Descending Angel

Chapter 18

I rolled over in my bed and was met with the warm wall of Mikey's back, snuggling into it even though in the back of my mind I knew that I had to get up soon.

Mikey had brought me home to my worried family (family is really the only word I can supply here anymore, because they care so much about me), where I was sent promptly to bed while Mikey stayed downstairs to explain what had happened. After a few minutes of my pointless staring at the ceiling, wondering what was being said about me downstairs, he'd knocked on the door and poked his head in shyly, asking if it was okay to come in.

I'm such a sucker for shy boys. So, naturally, we ended up cuddling in bed for the whole day, with Mikey regularly asking if I was okay. Even when Frank came in the room and plopped down on his own bed, we remained tangled up in each other. It was a normal enough sight for 'Eric' and Mikey to be all hugged up, since they had been best friends, so Mikey wasn't worried that Frank would think anything of it.

It was pretty nice to just lay there, talking about everything and nothing. I found out that Mikey had a thing for UK music and he really wanted to be famous one day, and those were pretty fucking real things to know about a person. He'd blushed when telling me about being famous, and for once being noticed as more than the kid with the good taste in music. Frank had joined in on the conversation after a while, shooting me evil glances when Gerard's name would come up, like I needed reminding that I was scum. I really didn't, but I didn't blame him either. Gerard was his friend, and I just come in and break his heart? Not cool.

My wall moved, turning over on his other side so we were face to face. He blinked wearily in the dark and pushed on the bridge of his nose where his glasses would normally be. It was sweet, and I smiled at him even though I didn't know if he could see it or not.

"Hey, you're up," he whispered, tugging a little more of the blanket we were sharing over himself.

"I am. Aaannnddd....I think I have to pee, so, scuse me, darlin'." I sat up and crawled over Mikey, succeeding in accidentally kneeing him in the stomach.


"Oh, I'm sorry." I bent down, flipping my hair out of my eyes, and pulled Mikey's shirt up a little to press a kiss to his stomach. "Better?"

He jutted his lip out and nodded, finding my hand and giving it a squeeze before letting me go. As I opened the door and took one last glance at Mikey laying in bed peacefully, my pillow clutched in his arms as a replacement for my body, it felt like I was abandoning him. When really, I was just creeping downstairs to call his brother.

The phone number was tacked to the wall underneath the word WAY written in big block letters, for which I was greatful, because going back upstairs to ask Frank what Gerard's number was would seem suspicious. I dialed the number and waited for someone to answer, and when they did, I was actually surprised. It was kind of late, and I really hadn't noticed until the phone was already ringing and I happened to glance over at the clock built into the stove.

"Mph, hello?" Gerard's groggy voice asked.


"...Eric? What the hell, do you know what time it is?" In the background I could hear someone else groan. It sounded decisively male...

"I'm sorry, Gerard. I didn't realize how late it was."

"S'okay. Well, what do you want?"

Geez, he sounds pretty pissy. I'm just trying to apologize a little bit...

"Why'd you get so mad at me earlier? I mean, everything seemed fine, and then... what's wrong?" Like I don't know. Like...I know that he knows about me and Mikey, what else can it be? And I can't even say that if I had to choose right now that I would choose Gerard, just because Mikey is so adorable and...not to mention he's upstairs in my bed.

"Y'know, I'm kind of busy right now, Eric, can't you just talk to me tomorrow or something?" Again I heard a male voice in the background, and it hit me. He was with someone. It hit my stomach with full force, which surprised me, because I always thought it was supposed to hurt in your heart.

"Who's with you?" I asked timidly. I heard someone come down the stairs on my end and scoot a little further into the dark corner of the kitchen.

"It's Bob. You know, my boyfriend," he told me flatly.

"What? But...Gerard, I thought that you and Bob broke up! I thought he liked Frank!" I whispered loudly, hitting the wall with the side of my fist. This wasn't how it was supposed to go! Now this is messing with Frank's happiness too, and I'm not going to let that happen. I know Gerard's only doing this because he's pissed at me, and he has a right, but couldn't he fuck with me in a way that didn't compromise Bob and Frank's happiness?

