Summer Holds Such Wonderful Things


I stood on my tip-toes as I reached for my duffle bag in the top of my wardrobe. It was full of all my winter clothes that I’d just finished packing away. It was going to be freezing in Maryland! I opened the duffle bag and started pulling out jackets, scarves, gloves, basically everything I’d need. I grabbed a few t-shirts and long sleeve shirts, as well as my skinnies and hoodies. I wasn’t really sure how long I’d be staying; Zack only got me a one-way ticket.

I loaded up my car with my suitcase and bags and ran across the street to Jason’s. I knocked on the door. There was a shuffling and then the door swung open.

“Hey.” He smiled.

“Hey.” I replied. “Well, I came to say goodbye.” I said sadly. As much as I wanted to go I didn’t want to leave Jason. We had become such close friends recently.

“Oh.” He sighed looking into my eyes. “Well, I guess this is goodbye then.” He stepped forward and picked me up in a hug. I wrapped my arms around him.

“For now.” I said into the crook of his neck.

“For now.” He repeated as he put me down. I took a step back. “I’ll miss you.” He smiled.

“And I’ll miss you.” I said. Jason kissed me on the forehead before I left and got into my car.

I’ll admit, I was beyond excited. I couldn’t wait to see everyone, especially Jack and considering that it was Christmas made everything that much better.

I was bouncing with excitement as I drove to the airport. It was Christmas Eve here. I gave Jason my house keys so he could check on things every now and then. The airport was packed with people arriving and departing. It was almost hard to breathe. I checked in and made my way to the gate. Once we boarded and everything was settled the plane took off. I was sitting in the window seat, which was a bonus. After about an hour I put in my earphones and turned my iPod on shuffle.

The next thing I knew we were landing in Baltimore. I made my way to baggage claim, found my bags and then headed for the lobby where Alex and Zack were supposed to be meeting me. I scanned through the crowd looking for any signs of them.

“Guess who?” Someone had their hands over my eyes. An instant smile spread across my face. I spun around to see Alex.

“Alex!” I squealed as I dropped my bags and jumped on him.

“Hey.” He laughed and returned my hug. I let go of Alex and jumped on Zack.

“Hey gorgeous.” Zack laughed.

“I’ve missed you guys so much!” I grinned.

“Don’t worry, we missed you too.” Alex said. “Jack especially.” Butterflies started in my stomach at the mention of Jack.

“Definitely.” Zack said. “He hasn’t stopped complaining. ‘When do we get to see Alesha?’” Zack mimicked Jack. “'Oh, I miss her so much.’ It honestly hasn’t stopped.” I blushed.
Both of them grabbed my bags and we headed to the parking lot. I tried to guess which car was Alex’s. I was thinking the really expensive black SUV parked near the front door until Alex led us in the other direction.

“This is your car?” I asked as I stared at what was in front of me. “A 1968 C10 Chevrolet pickup.”

“Shit girl, you certainly know your cars.” Zack laughed.

“Yeah, something my dad and I shared.” I said absently. Alex glanced at me. He knew.

“Yeah, what’s wrong with it?” Alex asked as we piled into the cab.

“Nothing, it’s an awesome car. I was just expecting something a little more -”

“Sophisticated.” Zack finished.

“Yeah.” I nodded.

“We’ve been saying that for years.” Zack laughed. “He never budges though.” Alex turned up the heater as Zack put in a Third Eye Blind CD.

“This is my favourite truck.” He said. “She was my first car and she’s never let me down.”

“Okay okay.” I giggled.

“Oh, by the way, you’re staying with me and Lisa.” Alex smiled.

“Sweet.” I leaned my head on Zack’s shoulder. “Jet lag is already setting in.” I yawned as I closed my eyes. He wrapped his arm around me as I drifted to sleep. It would take me a while to get used to the time difference.

My eyes fluttered open as Zack scooped me up and out of the car, he carried me bridal style into the house. I rubbed my eyes as he laid me on a bed and covered me up.

“Go back to sleep.”

“Mmkay,” I mumbled, my eyes closing involuntarily, within seconds I was fast asleep.
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heeey, sorry for taking forever to upload! it's been pretty hectic lately. anyways, the ending of this chapter sucks but eh.
let me know what you think! :)