Status: Starting Up Soon.

I'd Sail the Seven Seas to See Her

Kassidy has known Michael for almost 5 years, and is about to join him on another world tour, to promote his latest record; HIStory: Past, Present and Future. The only thing is, now that Kassidy is about to turn 18, she no longer hides her feelings for Michael, and it seems, Michael doesn't see the point in hiding his feelings for her.

Things will get crazy, especially when you're in love with Michael Jackson; The King Of Pop.

[I do not own any of the famous people in the story that may appear, and that sadly includes Michael Jackson, May He Rest In Peace. I however own Kassidy and any other people that I make up through out the story. I own the plot, so please don't take it. I don't care if you don't like the story, I do, and I know some will appreciate it, so the only thing that makes me happy are the people who enjoy it, and the fact I enjoy writing it.
R.I.P Michael Joesph Jackson...It still hasn't gotten any easier. Smile though your heart is aching, Smile even thought it's breaking