I heard a gasp from somewhere near me and poke my head out of my corner to see a wide-eyed Frank gripping the wall on the other side.

"Oh shit. Bye, Gerard." I hung up without waiting for a response, and rushed over to Frank. He didn't move at all for a moment, like he was dazed, then turned his head to me.

"Eric...he told me..." He sniffed and turned to trudge back up the steps without another word. I followed him back to our room where he jumped into his bed and hugged his knees to his chest, rocking himself back and forth. I sat down next to him and ignored Mikey's pointed look.

"Hey, hey, Frankie, are you okay?" I asked softly. I opened my arms so he could hug me if he wanted to, and after a second of looking at me in confusion, he collapsed into me, sniffling into my neck and staining my collar with tears.

"He lied! He said that they broke up, and that he only liked me!" Frank's voice cracked and shortly after, I could almost hear his heart crack along with it, like some kind of horrible aftershock, and that was the worst heartbreak I'd ever had. I guess...I guess all the shit I've ever heard about twins being super-receptive to the other's emotions is true, because our hearts broke simul-fucking-taneously. I wanted to hunt Bob down and slit his throat for making my brother feel like this, but I knew that it was really my own fault. If I had just told Gerard that we could go out, he wouldn't have gotten back with Bob and Frank could be happy.

"You know you're better than him, right, Frankie?" Mikey asked, kneeling down on the floor beside the bed and patting Frank's back.

"B-but," sniff, "I just want him to like me! It was all over between them, he said they didn't even like each other anymore, and why would he lie to me? It's not fair! Why does he want Gerard instead of me?" Frank slumped out of my arms and leaned against the wall, crushing his posters beneath his head. "It's not like Gerard even really wants him anymore...he didn't fucking appreciate Bob."

I scooted further up the bed to lean against the wall next to him, letting him lay his head on my shoulder. He glanced over at Mikey sitting in the floor and motioned for him to join us on the bed. He fit himself on the edge of the bed half-under Frank.

"No, no, you get in the middle, so we can both cuddle you," Frank directed, pushing himself up and letting Mikey slide in between us. It oddly fit better that way, with mine and Frank's heads both resting on Mikey's chest and our arms clinging to each of his. Once we were justly settled, which meant that Frank and I were completely crushing Mikey, Frank sighed. "Mikey, your brother is an ass."

Mikey smiled sadly and gave Frank a squeeze. "I know Frankie. I'm really really sorry that this happened. But, you know what?"

"No, what?"

"This means that you can date Billie Joe Armstrong and get married and have his babies," Mikey said in a sing-song voice, making both of us giggle.

"Yeah, you're right, Mikey! And we can name one after you!" Frank leaned up to kiss Mikey's chin, while some unnamed emotion I'd rather not call jealousy flared up in my stomach. I didn't think I had anything to be jealous of, since Frank wasn't going to go after Mikey, right? And Mikey's hung up on me and not my identical twin brother who's funnier and nicer than me? Shit.

My grip on Mikey's hand tightened a little bit and Frank smirked over at me.

"Oh, hell, Eric, you know I didn't mean anything by that. Mikey, kiss Eric to make him feel better."

Mikey turned his head to look at me. "What's wrong with Eric?" he asked innocently.

"He's jealous that you kissed me."

"Oh." Mikey smiled and leaned forward to plant a little kiss on my lips. Then on my nose, then back on my lips, and then after that, I'm not sure how, Mikey ended up most of the way on top of me with his tongue in my mouth and vice versa. Frank catcalled from his position right beside us and only then did Mikey pop off of my mouth and glance over at Frank nervously.

Frank shook his head, giving us the 'you are idiots' look. "I knew, Mikey dear. There was a rumor going around school that you and I were caught kissing behind the bleachers, but I think I would remember doing that, and well...Ray knows too."

"Ray knows?" I asked, frowning. I did not know that little nugget of information and it would have been nice to be informed as all new information is learned.

"Yep. So, er, hi? I guess I'll just watch you two make out and get turned on by it..." He put his arms under his head and grinned at us, giving us a wave of the hand to continue. Mikey grinned down at me.

"Okay, whatever you say, Frank."