Status: And every broken memory/ Of everything we only used to be/ Only makes it so much harder/ Now im fighting just to sleep/ I'm breaking down

No Clue Why I'm Alone

Addison Iero


So there is a good chance i shall be driving up to Ohio tomorrow for a local concert there.

I found these bands on MySpace that i thoroughly enjoy, and they have a show in a couple of days so i figured i would go and check them out.

"So if you're trying to see,
what we're all dying to be.
You gotta wake up,
forget the make-up.
Sing it with me."

Its been stuck in my head all day ^_^

Lurvr You Tons,
♠ ♠ ♠

Trent bro is all i have to say~

And none of you will know what that means so....

EDIT: Go check out my side project for this, No Clue What I Should Do , which is what Addison does while Frank is off on tour. There will be lots of tension that's not shown in their emails.