Status: Chugging along

The Quiddity of Love


Emerson Sinclair was sitting in my car. And she was barely even acknowledging me with her eyes focused on the fleeting scenery. The music played softly as it faded into the background, my thoughts becoming more prominent with each block we passed. Why did I offer to drive her to school? It was extremely unlike me to propose anything to someone I barely knew, much less a car ride. Maybe it was the fact that I knew what she was going to endure when she stepped into the school building. Maybe it was because I wanted to know whether the rumors about her were true or not. Or maybe I was telling the truth when I said I needed an ego boost. But I doubted it. To be honest, Emerson intrigued me. Her hair was always in a ponytail, bouncing as she moved through the hallways, her head always above the chatter. Her lips resembled flower petals, plump and soft as I was sure they were. The clothes she wore left much to the imagination seeing as she seemed to drown in them. Emerson was lean, but tiny compared to me, only five foot eight. She seemed fragile, so much so that I felt that I could crush her if I grabbed her hand. Looking at her then, her eyes captivated me, a piercing blue I only saw because the glasses she wore fell from their place on her nose. I remember she hadn’t always been this way, but ever since Lucas Cross left her life, she hid herself beneath clothes that were sizes too big.

“Thanks for the ride.”

Shaking myself from my thoughts, I realized I’d already parked. The school loomed intimidatingly, but I wasn’t easy to frighten. Before I could say anything in response, she was outside of the car, a bag across her shoulders and her mind already gone.
Still, I muttered, “No problem,” under my breath.

I watched as she stalked towards the school. Already people were whispering. Some were even pointing towards my car and staring. I shrugged before stepped out of my car and walked into the school building.

“Hey Levi.”

I heard my name, the attempt of a girl trying to get my attention, but I paid no mind. The girls here weren’t my type, I guess I could say. They either tried too hard or cared too little, and they were concerned too much with what other people thought. I didn’t care at all unless it benefited me. At school, my relationships with other students didn’t help me get what I came for, a one way ticket out of that small town.

Time dragged achingly slow, but as soon as the final bell rang, the hallways flooded with teenagers longing for the weekend. I passed everyone quickly, not caring if I bumped a few shoulders along the way. Outside of the school, people were gathered in a circle, watching a spectacle I couldn’t and didn’t care to see. I would’ve walked right by it had I not heard her name.

“Emerson Sinclair.”

Stopping in my tracks, I turned to face the commotion.

“That’s a boy’s name isn’t it?”

I elbowed my way through the crowd, but not before I heard more of their taunts.

“I heard what you did with Lucas, Emerson.”

Chuckles resonated from inside the mob.

“I was wondering if I could have a turn. You are the school’s slut after all.”

With that, I finally broke through. The basketball boys surrounded Emerson who only stood there, her hand gripping the strap on her bag tightly. Though she was surrounded, she didn’t betray a single look a fear. She seemed completely calm and collected. I could tell the boys were getting frustrated as they failed to get a rise out of her. Angry, a boy stepped forward.

“She’s nothing but a whore. Aren’t you?”

Recognizing the voice, I saw her hand tighten as the words echoed in the silent parking lot. Everyone was waiting to see what happened.

His hand rose, whether to strike or to grab her I’m not sure. I stepped between them and grabbed his arm before he could lay a finger on her. His green eyes met mine, and I smiled.

“Now that’s not anyway to treat a lady now is it, Lucas.”

Lucas faltered for a moment before jerking his arm from my hold, scoffing.

“She’s a slut. She’s nothing.”

Anger pulsed through my veins.

“As I recall, she’s only slept with one person and you’ve slept with how many girls? Half the cheerleading team, the girls’ basketball team, and the girls’ soccer team? And you have the nerve to call her a slut?”

Lucas chuckled.

“Who cares if we have a little fun with her? You can join in if you like.”

My fist swung out and hit its mark. A cracking sound erupted from Lucas’ nose as he fell to the ground.

“You might want to get that checked out. Sounds like it’s broken.”

Before his mindless basketball minions could race forward to avenge their fallen leader, I grabbed Emerson by the hand and raced over to my car. Both of us sat in the car, just catching our breath. Quickly, I started the car and peeled out of the parking lot leaving the crowd behind us to gawk and squirm.

I grinned triumphantly, but found that I was the only one feeling giddy about what happened.

Emerson’s head was bent, something I’d never seen. Normally, she held her head high, but there in my car, she sat with her head bent low into her chest. Her body shook and her hands covered her face. I desperately wanted to comfort her but felt as if I was intruding, watching something I wasn’t supposed to see. I let her cry in my passenger seat as I drove to the elementary school, glancing to my right every now and then.

Movement in the seat next to mine and I glanced at Emerson. Her eyes were red rimmed and puffy from salty tears. She held her lips in a tight line, moving them only to tell me one thing.

“I’ve never slept with anyone.”

Her voice was surprisingly steady for someone who had been crying, but as we pulled up to the Lilly Hill Elementary School, I realized I had a lot to learn about Emerson Sinclair.
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2nd Chapter ^.^