Descending Angel

Chapter 19

Mikey leaned down to kiss me again but I giggled and ruined the kiss. Making him come up a little again and start to laugh.

“I can’t just kiss you in front of my brother! That’s gross! It makes me uncomfortable.” I giggled some more and leaned back up making Mikey sit down and placing me on his lap. Mikey looked over at the clock that I still found interesting that I did not see before.

“Holy shit! Mom wanted me to come with her to the doctors today. I’m sorry guys, I have to go.” Mikey got up and nodded to Frank. He bent back down and kissed my forehead. “I’ll be back tonight okay? See you then.” He smiled happily and walk out of the room. I turned back to Frank.

“What should I do?”

“What do you mean?”

“Did you see how nice he was too me! God, he’s such a sweetie bum and yet....I still can’t decide between Gerard or Mikey.”

Frank grabbed me and brought my back onto his chest.

“Go see Gerard.”


“You heard me. Get changed and go see Gerard, damn it.” He lifted us both up and pushed me towards the closet. “Put something sexy on and woo him.”

“Woo him? But almighty Pope Frankie, I thought we were Ieroist, not Romantics.”

“Didn’t you know? It’s our best talent! We preach thy love and good impression upon others. Not to mention it gets good results in bed. You need an open mind my friend.” He winked at me and started to pull out clothes for me. Five minutes, and a large pile of black clothes, later we had found what he was looking for. And oh lord, it had to be the tightest pair of pants I had ever seen. Don’t even get me going on the shirt! They were skinny jeans, of course, with a black lightning bolt sewn quickly on the right ass cheek. The shirt had this cute little skeleton of an animal in the bottom right with pretty pink and blue colors making it look adorable.

“Now what...?”

“Now, you get a single rose and bring it to Gerard, kindly ask him to go to the park and tell him everything.”

My eyes grew.


“I think they deserve to know everything that’s going on. If you think you really like them you can’t hide anything from them. Be truthful.” Wow.

“Wow, your like a fucking cupid!”

“I know, aren’t I multi-talented?” I laughed.

“You sure are!” I smiled and gave him a hug. “Thanks Frankie. I’ll be home later.” He just smiled and I hoped the stairs and ran out the door.

On my way I picked a single red rose from some old lady’s garden. How did I know its an old lady? Well I was kind of having a hard time getting it off the bush when she came out to find me tugging at the rose bush. I had some blood slipping through my fingers, so after yelling at me for a good five minutes for trying to steal her almost prize winning roses, she chopped one off and handed me a paper towel.

“Hope she gives you a big kiss young man!” the lady yelled after me.

“I hope he does too!” I yelled back, starting back into running. As I neared the Way house I slowed, what was I going to say? I didn’t even know if I could tell him! I mean whenever he asked things it would usually just spill right on out, but this? This was big. This could get me in trouble. I also knew this was breaking point, it was either Gerard of Mikey.

Right now I had no idea. I had to make it quick though. Gerard’s time was quickly closing to an end. Thoughts of suicide were probably filling his mind right now.

I realized I was at the front door now. I knocked, hoping that Gerard was the only one home right now. Just in case I held the rose behind my back.

“Hello?” The door opened to reveal a messy haired Gerard. Tears running down his face and red covered every inch.

“Gerard? What happened?”

“B-b-bob broke up with me.” he didn’t burst into tears like I had expected to instead his face turned into a straight line and he looked up at me. “What are you doing here?”

Bob...Bob broke up with him. That’s what must have triggered his initial depression.

“I came to get you. Were going to the park.” I whipped out the rose with a blood stained hand.

“For me?” I nodded. “Is this a date?” I blushed and nodded again, in a way it was.

He sniffed and smiled lightly.

“I’ll grab my jacket.” While I waited outside I felt the pressure increasing. What would he say if i did tell him about my love triangle confusion? I couldn’t even fathom what he would say, I haven’t known him long enough to know everything. That’s when a thought ran through my head. I don’t know much about Gerard. I need to learn more about him. No, more than that, I want to learn more about him.

A grin grew bigger on my face as he came out to meet me. He grabbed my hand before tearing away from it.

“Eric wh- Is that blood?!?” I brought my hand up.

“Uh, ya. Ya it is.” I chuckled lightly. “It was from getting you the rose.” I laughed at the thought.

“You’re so cute you know that?”

“I know, I get that a lot.” I laughed again, trying to make the mood lighter. He tightened his grip on my hand and we walked the rest of the way in silence. By the time we got there children were playing on the slides and swings so there was no place we could safely sit on the jungle gym. I steered him over to the large field right behind it and we sat in the tall grass. I laid down begging him to lay with me. He did as I suggested only laid his head on my chest. I played with his hair before starting a conversation.

“I’m sorry for everything.”

“What are you talking about? This is just what I needed. Romance.” I laughed making his head bounce with my chest.

“Good, cus that’s what I want to give you. Anything you want.”

“You’re so perfect Eric.”

“I’m not.” He lifted himself and turned his head to mine.

“But you are!”

“I’m not. I have something to tell you Gerard, and you’re not going to like it.”

I braced myself for what I was going to say. Or not, I still haven’t decided! I really am bad with decisions.
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I'm so sorry for the wait. I have lot of problem lately. But no fear! Cus here is an update!

Sorry its short again....problems...ya anyways

check out my new story! (I know I know....)

Mind Over Matter

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