Status: Just starteeeeeed

Paloma's Secret

chapter 1

"Thanks, man." The shady looking man said to me.

"No problem." I said, avoiding eye contact. I hate being a man, but I need to do it to score sometimes. The man walked away rather quickly, as most do in this buisness. I got into my car a couple blocks away. Once in the safety of it's tinted windows I shifted back into me. The shift is uncomfortable, almost painful. I just tell myself not to be a wimp and do it again the next night. I looked over what I had gained over the night. Satisfied with it's contents, I start the drive home.

Trying to be considerate of my neighbors, I creep back into my apartment and get ready for bed. After my night regimen, I retire to the warmth and comfort of my bed.

I was awoken by my door being broken down. Surprised, I jump out of bed. I was grabbed and thrown over someone's shoulder. I'm so scared.

"Shut her up!" A male I can't see said.

Everything faded to black.
It's dim. I'm alone. I'm on a comfortable chair. I sit like that for about twenty minutes before a large, muscular woman walks in and sits across from me.

"We know what you can do." The woman said.

"Know what?" I say in a scared voice, playing stupid.

"Don't try, it won't work. I know you're a shifter."

"How?" I ask, I'm so careful, how could anyone know? She leaves. She just left me! The lights turn off. I'm so scared. After a few hours I fall asleep. I don't know how.
I woke up to noises. I saw no one. I did see a metal tray of food on the table by the door though. Maybe they're trying to poison me. I dont know, but I'm not eating it. I need to pee, but there's no bathroom. The room I'm in is much like a nice hotel room. Except no windows, and no bathroom. Great.
I'm pulled out of my thoughts by an average man in a white coat walking into the room.
"Paloma Bernard. I'd like to see you shift."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this is so short, I just thought that would be a good place to end it.