Descending Angel

chapter 2

"Ah, shit, is he dead?" I heard someone yell loudly. I gripped my pounding head and sat up. There was three boys gathered around me, each with an expression of worry. One of them, the one that talked a minute ago I'm guessing, held out his hand to help me to my feet. Once I was safetly standing, I took a moment to survey the guys. The helpful one had short blonde hair with a mop of black bangs hanging down over one eye. His lip and nose was pierced and there were tattoos running down his arms. The other two standing behind him were much taller. One had light brown hair and glasses and the other had an afro. I must admit, the one with the tattoos was a cutie.

"Erik, are you alright?" The short one asked.

"Who the fuck is Erik?" I asked. Could he not see that I was a girl? And that my name sure as hell wasn't Erick, it was Adrienne. I looked down and realised this wasn't my fucking body. I let out a yelp, which made the others jumpy.

"Where am I?" I asked shakily. Don't say Newark, please let it all be a dream... I'm didn't die, I'm back on my couch, and I can just try this suicide thing one more time...

"You're in Jersey, dude. Can...can you not remember? You hit your head pretty hard back there."

I ran my hand along the back of my head and pulled away with it covered in blood. I started swaying dangerously on my feet and collapsed.


All I could hear was jerky sobs and a heart monitor. I opened my eyes and for the second time was faced with a hospital room, this time filled with people. I recognised the three guys I'd met previously, but now there was three more people gathered in the room. A bulky blonde guy with a lip ring, a girl with pink hair, and him. Gerard was in the room.

"Hey, he's awake!" short-and-cute exclaimed, rushing to my side. He looked absolutely elated until I opened my mouth and spoke.

"Who are you?" I asked. My voice was hoarse and...guy-ish. Bleh.

"Erik, it's me, Frank." he told me. I kept the blank look on my face. He laughed nervously.

"Good joke, man, now it's not funny anymore."

"Joke? What the hell happened to me? Why am I in a hospital, who are you people, and why are you calling me Erik? I don't like that name." I snapped. Frank stepped back and scratched the back of his head.

"You're honestly telling me you don't remember any of us?" he asked, sounding hurt.

"I know one thing." I said. Everyone leaned in a little closer. I pointed to Gerard. "His name is Gerard." All of them looked confused and Gerard's face turned red.

"Why is he the only one you remember? You weren't even really close to him. He's only here because of Mikey." Fro-guy told me. I shrugged.

"I don't know! Now tell me what happened and who all of you are." I demanded.

"Well, I'm your fucking twin brother." Frank said. Ew, and I still think he's cute.

"Wait, I look like you?"

"Yeah, you look like me. Not exactly, but close." Yay, I'm cute too! And blatantly simple-minded.

"I'm Ray, one of your best friends." The one with the afro introduced himself.

"I'm Mikey, I am your best friend." the one with glasses said. I grinned at his statement.

"I'm Bob." the tall blonde one said.

"I'm Lauren, your girlfriend." the girl with pink hair said. I scrunched up my nose, as did Gerard for some reason. I can't date a girl!

"So I'm a guy, am I?" I blurted out. They all gave me the weirdest look possible.

"Yes, you're a guy. Or a very good tranny. Why?" Ray asked.

"Ah...this is gonna sound weird, but I don't think I'm this 'Erik' that you are talking about." I said, using my hand to do the quotations.

"Why not?"

"Do you think that when people die, they can come back in other bodies?" I asked. Lauren threw up her arms and sighed.

"Erik, stop playing around! We're really worried about you!"

"I'm not Erik." I said slowly. Everyone started to get annoyed with me. They thought it was all some sick joke. I can kind of relate. They don't want Erik to be dead, so....

"Well, then who are you?" Gerard asked quietly. This was the first time I'd ever heard him speak. All the other noises in the room seemed to stop just so he could talk.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." I said. But I knew that if anyone were to believe me, it would be Gerard. He looked me straight in the eyes and gave a little half-hearted smile.

"I might."

"Gerard, you freak, don't encourage him!" Lauren exclaimed, hitting him on the shoulder. I was about to go all ghetto on her ass, but remembered that she was my *gasp* girlfriend. And also that I was a boy and couldn't have Gerard.

"Can I leave?" I asked. Mikey shook his head.

"Nope. You're stuck here for two days. Sorry, kid."

"Oh. Then at least tell me how I got here." Somehow, I knew it was going to be something stupid that I shouldn't have been doing in the first place. Frank gave a nervous glance at Lauren before answering.

"Okay, well, last night we were out walking. Me, you, Mikey, and Ray. And we passed a street sign that said Cemetary Drive, and you said that you just had to have it for your room. It was on a really tall metal pole thing, so you decided to climb up and get it, but you got to the top and fell." he said.

"Frank, what the hell? Why would you let him do that?!" Lauren practically screeched. Frank flinched and ran for cover behind Mikey.

"I can't help that my brother is a total dweeb! He should know better!"

"You should know him well enough to realise he's too dumb to know any better!"

"Hey, I'm not dumb." I said indignantly. First she hits my man, then she insults me. How rude.

"Pfft, ignore her, she only wants you because she thinks your body is hot." Ray told me. I took a peek under my hospital gown, and I heard them laugh.

"Fuck, I have a tattoo!" I exclaimed.

"You do? Why didn't you tell any of us?" Mikey asked. I had a picture of two people with blood covering their faces on my chest, and underneath it read Demolition Lovers.

"Hey, what's demolition lovers? And what's with the bloody people? I like it, but why do I have it?" I asked no one in particular.

"Demolition Lovers is one of Gerard's songs. I wouldn't know why you have it tattooed on you, though. I didn't think you liked his songs." Frank told me. I pulled down the shirt so everyone could see the people. Ha, good thing I'm now a guy, or this would totally be awkward!

"I drew that." Gerard said, flabbergasted. Everyone was in a similar state of shock over this new little discovery. I was totally digging it, though, because I always wanted a tattoo.
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Words I like: Transvestite, flabbergasted, tramp, prostitute, dilapitated.
Why you needed to know that: I am the pope.
Hey, anyone else obcessed with Fight Club right now?