What Separates Me From You

Do You Know Who I Am?

June 24th: Dallas, TX

Hi, my name is Olivia Greene and I’m an intern for Vans Corporate. This summer I was given the lovely task of assisting in the organization and implementation of the 2011 Vans Warped Tour. It was up to me to make sure everything was to run smoothly. There was no reason for it not to. Of course, I didn’t realize how wrong I was until the barely successful first day on June 24.
I was minding my own business, happily doing intern stuff…

“No, Joey. The stage need to go here,” I said with an exasperated sigh, pointing to the layout map I had drawn up.

When all of a sudden…

A man walked up to me with a plate of food in one hand and an irritated look on his face. He was in a red plaid shirt and blue jeans cut to his knees. He looked like every other artist in this place to me.

“Miss, this chicken has not been cooked all the way,” he said presenting the plate to me.

“What? Huh?” I asked distractedly as I shaded my eyes from the sun with map I had drawn up. Where did Joey run off to? I wondered. If that stage wasn’t placed correctly then the acoustics of all the other stages would be affected. Where the hell did Joey run off to? I turned around and came face with the bearded man again. “Oh, the chicken? Yeah. It’s always like that.” I turned around again to look for Joey.

“Can you, um, fix it?” he pestered, following me as I walked several feet to distance myself from him.

I frowned, putting both hands on my hips, “What?”

“Can you fix the food?” he repeated for me as if I were a retarded child. No offense to the retarded children.

“Um, no,” I said with a matter-of-fact tone. “I’m kind of busy making sure today’s shows run smoothly.” Could you believe this guy? I was here doing important intern stuff and here he was pestering my about the food, like I was some sort of slave to the artists playing the tour. I was just here to make sure there was a place for them to play. Where did he get off asking me to fix food?

“The show won’t run if I don’t sing. And I won’t sing if you don’t fix my food.”

“Look, bud,” I added ‘bud’ as an insult; maybe he’d get the picture then. “Fix your own food. I’ve got bigger fish to fry.”

The guy looked at me with an astonished look on his face. He followed me as I walked another few feet to the left. “It’s chicken. Do you even know who I am?” he asked.

Probably another artist who felt entitled to being catered to like a child no doubt, I thought to myself.

“I know you’re a pain in my ass,” I said still not facing him.

“I am Jeremy McKinnon,” he said loudly as if it mattered to me.

“Hm?” I answered disinterestedly.

“The lead vocalist from A Day to Remember? We’re playing on the main stage,” Jeremy informed me.

“There won’t be a main stage if you keep bugging me, Jeremy McKinnon, lead vocalist from A Day to Remember,” I replied. At that point, I made the mistake of walking away from Jeremy McKinnon from A Day to Remember. A poor choice on my part which I ended up regretting for the rest of the tour.


“Dude, she doesn’t know who I am,” Jeremy said to Josh who had walked up to him. Jeremy watched in astonishment as the Vans intern walked away from him.

“No way?!” Josh said enthusiastically as he snatched a chicken leg from the cold plate of food Jeremy was still holding. Josh took a bite of the leg and walked away from Jeremy.
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