Status: And every broken memory/ Of everything we only used to be/ Only makes it so much harder/ Now im fighting just to sleep/ I'm breaking down

No Clue Why I'm Alone

Addison Iero


Aww honey you didnt need to get me a new necklace :3

Thats so sweet of you.

Now get home quick so i can taste your sweet skin ~le sexy eyes and lip bite~

You'll be home on Friday right??

Love You,
♠ ♠ ♠
So same deal for me as with my Vampire. Ask me anything and i shall answer 5.

Also, Buffy love FTW.

For those who care, i finished the 7th season of Buffy today (i cried 3 times during the last episode T.T) and now im like 6 episodes into the first season of Angel.