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Wake Me Up


We were done looking through the mall. I got so many cd's and three posters. A Cute Is What We Aim For poster, an All Time Low poster and a Brighten poster. tee hee. I also got alot of clothes. Dresses, sweaters, SHOES, jewelry. Things like that. Max actaully did end up buying a purple sweater. And he got a pair of neon pink and green striped pants. I dont even know where the hell he got them. And we all got suspenders. We bought every colour they had.
"I sure look fly in my new suspenders." Taylor said in her attemps to be hip.
"Yah, fly's the word." Stephanie said.
"You need a cool nickname, you know that right Steph?" Shayne said.
"Yah, I know a perfect one, IRON LUNG!" I said
'Yah, and then people will be all like oh, did you have an accident and had to egt an iron lung, is that why that's you nickname?
And then you'll be like no, it sounds cool." Max finished.
"Uhhh.. okay?" Stephanie answered hesitantly.
We got back into the van. Shayne and Max again, collapsed on my lap.
"Hopefully we don't get stopped by the police guys. its kind of necissary to wear your seatbelt." I said
"Who needs seatbelts?" Shayne said.
Gosh theyre annoying.

She gets what she wants and she breaks what she gets,