Status: Just a simple short story of a girl

A Story of a Girl

She + He = They

She always seemed to fail when her good was never good enough

She tried the alternative route but instead got pushed out.

She was abused as a child and abandoned by her father.

She was constantly molested by a male cousin

who she now looks at with disgust

She tried dating girls but it just wasn't enough

She was forced to join a military program

Where she then met her real best friend who changed her life

He made her smile

He made her laugh

He showed her that life wasn't so bad

She fell in love with him

He fell in love with someone else

She was devasted

He didn't understand

She tried being a flirt but her heart was somewhere else

His relationship ended in an unfaithful turn

She comforted him in his time of need

He realized he liked her

She realized he wouldn't ever be hers

He fell in love

She fell out of love

He began to hate her

She began to hate him

She missed him

He missed her

She knew she still loved him

He knew he would always love her

He asked her to be his

She smiled and sealed it with a kiss

She knew things were getting better

He knew life was perfect with her

He enlisted into the Marines

She supported him through it all

He proposed on Christmas day

She cried and nodded her head

They graduated as high school sweethearts

He was being shipped out earlier than expected

She cried realizing he was to leave in a week

They decided to get married soon

She and He were married that Friday

He left the following Monday

She cried holding his jacket thinking of him

He trained to earn his title

She waited daily for a single letter

He did what was told of him

She grew closer to his family

He got in trouble for integrity

She helped to fix the problem

He got to continue training

She continued to wait paitently

He was to graduate soon

She finally saw him again

He smiled seeing her again

She cried holding her husband

He held and comforted his wife

He came home the next day as a Marine

She felt lucky to be his wife

He left for training in November

She visited him as much as possible

He graduated in January and sent to train in Virginia

She stayed in California waiting for him

He was stationed in Virginia

She was left to stay in California

She flew to see him despite her fears

He flew to see her on holidays

She missed him dearly

He missed her dearly

He called her late one night

She worried knowing something wasn't right

He told her his best friend committed suicide

She cried the whole day and night

He later reported of more tragic news

He lost 3 more friends in the matter of hours

He cried all night to her

She cried and comforted him through the phone

She knew he was hurting

He knew she really cared

He knew time would heal these wounds

She knew she would heal his wounds

He then gave her some mixed news

He was to be deployed

She masked her feelings and worry

She paitently waited alone

He missed their first wedding anniversary

She cried alone that night

He came back that fall

She smiled being in his arms once more

He was denied her moving

She was forced to stay in California longer

He missed her incredibly

She missed him more

He was again deployed

She will be spending their second wedding anniversary alone again

He knows he is missing another anniversary

He was an hour away of where a Tsunami hit the foreign country he was in.

She watched the footage in tears

He let her know he was okay despite the constant aftershocks they lived with.

She weakly smiled a sense of relief

He is now moved to another country

She is still waiting for him to come home

He hasn't seen his family in many months

She hasn't felt his touch in many months

He misses her more each day

She misses him more every minute of every day

He is still deployed

She is still waiting

She will stay waiting

She will always be waiting

I will always be waiting.


I will admit that I get jealous and sometimes envy couples who get to see each other daily or whenever they want to but if you don't know how it is like to not have a choice whether you can see the person you love and they HAVE TO be gone for long periods of time with minimal communication don't say you "understand", "you can imagine", or " know what it's like" because in reality you will never understand that messages like these below mean more to us then words can ever describe.

I may envy time other couples get to spend together but I am proud to be a Marine's Wife.
♠ ♠ ♠
She is I
He is my husband
This is our story


A faithfully devoted Marine Corps Wife
She who waits also serves