Summer Holds Such Wonderful Things


I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing on the nightstand. I smiled as I read the caller ID.

"Hello?" I smiled trying to play it cool.

"Hey, Alesha it's, ummmm, Jack." He said awkwardly into the phone.


"Did I wake you?"

"No, no. I was awake."

"You don't sound awake." He chuckled.

"Okay, okay, I lied."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay."

"So." He sighed. "We were wondering if you maybe wanted to come hang out sometime today."

I opened my mouth to answer when I heard something like a struggle and then Zack's voice came through the receiver.

"That's a lie!" Zack yelled. "Jack get off me!" He squealed. "He really wanted to ask you, he hasn't stopped talking about you since last night. It was all his idea!" I couldn't help but giggle.

"Zack!" Jack whined. "I'm so sorry."

"That's okay." I laughed, butterflies rose in my stomach.

"So, what do you think?" He asked eagerly.

"Sure. Pick me up in about an hour."

"Okay." I told him my address and we clicked off.

I had an hour to get ready. I grabbed a pair of dark skinny jeans and a nice flowing tank and jumped in the shower. I curled my hair and pinned bits and pieces back. After one last look in the mirror I grabbed my shoes, a hoodie, my scarf and my phone and went outside. Jack was sitting on the hood of a car waiting.

"Nice car." I smiled.

"Shut up." He laughed. "It's a rental." I hopped in the front passenger seat and Jack hopped in the driver's seat. The first part of the car ride was quiet.

"You can put some music on if you want." Jack said not taking his eyes off the road.
"Okay." I opened the dash compartment and shuffled through the CD's. I picked out a mixed Blink 182 CD.

"Nice choice."

"Thanks." I smiled going through the songs until I found the one I wanted. I started singing along.

Jack turned to look at me. "You like Reckless Abandon?"

“Eyes on the road." I laughed, he turned back around. "Hell yes. It's my favourite song!"

"No way! Mine too!" He laughed.

Oh my god. The butterflies in my stomach grew. The rest of the ride was great. Jack and I sang along to Blink 182 and Jimmy Eat World until we got to the hotel they were staying in.
We drove into the parking lot, finding a spare space. Jack parked the car and turned off the ignition.

"Alesha?" Jack said as I was getting ready to open the door.

"Yeah?" I smiled turning to him. He was staring out the windshield at something.

"Never mind." He almost whispered.

I stayed still for a moment just watching him. He was still staring into space. He wanted to tell me something, badly. I let it drop.

"You ready?" I asked not taking my eyes off of him.

"Yeah." He smiled absently opening his door.

I opened my door and stepped out of the car. The harsh winter wind whipped my hair around my face. I walked around and met Jack at the back of the car. He wrapped his arm around me as I snuggled into my hoodie and we headed for the door. I felt instantly warmer as we stepped into the lobby.

Jack led me toward the elevators. Floor 7. The ride up was quiet. I could feel the tension building. Jack desperately wanted to tell me something. We reached the 7th floor and the elevator opened. We walked down a long hall lined with doors. We stopped at room 215. Jack pulled the room key out of his back pocket and opened the door. We walked down a little hall and into the kitchen where Kara and Rian were sitting.

"Hey guys." I smiled wrapping my arms around Kara's shoulders from behind.

"Hey." She smiled. I sat down in a chair at the table and Jack sat next to me.

"Wanna drink?" Rian asked.


"Any preferences?"

"Nope. Whatever you've got." I smiled. He pulled out a can and handed it to me. Rian knocked on the kitchen wall before sitting back down. There was a click and then voices in the hall. Zack walked around the corner followed by Alex and Lisa.

"Alesha!" Zack smiled sitting on my lap and hugging me tightly.

"Hey." I laughed adjusting myself so I was comfortable.

Once I was settled in it was like last night all over again. I was so comfortable - after a day -around these amazing people I barely knew.

"Let's play 'I've never'" A slightly tipsy Alex suggested.

"I'm in." I smiled. "Guys?"

Everyone agreed. Between the seven of us we shared a bottle of Jim Beam.

"Me first." Alex said picking up the bottle. "I've never...Been in love." I took the bottle off of Alex and downed some. Alex, Lisa, Kara and Rian all had some too.

"My turn." I smiled taking the bottle. "I've never...Had sex in the backseat of a car." Alex took the bottle.

"Alex!" Lisa squealed slapping him on the arm.

"Owwww." Alex laughed.

"You promised you wouldn't tell anyone!" The whole group burst into laughter.

"You have to drink now." Rian laughed.

"Pass me the bottle." Lisa said. Rian handed it to her. Lisa drank the remains of the bottle.

"Your turn, baby." Alex grinned as Rian grabbed another bottle and placed it in the centre of the circle.
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