Summer Holds Such Wonderful Things


To: Zack

I have an idea. It’s a really good idea.

Alesha :)

I shut my laptop and headed across the street. The cool spring breeze blew through my hair as I knocked on Jason’s door. It opened and on the other side was a girl. She was no older than me, she had gorgeous blonde, waist length hair, and from what I could tell she was also wearing one of Jason’s shirts.

“Hey.” She smiled. “Can I help you?” She was nice too.

“Uh...” What the hell? I was so confused. Who was this girl? Was this jealousy? No, it couldn’t be. I like Jack. But Jack was so far away and, no, I can’t do this.

Just then Jason came down the stairs. “Who’s at the d-?” He stopped. “Alesha?” I turned to leave. “Wait!” He called.

I stood there with my back to the door and when he didn’t say anything I walked down the driveway and across the street. I walked inside and up to my room. I checked my emails for a reply from Zack.

From: Zack

An idea? Tell me tell me tell me!

<3 Zacky .x

To: Zack

Yes, an idea. It’s for Christmas. I was wondering if you get all the guys together, minus Jack, to help. The surprise is for him.


Zack replied almost instantly. What he was doing up at this hour I had no idea. Well, it was night for him.

From: Zack

Surprise? I can do that. Anything for you :) But, what’s the surprise?

Zack .x

To: Zack

The surprise is me. I want to fly to Baltimore and surprise Jack. Christmas is only a month away. Do you think you can pull it off?


I didn’t get another reply. I shut my laptop and headed outside. I needed to walk, to think things over. I started in the direction of the park.

I always loved spring here. The sun was always shining and there were always birds singing and fresh flowers in bloom. Kids were playing with their friends in the streets and parents were having barbecues and drinking with their friends.

My parents and I were like that. We used to have a neighbourhood get together. Every once in a while. We’d all eat and play games. My dad and I would muck around in the backyard; he’d carry me on his shoulders, while my mum would lay out salads and all different types of foods.

A tear slid down my cheek. I was 10 then. Its funny how within 2 years of that both my parents changed. It was like I didn’t even know them and then 4 years later they were gone. Damn it.
I sat down on the grass at the base of a big tree and rested against it. I could sit here all day and watch the world go by.

“I thought I’d find you here.” Someone said. I looked up to find Jason standing above me. I patted the grass next to me. I brought my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around my legs. Jason sat down.

“Look.” We both said at the same time.

“You first.” He said.

“Okay, firstly, I’m so sorry. Secondly, I over reacted…a lot and thirdly, I was stupid and selfish, I just, you’re the only friend, real friend I have here, I mean, you saved my life. I don’t know what Trey would have done if you hadn’t come over. I don’t know, I guess in a way I was just jealous.” I took a deep breath and peered at Jason, he was picking at the grass. “It’s your turn.” I said nudging him with my shoulder.

“Alesha?” He said looking up.

“Yeah?” I asked turning to face him.

The next thing I knew Jason’s lips were on mine. My hands instantly went to his hair. What was I doing? His touch sent sparks through me but not like the fireworks when Jack kissed me. Why was I going along with this? Our lips parted and he deepened the kiss, stroking his hands up and down my sides. I can’t do this. I pulled away from Jason.

“Shit, I’m sorry.” I was speechless; I didn’t know what to say. “I shouldn’t have done that. I know you like that Jack guy.”

“Uhm, that’s, that’s okay. It’s my fault too.” We sat there silently for a second; it wasn’t an awkward silence, surprisingly. I stood up.

“Where are you going?” I held out my hand to help him up. “Oh.” We walked back towards our street.

“Wanna come over for a bit, watch a movie or something?” I asked.

“Sure.” He smiled.
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hey guys, sorry i havent posted in ages.
i'm kinda over writing at the moment, it's awful, haha.
anyways this was really uneventful and short.