Vampires and Werewolves

For centuries vampires and werewolves have lived in a treatied peace. That is until a small coven breaks that treaty by changing a human into a new vampire and the Secret of their mythicalogical world is known is an outsider.


Becca Davies
Age: 17
DOB: March 17, 1990

Becca Davies is a good student but tends to get bored easily in her classes. She's into music like My Chemical Romance and Mindless Self Indulgence, photography, and the web. She's ready to leave school and go off on a 'Senior Trip' with her friends this summer, the so-called typically thing to do before college, or even just the start to her year off.

The Werewolves

Brandon Jamison
DOB: January 1,1990
Brandon is a genius who takes everything seriously. Well everything that is except for Becca Davies. He has an air about him like he knows whats going to happen next. Does he?

Gail Harrison
DOB: December 15, 1989
Gail is an artist, most likely the best next to Brandon. Her goals or at least the ones she talks to Becca about, are ones of going to art school. She draws fictional creatures and dreams in a world of one outside of ours. Does she live in one?

Lynn Woods
Age: 17
DOB: July 27, 1990
Lynn and Becca have been friends since their preschool days and their have shared everything from crushes, tears to their first beer, and more. Or have they?

The Vampires

Jakob Matthews
Age: 17
DOB: June 15, 1990
Jake is a close friend of Becca's, has been since her very first day as Sky View High when they met in photography class. What happens when Becca witnesses something between Brandon and Jake?

Rian Taylor
Age: 18
DOB: February 17, 1990
Rian and Jake are best friends, have been that way since the fourth grade, when they were first discovering their thirst and their powers. Rian is also Vonnie's soul mate, as you should call them that, they've broken up and gotten back together so many times though, it's kind of unreal.

Vonnie Hunter
Age: 18
DOB: August 1, 1989
Rian's girlfriend and sister to Kayla, she's probably the oddest one out of the bunch; she 'March's to the beat of her own drum' as they say. And that's definately true with her whacky sense of clothing and hair style. She's another close friend of Becca's.

Kayla Hunter
Age: 17
DOB: July 20, 1990
Kayla has been Becca's best friend since the 5th grade and there's no doubting how close the two are. Kayla is eccentric and always pushing Becca to try new things and Becca usually gives in to her.

Baillie Renee
Age: 18
DOB: November 7, 1989
Baillie and Becca have been close friend's for the past two years now and are probably as close as sisters. Baillie has gone through alot in her Senior year, she lost a baby at the beginning of October her mysterious reasons, but doesn't seem fazed by it at all, and she was kicked out of her house, she's not worried about that it. Why?

Author's Note: I Own ALL of this story, the character's including the pictures except for the one's for Becca, Gail, and Rian. The rest are my friends. And Sorry About the Size.