Status: In progress

Are you afraid of the dark?

Chapter Three

“Nick told me that you were looking for me” I said and closed the door from our hotel’s room . I barely made two steps closer and you were dragging me onto the bed kissing me furiously , I tried to get away because basically we almost crashed the laptop .
“You are in a good mood , today huh?” I asked and you giggled . “I was killing time in the internet” that was a new one , every time we have a free hours you were probably running and doing flip flops back stage . “You were googling me again , Joe?” .
“I can’t help it Kevin…you were gorgeous in our last photo shoot” .
“Yeah right…” I answered , told you this was physical attraction .

Those first months after our first kiss were pure ecstasy…you made the rules clear :
“We have a physical thing , no strings attached”

But you were so wrong , cause you knew you were going to be mine , that it was impossible not to fall .

“Do we have time? ” I asked in a moan while you were working on that spot on my neck that you discover to be my favorite…I opened my mouth to make a point but I was shortly interrupted by your lips followed by the tip of your wet tongue begging for entrance which I gladly accepted…you liked me at least that was something , you liked how I tasted , how I smelled you told me one night after a party but guess what? You were drunk , it wasn’t my Joe talking it was the alcohol , I helped you in the elevator….don’t worry mommy and daddy never found out , just Nick and by that time I thanked god that you didn’t said anything about us , everything was so soon , but again you were wasted in that case no one would ever believe you , how could someone like you la eyes on his brother? Your beautiful chocolate eyes .
That night was the first time you asked me for making love to you , you begged me to raped you , to take you in so many ways…in the end I didn’t know that you were already broken
I press a kiss on your forehead and you were out in a second . I used to wonder why did you have to hide so many things from me? Couldn’t at least talk with Nicky or mommy and daddy? …now I get it .
The second time you asked me I refused too .

“Will you be my boyfriend?”
“Kevin , I said will you be…”
“I know I heard you” Gosh! I must be dreaming , you really asked me to be your boyfriend, you want me , you wanted Me to be Yours , I never thought this moment could ever happen, I pictured in my mind so many times…I pictured me asking you and you saying no because I wasn’t good enough for you , at that time you deserved so much better . Then I saw some tears in the corner of your eyes , I cleaned them and I kissed you softly .Crazy! You really thought that I was going to say no? the press was right sometimes you are an airhead , my airhead , my baby…

“Kevin , Kevin “ I heard someone shaking my shoulder roughly at the middle of the night .
“Nick , what are you doing here?” I watched the slim figure of my 16 year old brother , he grow up so fast but at that time he didn’t seem like the mature Nick we all know , at that moment he collided into my arms being baby Nick all over again “Nick , what’s going on?” he sobbed and hugged me tightly “It’s Joe , he’s in the hospital” .

When I entered the hospital mommy , daddy and Frankie we already there , they were crying I noticed , I wanted to be with you , I wanted to touch you and hold you in my arms like every other night , but nobody let me , the doctors didn’t let me , I felt so useless sitting there in the waiting area , so many thins running through my mind , the kisses , the cuddling , Nick finding out , you running away for no apparent reasons…

Our last fight .

A doctor came closer to us , but I didn’t listen him , instead I went quietly to your room , from a corner I watched you there in the bed sleeping under the effect of drugs …I put extra attention and the bandage covering your eyes , everything made sense , Joe you were blind , you could never see again…you have just lost the most precious thing in life .