Status: Starting Up Soon.

I'd Sail the Seven Seas to See Her


Prague, Czech Republic was our first official stop on the History world tour, and we were all excited to tour, but I was so excited to get back into touring, because it was one of the greatest things ever. And in just over a month I would turn 18, and I would officially become an adult, not to mention be able to drink, in most countries.

We were all spending the day relaxing, having done a sound check and a quick rehearsal yesterday. I had decided to spend my day with Michael, hanging out in his suite watching movies and talking about whatever came to mind. Michael and I had been sharing popcorn, whilst watching the movie, when I felt something hit my face.

I looked down and saw popcorn in my lap, before looking over at Michael and furrowing my brows and him before glaring at him playfully. He burst out laughing, giggling like a maniac before pushing his hand into the bowl of popcorn and threw the large handful at me. I screamed loudly, before grabbing a handful of popcorn and throwing it at him, but he laughed loudly, before ducking.

I screamed again as he got up and chased me around the suite with popcorn in his hands, throwing it at me. I spun around to throw some at him, and tripped over one of his shoes, falling to the ground, and grabbing onto his shirt, pulling him down with me. Michael lay above me and had a vacant expression on his face.

I didn’t know what came over me, or Michael for that matter but we both met each other half way, our lips touching in a soft kiss, our lips moving in sync with each others. Michael’s tongue glided across my bottom lip, asking for entrance, which I allowed. Our tongues danced together, in our first kiss.

When we both pulled away, all we could do was stare at each other. I could feel my cheeks burning, and knew that I was blushing, if I could see myself, my entire face would probably be red.

“I…” I stuttered.

“I’ve wanted to do that for a while.” Michael confessed softly.

I blushed an even darker shade of red, if possible, before hiding my face in my hands.

“Why are you hiding?” Michael asked.

“I’m shy and embarrassed, and nervous.” I said, it being muffled by my hands.

“Kassidy Autumn DeLuca is not a shy person.” Michael stated.

He was only half right. Around Michael I was a nervous wreck, and shy. He had that affect on me, because I had a massive crush on him, and had since forever. As the years passed whilst I toured with him, and knew him personally, my feelings grew stronger and stronger for him. Not just because he was Michael Jackson; King of Pop, but because he was smart, funny, absolutely handsome and the most caring, loving person I’d ever met. He always knew how to cheer me up when I was sad, and he knew how to make me laugh.

He could be mature and serious when the situation called for it, but he also knew how to relax and just act like a kid. And when I thought about the age difference, all I saw were numbers, the gap didn’t matter.

“I’m shy around you.” I murmured.

“Since when?” He questioned.

“Forever,” I stated simply.

“Don’t hide your face.” He whispered, pulling my hands from my face.

“Why not?” I asked.

“It’s beautiful and you shouldn’t hide your beauty.” He said softly, caressing my cheek gently.

I blushed again and turned my face, so I was looking at the back of the couch, and not Michael’s angelic face. Michael gently grabbed my chin between his forefinger and thumb, pulling my face to meet his soft gaze.

“Don’t.” He said simply and softly.

Michael leaned down again and kissed me softly, getting a response out of me, causing him to smile into the kiss. We were interrupted by a knock on Michael’s suite door. Michael got up then helped me to my feet before walking over to the door and answering it, talking for about a minute before closing the door and walking back over to me.

“That was Frank; he said that we need to head over to the stadium.” He told me.

“Okay.” I nodded.

“Do you need anything from your room?” He asked, as he gathered his things.

“Yeah, I just have to grab a few things.” I answered softy.

“I’ll send Carter with you, and then he’ll bring you down to my car.” Michael told me.

“Okay.” I nodded again.

Michael laughed softly and walked up to me, wrapping his arms around my waist and looking down into my eyes.

“Stop sounding so nervous.” He said.

“I can’t help it.” I shrugged, as I playing with the buttons on his shirt.

“You can, it’s cute Kassidy, but it’s not the Kassidy I know.” He smiled.

“Sorry.” I mumbled.

“Don’t be. I’ll see you in the car.” He said before pecking my lips.

We both left his suite together, and he told one of his body guards, Carter to follow me down to my room so that I could get what I needed before he escorted me down to Michael’s car, so we could go to the venue together. Carter waited out the front of my room, waiting for me patiently. I grabbed what I needed to, and shoved it all into a bag before leaving my room.

Once we’d arrived down stairs, Carter helped me into the SUV, before closing the door. I slid in next to Michael, smiling softly as he took my hand in his. The car started to move and the driver headed towards tonight’s venue.

I was excited for tonight and couldn’t wait to get the show underway. I loved being on stage, and especially loved being on stage with Michael, because he always surprised me, and not to mention impressed me and I couldn’t wait to see what surprises he had in store for this tour.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is cute. I totally love Michael. <3 Kind of an obvious thing to say though.
So, I watched Audrina tonight, but in my defense only because her sister Casey, and Casey husband; Kyle was on it. I love Casey and Kyle Loza to death! So I watched it...I don't dislike Audrina Patridge as much as I thought I did.

Thanks to LDW Choice for the comment. :)