Razorblade Regrets And Revenge Renegades

Chapter 1

As I stomp down the freshly washed stairs in my brand new black high tops, I can already hear the breakfast rush coming from the kitchen. My hood is pulled up over my wild hair and the music escaping from my stereo headphones blares out the sound of baby cries.

The morning light of the kitchen shines down the hall and Max, the family Golden-Retriever waddles into the hallway to greet me as I enter the hectic kitchen. I bite my newly pierced lip, trying to hide it- Not because I fear for what my mother will say (or do), but to steer clear of yet another worthless argument.

Emily; Otherwise known as 'the baby', is screaming from her high-chair perch, throwing cheerios to the linoleum floor in what seems like protest. The 'kid brother' Matt is skateboarding 'rebelliously' along the counter, gathering last minute homework and school supplies and almost forgetting his lunch. Lastly, I am sad to report that Helen is my mother- the work-obsessed business woman who is currently negotiating something on her tiny cellphone as she almost trips over the dog in attempt to pack away her paperwork.

I, however, act ever so slyly to slip through the Brady Bunch and grab my lunch from the counter-top. I head out the door before my mother even has the chance to look upon my disgrace of facial features. I hear her call out for me to grab some breakfast and leave the french door open just long enough to call back that I'm late meeting Tom.

The park isn't far in the distance, and as usual, I'm the first to arrive. I find myself comfortable on a nearby bench and shield my dark brown eyes with over-sized sunglasses, looking around for my fool of a best friend. Soon enough, he'll show up, making a fool of himself in the process- Just as he manages to do in just a matter of seconds.

The smirk plastered on his face proves this as he charges passed a group of old people on his skateboard with a cigarette balanced between his pale lips. This quick action causes him to almost fall into the water fountain, losing his balance for only a few moments.

With little poise, he rolls up to me and skids to a halt, messing up my hair with a, "Hey Anna."

"Hello," I say, looking up at his slender figure with a wide-set grin.

"Nice lip ring," he remarks, poking my cheek with a smile.

I shyly turn pink and mutter, "Thanks."

He smiles back before things get oddly awkward.

"So," I sigh, changing the subject. "I guess we should get going, or we'll be late for class."

He shakes his head. "Nah... I'm not in any hurry."

"Why not?"

"Not feeling like school today," he states. "How many days we got left of skipping until suspension?"

I do the calculations in my head, "I don't know about you, but I've got two or three..."

"Well then... What are we doing? Let's go drive to the waterfront or something. We can go back at lunch."

I debate the pros and cons quickly in my head before smirking in agreement. It isn't long before we start on our way back to my house, where my family should have already left and my humble vehicle should be waiting in the garage.


Thomas Banks happens to be the closest friend I have; Ever since the seventh grade. My mom and my step-dad had gotten a divorce, causing my mother to drag me and my two [half] siblings across town, not only to a new neighborhood, but to new schools. It was my first day of 'middle-school in hell' and Tom just happened to be the first nice person I met there.

Since then, Tom has introduced me to all of my other friends, along with a sort of music I never would have found on my own. We've been inseparable ever since, despite my mother's disapproval. My mother is a very old-fashioned and intensely strict and close-minded woman; the kind of woman you live to disappoint. Nothing has even ever happened between Tom and I to cause this strict behavior- It's just the simple fact that he's a boy; A boy that I manage to be very, very close with. And it's not that the thought of dating him has never crossed my mind, it's just that I'm smart enough to know where those kinds of relationships end up.

But of course, being the rebellious teenager I am, my mother's rules have never stopped me from getting what I want. Tom has been there for me through thick and thin, and I know just as well as anyone that I'm perfectly capable of making my own judgments, especially when it comes to people. I live by no rules- especially her rules. We live only to please ourselves; We are reckless and free.