Status: And every broken memory/ Of everything we only used to be/ Only makes it so much harder/ Now im fighting just to sleep/ I'm breaking down

No Clue Why I'm Alone

Addison Iero


Got fired from Starbucks today~

Tell the Way bros that i apologize for the no more free coffee thing.

But getting fired SOOOO was not my fault.

I mean the perv tried to grab my ass, but apparently telling him to go fuck off and die is a no no in the work place.

Oh well.

Luvr You,
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the lack of updates my children~
My brother Kyle got married today.
His totally wasted as fuck friend from work basically gave me a lap dance.
Its not actually as creepy as it sounds cause well the dude is fucking awesome and really funny. He also gave my other brother Neil a lap dance, and then him and Neil tried to give Nick a lap dance.
Randy is 24, I am 14. Again, it was not as creepy as it sounds.
Randy, the friend, was also talking about spooning Nick in the tent tonight cause they're camping where the weeding took place.
It was at my brother's wife's family cabin site.
So Tyler, Randy and Nick all got wasted as fuck, Nick has to go to work really early in the morning, they are most likely still up partying down by the lake, and they all have to sleep in a tent together if they do ever sleep and Randy is apparently going to sleep naked.
Randy is really awesome~
He also is apparently my new brother cause my mom really likes him, and 'adopted' him.
I also had to help him walk around so he didnt fall over and pass out, and when i hugged him goodbye we both almost fell on our asses cause he was stumbling drunk and i was tired as fuck.
It was a good night~