprisingly excited.
"Yahh, and I bought it in black." Max said with a grin.
"Nice, going for the cheesey couple look? You know, you have to be a couple to pull it off." She teased.
"No, Max is just a coppier." I said as I stuck my tongue out at him.
"Harshh." He said as he walked towards Tanner.
"Totally a coppier. ahah" Taylor said loud enough so Max could hear.
He just laughed.
"Let's go and get John." I said pointing at him as he was looking at the map for a music store. So I ran up behind him and jumped onto his back. He knew well enough to catch me.
"if you really wanted a piggy-back, you could have asked." He said with a laugh.
"But that's no fun." I replied with a smile.
"Guys, let's wander. Who needs a map." Dave said as he walked towards us.
"Hey guys, tell me again why Jake didn't come with us?" Tanner asked.
"Because, he needed some time off." Shayne answered from behind him.