Status: And every broken memory/ Of everything we only used to be/ Only makes it so much harder/ Now im fighting just to sleep/ I'm breaking down

No Clue Why I'm Alone

Addison Iero


...Is it bad that the first thing i thought when i read 'swimmingly' was 'swimming in jizz'?

So i got a little drunk, and then got a little tipsy the morning after getting a little drunk.

I havent been to a good party since i graduated high school.

Oh and it turns out, my ladies live in the neighborhood ^_^

Alicia is three doors down, and Lyn lives across the street from her.

And theres this lovely girl who lives next door named Christa.

I'm having all three of them over tonight for dinner and horror movies.

Luvr You,
♠ ♠ ♠
I just randomly started singing Poker Face in my head....

And i saw a picture of Mikey a few minutes ago...

I have to pee