Descending Angel

Chapter 9

We had settled into our seats easily as Frank put in ‘Dawn Of The Dead’. It wasn’t anything special, I don’t even remember what the movie was about. I think something about zombies…or maybe vampires. I was watching intently on Gerard and Bob and how they were together.

I was supposed to save this kid right? Well in this body I could get something out of Frank or Mikey about how Eric was with Gerard before. Eric was a asshole, I know, but what about when he wasn’t. When Eric was quiet. What about when they were alone, what happened then?

When the movie was over Bob had crawled into Gerard as far as he could without being his arm. I was secretly upset, I mean I was trying to save this guy from killing himself and here Bob was keeping him away form me whether he knew it or not.

I could feel Mikey slowly wind his arms around me. I wasn’t uncomfortable because I was a girl before, but I knew I should have been because now I’m a guy. You know what? It never hurt to change Eric right? Shirley, ugh, was a good idea to get rid of, and the new hair was a good idea too. What about sexual preference? Well they will all have to deal. It shouldn’t be much of a thing to get used to considering Gerard and Bob were already out and together.

For some reason this made me angry. I don’t know what it was about. But I was defiantly upset by this realization that Gerard’s mind was always busy with another guy.

Getting up off of Mikey I headed toward the kitchen to refill Coke. This in Ray opinion didn’t need to be refilled.

I opened the fridge only to jump back a foot when I saw someone’s sock covered feet just behind it.

“What the hell are you doing!?!” I cried along with a ripple of laughter.

“This.” I looked up only to have lips pressed up against mine My eyes bulged out in surprise as I tried to see who it was kissing me. However all I could see was an ear.

Maybe, if I’m smart enough I can figure it out while they kiss me. Oh its on.

The ear was un-pierced, meaning it wasn’t Frank. Thank. God.

The hair was dark and straight from what I could tell, meaning it wasn’t Ray or Bob.

Now the Way brothers needed to be knocked out.

I raised my hand and glided it down the side of his face feeling some brackets. Most likely from glasses.

Well from what I know Gerard doesn’t wear glasses, so, its Mikey. Great.

He pulled away and I looked at his face. Yep, Mikey. Damn.

“What was that for?”

“Well, you were hinting at something in the living room so I thought I would come in here and make those hints, reality.” I gave a confused face, but he smiled. “Oh Eric, you know you wanted it. See this? This is your secret behind it all.” Wait, but I thought Eric was infatuated with Gerard. I thought Eric was obsessed with Gerard. Not Mikey. What’s going on?

“Mikey, why are you doing this to me?”

“This is what you wanted.” What has Eric done?

I backed away from Mikey who looked hurt. “You not joking are you… You really don’t remember anything. I didn’t tell my mom because I thought this was a huge ploy, but you really are aren’t you!” He was getting frantic now. “Oh my god… No. You have to remember. Everything was perfect…why?”

I ran back into the room picking up Frank by the arm.

“Whoah! What are you doing?”

“I feel really sick. I think…” I made a fake gagging noise.

“Oh god, alright lets get you home. See if there’s anything there for you.” I looked around and Gerard gave me a weird look as if asking what was really going on. Maybe he knew I was faking just to get away from my ‘best friend’. I don’t know, all I knew was I had to get out of there.

As soon as we got to our house I settled myself in Eric’s…I mean…My bed and grabbed up the small book with all those secrets Eric held.

I read the next couple pages from where I left off, all were about Eric’s plans about Gerard birthday. It turns out that Mikey had caught on that Eric was faking and forced him to go to the party. But because of his bitchy attitude Gerard ended up in tears in the men’s washroom at the pizza place. Bob had gone to comfort while Eric left to the park and screamed and cried his miseries away.

Then that fateful date came up. April 14.

Gerard was everything. He was the soul of anything I did. I even got a tattoo of one of his drawing I stole from his room. Underneath was I had written was a song he wrote and composed that just so happened to describe us. I wish. Well, if I can’t have him because of…Bob. Then I will try and get as close as possible.


He is perfect for the job. His eyes remind me so much of Gerard. Not to mention he’s close to home and we already practically live together so it would be no surprise if we went off together at random time by ourselves. He’ll be my own little Gerard. But I will have to keep my chest covered in some way to keep my secret hidden. This will be hard, but it will have to work. Maybe one day I will have Gerard. And then I can finally run away with the love of my life.

Wow. That was a shot to remember. Mikey. So he had been having an affair with his best friend? That’s a little sick if you ask me.

I heard Linda walking around outside our bedroom door talking with Frankie about my condition. Then they came in and asked me if I was alright. I told them I was fine and just needed some rest and when I woke up some yummy chicken noodle soup. Frankie smiled at my childishness and went downstairs to watch TV while Linda just wandered around the house again. I fell to sleep thinking about how screwed up Eric left everything.
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HI! I'm your new author next to the lovely dead!insomniac. I'm Faitily;Yours

I will be writting every odd chapter now.

Loves to you all! and please comment!
