Vampires and Werewolves

Chapter 3: Explaination

“What is she doing here?” Gail exclaimed as Brandon gently brought Becca out of his black vintage Mustang. Brandon quickly shushed her as she went inside of the apartment complex he had driven up to.

After Brandon had told Becca his secret, she fainted and he couldn’t risk either leaving her and letting her think it was a dream and then noticing the dried blood on her arm, or taking her to the infirmary and having her know it was not a dream at all, and her freak out and tell someone. So making a conscience decision, he brought her back to the loft, which was Gail’s family home, except usually Gail’s alone because her mother and father, who are archeologist, are usually on assignment in South Africa.

He explained all of this to Gail, as they went upstairs, and she nodded as the precious moments and put the pieces together even before he did.

“That’s how she’s in the middle.” Gail said it affirmatively like the death sentence it was and it hung in the air until Becca started to stir on the couch where they had placed her.

“No, I won’t let her get hurt.” Brandon whispered softly as Becca’s eyes snapped open and she sprung up.

“Where am I?” She asked, her eyes glancing back and forth between them. “Gail, you’re a werewolf too?”

“Yes, she is,” Brandon answered quickly. “Becca, you’re at Gail’s apartment.” Becca nodded, seeming to agree with the fact that she was in an apartment with two werewolves.

“You never explained to me what happened.” Becca said after she got comfortable with her surroundings. It wasn’t hard, they were her friends, just now she knew they sometimes had more hair then usual.

“Well,” Brandon began; he looked over at Gail, who was shaking her head. He knew it was probably a bad idea but he knew either way Becca was going to be in the middle, fight or no fight. She had friends on both sides. “Jake’s a vampire.”

“A vampire?” She blinked, “That’s why he was going to bite my neck?”

“I knew a fight was coming. I sent Lynn over to talk to you, to keep you occupied. But it backfired.”

“Are there any others? Vampires or werewolves?” Becca asked.

“Yes, there is just one more werewolf and four other vampires. And you know all of them.” Gail added this and Becca’s eyes darted to her.

“Who?” She asked anxiously.

“Lynn is other werewolf-“

“Technically, she isn’t a werewolf yet; she hasn’t turned and got her power.” Brandon interjected.

“Powers? Turning?” Becca was confused.

“I know it’s very confusing if you’re not born into it,” Brandon answered her. “We all get a special power, unique to us, when we turn on our eighteenth birthday. We stop aging also, unless we choose to.”

As for the other vampires, there’s Rian Taylor, Vonnie Hunter, her sister Kayla, and Baillie Renée.” Brandon finished off her Gail.

“Is that why Baillie’s been acting so weird lately?” Becca guessed, half shocked, half angry with the fact that they all kept this a secret from her. The other two just nodded. “When were you going to tell me this? Were you going to tell me?”

“Bec, the vampires are starting to get out of control. You only know now because you’re in danger.” Brandon told her.

Becca looked at the carpet and searched it, like it would give her an answer to what she was asking it, “So if the vampires would have stayed quite, I would have never known?”

The two shook their heads yes

“Why even now? Why not just let me be bait?” She yelled angrily, before getting up and running out the door.

“Becca, wait!” Brandon called after her, and started to go after her, but Gail caught his arm.

“Let her cool down a bit,” She suggested. Brandon nodded in agreement before calling Lynn and telling her what had happened.