Second Chances

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

“Mrs. Stewart this is amazing. By far the best bacon and eggs I’ve had for a while.” I tell Mikes mom.

“Now Samantha I told you to call me Debbie.” She said giving me a warming smile. Just like my moms I thought to myself.

“Only if you call me Sam.” I say smiling back at her. We both know that she won’t, she never does. Nobody calls me Samantha anymore, only when they are angry or frustrated with me. Just then Mikes older brother John walks in the kitchen. It looks like he just woke up.

“What’s that amazing smell?” he asks as he walks over to the stovetop and looks in. “Mom’s world famous bacon and eggs. Awesome.” He says as he walks over to grab a plate and plunks down beside me at the kitchen table. “Hey Sam.” He says nudging me.

I smile up at him. He is even taller then his brother if that is even possible. “Hey there Johnny boy, did you just wake up?” I ask. He looks down at himself and laughs.

“Yup.” He was wearing his trademark boxers. They always were very brightly colored. Today he is wearing bright green ones. You would think he would get dress before coming down because he knows I’m going to be there, but then again I’m always there every morning. I’m like an honorary family member. Which is another reason why Mike would never like me.

“That was amazing, thanks for having me over.” I tell Mrs. Stewart one more time as I get up to rinse off my plate.

“Samantha dear you know you are always welcome here.” She said as she was putting all the dirty dishes into the dishwasher.

“Thanks again but I should really get going.” I say as I head over to Mike. He stands up and I give him a hug and whisper “Thanks again.” Implying him let me cry on his shoulder at the rock cliffs. As I pull away I say, “I gotta beat the wicked step-mother home so I don’t get a talking to.” I say rolling my eyes.

“Okay Sam, but ill see you later?” he asks me.

“Yup.” That’s one of many great things about Mike. He doesn’t care that I cry in front of him. Most guys would get completely freaked out.
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sorry its a little short. comments are welcome =)