Vampires and Werewolves

Chapter 1: A Secret Meeting

A teenaged werewolf dressed accordingly as if he had just stepped out of an American Eagle photo shoot, raced down the main hallway of Sky View High. He made a sharp turn at the cornor of the hall and slowed his pace to a walk as he headed into the empty classroom, 174.

"Brandon, finally." A girl with black hair and a bookish look to her breathed out happily as if she had been waiting long, which she had. He was late again.

"Sorry, I had to help Becca-"

"That excuse again? Why don't you just ask her to join the pack already?" A slighty bored looking girl with dirty blonde asked him tiredly, as if she had a million times before. Which, of couse she had.

"Gail, Lynn. Are we here to discuss my love life-"

"Or the lack of one." Gail muttered.

"-Or, the meeting?"He asked after being interrupted. Brandon couldn't deny that he liked Becca, it just wasn't safe. Especially now.

"We already now what you're going to talk about, Lynn's turning," Gail narrowed her eyes. "That's not it, is there?"

"No, the vampires are starting to get out of control. There are now five, instead of the oringinal four. Jakob, Rian, Vonnie, Kayla, and Baillie."

"Baillie?" Lynn questioned. Her features read shock, wide eyes, jow slightly dropped, and pure confusion.

"Yeah, Becca was talking about it. Her eyes seem darker then usual, and she's been carrying around a water bottle. She's also been missing more and more school..." Brandon trailed off. There were only a few signs to knowing if a human had changed, and those were the tell-tale ones usually.

"So, other than that, my turning?" Lynn asked in hope to change the topic.

"Yes, a lighter subject might be nice," Gail anwsered her. "My turning was on my birthday."

"It is always on your birthday?" Lynn had directed this question at Brandon, but he had completely zoned out. His brown eyes turned white blending in with the iris'/

"Brandon? Brandon. what do you see?" Gail asked panickly. It took him a minute to snap out of it and for his vision to clear.

"I-I see, danger. There was the vampires on one side, us on the other. But something was stopping us from fighting."

"What is it?" Lynn asked impatiently.

♠ ♠ ♠ I'll have all the character info in the summary by tonight. Currently I'm at school and don't have access to my photobucket or my own word account. So... yeah lol hope you liked it!

reba rotten