What Separates Me From You

I'm Sorry; Wait, No I'm not.

June 26th: San Antonio, TX

I was determined on getting Jeremy before he had a chance to strike back at me. You see, I don’t accept defeat. I’m a sore loser actually; so, since Jeremy was keeping score of this ‘war’ we were having, I was not going to lose. Especially, to a regular bandie like him.

“Are you sure about this, boss?” Joey asked again for the millionth time.

I had recruited Joey to be my right hand man. He really didn’t have much of a choice. I mean, I was his boss. “Yes,” I replied irritatingly. “I am sure.”

Joey fidgeted with his feet, “Can I ask why we’re hiding behind a dumpster?”

I shot Joey a glare. “Because, we’re on a stake out.”

“Mr. McKinnon is kind of famous. I don’t really want to be at-“

“Do you want to be fired?”

Joey shut up instantly. A few more minutes passed. Several guys from different bands passed in front of us giving us quizzical looks. It took my really really mean glare to get the away from the dumpster. It seemed that the particular dumpster we were staked behind was a popular smoking spot.

“What if-“

“NO WHAT IFS JOEY!” I scolded.

Just then, Jeremy walked out of his band’s tour bus. He was so unassuming, so unaware of what was about to happen. I giggled a little as he turned away from us and pulled a wedgie before walking off to wherever he was headed to.

“Ok, go!” I whispered quickly to Joey.

In a half crouch, Joey and I shot out of our hiding spot and ran up behind Jeremy. Excitement over took me, knowing I was going to get away with my prank. Joey positioned his fog horn on the left side of Jeremy’s head and I on the right. Simultaneously, we both let all hell break loose from our fog horns.

Jeremy crumpled to the grown in fright, screaming like a little girl. When we had let go of the fog horns to laugh, he was kept on screaming which made us laugh harder. Tears welled up in my eyes as I watched as realization hit Jeremy. When he gained his composure, he stood up shakily.

“Oh, very funny,” Jeremy said with sarcasm but a smile played his lips. He frowned at me, seeing that I was still laughing at his reaction. He crossed his arms over his chest and shook his head, “That’s right, laugh it up, Greene. Uh huh, laugh it up. Ok, that’s enough,” he continued. “It’s old now, you can stop laughing. Honestly, Greene?”

I took a deep breath to calm myself down. “I’m sorry, Jeremy,” I paused and frowned. “Wait a minute, no I’m not.” I smirked at Jeremy who just shook his head at me and walked away.
Well, someone’s butt hurt.

“I don’t feel so good about it now,” Joey said seeing that Jeremy was honestly upset.

I turned my head to look at him. “Oh man up, Joey. Come on, let’s get lunch.”

Joey shrugged and followed me towards the food tent. The grill was up and running, meaning that the tables would be packed with the various bands on tour. When we got to the tables it was packed. After we had gotten our food, Joey and I sat with a few of our fellow workers and talked about our favorite sets.

“Honestly,” someone at the table said. “I really like A Day to Remember’s set. They really get the crowd pumped.

“I don’t think I’ve seen theirs,” I admitted.

“What? Really? You should, it’s worth it,” he replied.

I turned to Joey, “Why does that band sound familiar again?”

Joey laughed at me, “That’s Jeremy’s band.”

I opened my mouth in disgust and made a gagging sound, “That’s one set you’ll never find me a-.”

My head was unexpectedly shoved forward from a forced hitting the back of my head. I stayed still for a moment, feeling the grease of a hamburger patty run down the nape of my neck. Several people looked at me just as surprised as I felt. I could hear a table of guys laughing at me; Unmistakably, Jeremy’s was the loudest of all. I placed my hands on the table and turned around to confront them. But just as my head was facing in their direction I was bombarded with another patty. This time a chorus of laughter rose from the tables nearby.

Angered, I grabbed a handful of jello and threw it in Jeremy’s direction. But the jello was too light and landed on the back of another person’s head. Jeremy and his band mates laughed harder. Pretty soon, all mayhem cut loose and everyone in the food tent area was throwing food at each other.

In all the chaos, I grabbed the soda I was drinking and walked towards Jeremy who was hidden behind a table, lobbing food at different bands. When he saw me he came out from behind his post with a smile and open arms.

“I’m 3-2 now, Greene,” he said.

“3-3,” I corrected and I splashed my soda in his face.
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