Status: And every broken memory/ Of everything we only used to be/ Only makes it so much harder/ Now im fighting just to sleep/ I'm breaking down

No Clue Why I'm Alone

Addison Iero

Fuck fuck fuck.

The front door opened and i stopped my pacing as Lyn walked in with the other girls following her.

"So you got it for me?" I asked eyeing the bag even though i already knew what was in it.

"Yeah, here." She said passing over said bag. "Go make with the peeing."

I took a deep breath and went into the bathroom connected to my bedroom, while the girls all curled up together on the bed waiting.

I walked back out rubbing my hands against my jeans nervously.

"How long?"

"Three more minutes."

I sat down on the bed as i chewed at my nails while the girls all made sure they had physicak contact with me in some way. Alicia with her head on my shoulder, Christa with her hand on my thigh, and Lyn holding my other free hand in hers.

A beep came from inside the bathroom where i had set a timer, and we all stood up in unison nervously going into the small room together, hands linked.

"Shit..." I cursed looking down at the little pink plus sign.

I was pregnant..