What Separates Me From You

We're Friends; Really.

July 1st: Pomona, CA

We made it to Pomona early the next morning, giving us enough time to sleep for a few hours before getting up early for set up. Being in Pomona was kind of reliving for me because it was in my home state. Not quite hometown material, but it was pretty close. I was always psyched to be back in California.

I walked into the food tent after I had woken and dressed into a clean set of clothes. The only way I would get through this day was with coffee. Apparently, Jeremy had thought the same thing.

“Good morning, Olivia,” he greeted as he saw me enter the tent.

I gave him a slight smile. “Good morning, Jeremy,” I answered while pouring my coffee.

“Woah, did I miss something here?” an astonished Josh asked from the table he was seated at. “Was it my imagination or did you two just refer to each other by your first names?”

I looked at Jeremy and gave him a smile which he returned, “We’re being mature now.”

Josh rolled his eyes and propped his magazine up again, “Right.

“We are,” Jeremy said. “We talked our differences out.”

The previous night:

I was still positively infuriated by the fact that I had no choice but to drive us straight to Pomona. I was infuriated by the fact that my one night of peace was robbed from me and by none other than Jeremy. I was not going to give him the satisfaction of forgiveness.

“Olivia,” Jeremy said after a long silence.

“No,” I snapped childishly.


“No. Do not talk to me,” I replied.

There was a brief moment of silence.

please,” he begged.

I gave him a side glance to show my obvious annoyance. “What?” I snapped.

“Why are you upset at me?”

“Gee, I don’t know. Do you want me to read off a list?” I replied sarcastically.

“There’s a list?” he asked surprised.

Not that he should be surprised. I glared at him.

Jeremy sighed, “Just tell me.”

Alright, if it was a list he wanted then it was a list he was going to get.

“Well, one: you got arrested, which was extremely irresponsible; two: you asked me—of all people—to bail you out when I could have spent my night gambling; three: you’ve made the past several days for me impossible to get through.”

“I’m sorry,” Jeremy said after my rant.

“What?” I replied, unable to mask the surprise in my voice.

“I’m sorry for making you feel that way,” he clarified. ”I thought it was all in the name of fun. If I knew that it was actually upsetting you I would have stopped.”

This time I had no response for him. I stayed quiet, contemplating my words. I tried to focus on something else, like the dark road in front of me but I couldn’t. I couldn’t help but feel guilty now for all of my hostile thoughts and wishes towards Jeremy. He actually was a pretty decent and nice person.

“I’m sorry too,” I said a little while later. “For being uptight.”

“Do you think we can start over?” he asked.

I took another few seconds to contemplate his offer. Could there be a possible drawback if Jeremy and I became of friends? I couldn’t think of anything. I surely hoped I wouldn’t regret this decision in the future.

“Sure, why not,” I replied with a small smile.

“Friends, then?” he offered.

“Friends,” I replied. We drove in silence for several minutes before Jeremy spoke again.

“Does this mean the prank war is over?”

I was all too quick to reply, “Oh, HELL no. I have to get you back for the squirt gun harassment in Vegas.”

Jeremy smiled at me, “I look forward to it.”

“Really, we’re friends now,” said Jeremy as he opened his arms for a hug.

I smiled and accepted his hug. A tingling feeling started to wiggle its way through my body. I shoved Jeremy quickly away, “Alright, we’re not that close yet.”

Josh simply laughed at us.
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