Status: And every broken memory/ Of everything we only used to be/ Only makes it so much harder/ Now im fighting just to sleep/ I'm breaking down

No Clue Why I'm Alone

Frank Iero

Dear Momma Iero,

im gonna be a dad I'm gonna be a dad I'm gonna be a dad.

Holy shit I'm gonna be a dad.

We'll be the best parents ever, babe!
Frank Iero XOX
♠ ♠ ♠
Good morning! I think Romeo is sleeping sti or something so this'll be it for now.

And because we got to forty five, I'm still gonna do the question. First six questions put on my profile, inboxed to me, for commented looking like this:

Vampire/Disenchanted-: [question]

will be answered with the utmost care and respect and maybe violence.