The Bruised Angel


The days passed and Cassie still wasn’t there. Every day I got more and more worried. I called before and after school each day but one of her parents answered. I still didn’t have a plan but now Tam was helping. I think she saw it as a sort of joke though because she got Emly to help and when Emly helps well not much gets done.

“Why are we doing this again?” she asked while flipping through a book.

“Because I’m trying to save Cassie,” I explained for the millionth time.

“But why? She’s sick right?”

I exchanged a quick glance with Tam.

“Yeah…but I miss her.”

“Oh, ok. Can I make popcorn?”

“Yes!” I said quickly.

She jumped up and went to the kitchen.

“Tam,” I said quietly.

“I know but she really wants to help it just takes her a while to get into the helping mind.”

“I love her like a sister but she’s testing my patience.”

“I know. We could always tell her your hunch and see what happens.”

“No! I don’t want anyone else to know until I’m completely sure.”

“Then deal with her. Give us a few more minutes then I’ll take her upstairs.”

“I feel like she’s a little girl.”

“Yeah, she does have the spirit of one. I promise we’ll be out of your hair soon.”

“I’m sorry,” I said, seeing how she was getting a little upset. “You two can stay but if she asks why one more time please go upstairs.”

“Ok, thanks!” she gave me a hug.

“Do either of you want anything?” Emly called from the kitchen.

“I’m coming in!” Tam called back.

“Get me a soda please,” I said before she was out of the room.

She nodded and I went back to the books. I was just writing down escape methods even if they wouldn’t work. So far I had about twenty and I would be able to possibly pull off one of them and not get sent to jail. It had been about ten minutes and Tam and Emly still weren’t in here. I got up and went to the kitchen. What I saw confused me.

Tam and Emly were standing in the middle of the kitchen very close to each other. Their hands were interlocked and Emly was whispering in Tam’s ear.

“Tam? Emly?” I said. They jumped apart and looked at me.

“Oh Aly. We forgot about your soda, sorry. I was just helping Em with the popcorn,” Tam said quickly.

“Tam, what’s going on?”

Both of their faces were turning red and Em was standing there looking at the ground, for once at a loss for words.

“Tam,” I said again.

“We’re dating ok?!” she said, looking up at me. She looked so upset and wounded. I knew she would never have told anyone this. In her eyes I saw the need for me to understand this.

“What?” I asked.

“We’ve been dating for a few months now. We haven’t told anyone. Do you hate us?”

“Of course not.” I went over and hugged her. “So you’re a lesbian?”


“Same with me!” Em said; now back to her usual self now that she knew I wasn’t going to freak.

“So are you ever going to tell?” I asked Tam and she knew exactly who I was talking about.

“Not if I can help it, do you know how much she would flip?”

“You’ll have to tell her eventually.”

“Maybe after college.”

“That’s like six years away!”

“Aly please don’t say anything.”

“Fine,” I huffed.

“Let’s get back to saving Cassie!” Em said, grabbing the popcorn and soda.

“Only you Em,” I chuckled.

It’s been three days since Tam and Em told me and I’ve kept it a secret which isn’t that hard because they’re the only people I really talk to besides Cassie’s parents and why would I tell them? I haven’t seen or spoken to Cassie in a week and it’s been pure hell. I miss her so much and nothing I do will get her back. I’ve tried begging with her parents but they just say she’s to sick to see me. I cry myself to sleep every night and wake up with a huge headache the next morning. I have huge bags under my eyes and I’ve almost fallen asleep in school.

“Aly, stay home,” Tam said Thursday morning.

“I can’t, I just have this feeling that today’s gonna be different,” I argued.

“Yeah, you’ll probably pass out from sleep deprivation. Please stay home.”

“No, Tam. I’m going and that’s that.”

She finally gave in and drove us to school. I went to my locker like always and waited next to it hoping that Cassie would magically appear. The five minute bell rang and I slowly began walking to class. By the time I got there the final bell rang and Cassie still hadn’t shown up.

I took my seat and got ready for another long day. Class passed by in a blur and I forget everything I learned. Study hall came and I sat in my seat in the back of the room, put my Ipod on, and closed my eyes. I was listening to Situations by Escape the Fate when someone poked me in the shoulder. I scrunched up my face as I took out the headphones. I opened my eyes and let out a small scream which caused everyone to look at me but I didn’t care.

Standing in front of me looking so small and fragile was my Cassie.
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I hope you don't mind the thing about Tam and Em because I know not everyone is alright with people being bi. I have nothing against it, I actually hate homophobia, but if you don't like it please don't be rude about it or anything I just had this idea for Tam and Em.