Status: Activee

Wake Me Up


John, Dave and Tanner made their way towards us. Taylor, Max and Shayne all had eaten half of their breakfast. The waitress came to the table and served more pancakes to Max.
"Are you sure you don't want anything to eat dawling?" The waitress asked.
"No thanks, maybe just a coffee please." I replied.
"Coming right up." She replied.
"What do you want to tell me Danielle?" John asked.
"Got another e-mail. Warped is in exactly a month. I think we should do our show tonight and cancel the rest. We really need to practice." I said.
John agreed. And he went off to make a few calls.
"I'm starving!" Tanner said as he took a strawberry from Taylor's plate of fruit.
"Ughhh, get your own food bud!" She snapped.
"Fine!" Tanner replied.
As the waitress came by with my coffee she asked Tanner and Dave if they were hungry.
"For sure, I'll have what Max's having please." Tanner said as he gestured towards Max.
"I'm going to stick with coffee as well." Dave said.
"Finally, now i know that all guys don't have a stomache the size of a large transport truck." I said as I looked towards Max as he was stuffing his face.
Everyone turned and watched him eat.
"Where does he put it all?" Taylor asked.
Max looked up and noticed everyone was watching him.
"Wha...?" He asked but his words were muffled by the large amount of food stuffed in his cheeks.
"Hurry up and eat guys, I wanna explore the hotel more." I said.
John came back to the table.
"The next three shows are sold out, alot of fans will be disspointed. Are you sure this is what you wanna do?" John asked me.
"Damn!" I said as I slammed my head down on the table. I can't do that to a fan. They payed money for those tickets.
"Ughhhh, what are we going to do?" I asked John.
The sat and thought for a minute and then jumped up.
"Well the next three shows are just us, but the rest for the next month are with other bands as well, we can drop out of that tour. And encourage them to check us out at Warped Tour." He insisted.
"Okay, we'll finish the shows for this week, and then we're going to practice. Be ready, we're not going to have a life for the next month." I said as I took a sip of my coffee, then I cringed because I relized it was just black.
"Forgot to put sugar in your coffee again?" Dave asked me as he put sugar and milk into his freshly made cup of coffee.
"Ugghhh, I just woke up a half hour ago, gimme a break!" I said as I was laughing
breathe to be heard. like you needed any more attention.