Descending Angel

Chapter 23

“Is there any way you can find out?” His voice was quiet and unsure, yet confident and bold. He was trying so hard to do something I was sure was impossible. Could someone else die instead of me of Gerard? Would that be selfish to have another one give their life for our love?

Certainly it would, wouldn’t it? I shook my head and looked to Gerard who looked like he was thinking hard about this. I could see he was considering it, however I don’t think he completely understood Bob was giving up his life. I certainly did. If he was talking about someone else giving their life in the name of our love he wouldn’t be so depressed and struggling to be strong right now.

“I don’t know Bob I don’t know If I want someone,” I looked at him, making sure he understood he knew I knew what he was up too, “to give their life for our love. It certainly wouldn’t be a happy ending, and it just isn’t cliché enough.” I smiled at him and Gerard chuckled yet grinned over at me.

“But Eric, think about it! I could live with you forever, and we could be happy! We can move in together and maybe have a normal long term relationship.” Bob smiled, I watched as he gazed at Gerard, a truly happy gleam in his eye. Now I understood. Bob was in love, he fell for the one person in his life he knew he couldn’t live without. He fell, and he fell hard. He loved Gerard, with all his being. It wasn’t just a high school fling, he knew that too. He knew the feeling he had towards Gerard could never be replaced for someone else.

He was giving up his life, for Gerard and I, because he knew that he could not live without having Gerard by his side. However, knowing that he was so in love with Gerard, he couldn’t just commit suicide. He knew that wouldn’t get him anywhere. He putting his life in the hands of the devil so that Gerard could be happy. I have never seen one person generate so much love for another. It was almost unheard of in my last life, yet here it was, unfolding before my very eyes.

He was such a strong man, doing anything for love.

“We can just give the big guy, evil or not, some other soul and forget about it and live the rest of our lives together, Eric!” Bob’s face fell.

“No.” Gerard’s smiled slowly wiped off as he looked at me. “If this is going to happen, we are to remember the life we gave away everyday of our lives. We can’t forget about someone so amazing as to give their life for our love, Gerard.”

“Yeah, but it’s not as if we are going to know who it was.”

“Yeah, you will.” Bob interjected into our small conversation slash fight. “Gerard, I’m giving you my life, so that you can be happy with Eric.” His voice faltered slightly as if his chest was in pain. I bet it was, telling the man he loved so much that he was giving his life so that he could be happy.

Gerard sat shocked staring at Bob.

“Gerard, babe, we don’t have to-” Gerard started to shake and he furiously shook his head from side to side.

“No, no, no, no! Bob, you can’t! You have so much to live for!” Gerard screamed, I stayed silent thinking this was a conversation I should stay out of until I was needed.

“I don’t, Gerard-”

“You do!” Bob shook his head slowly and looked at Gerard, tears forming in the corners of his eyes.

“Gerard,” He took Gerard’s hands in his own to keep him situated on Bob, “I did. I love you. I love you so much. I am willing to do anything for you. I will die for you, Gerard. When you chose Eric I was a little hurt- No that’s a lie. I was really hurt. But I can see the love you have for him, its the same as the love I have for you. If you are going to be happier with Eric than you are with me, I’m perfectly fine with that. I love you so much, I just want you to be happy.” Gerard was crying now as he collapsed into Bob’s arms. Bob let silent tears fall down into the undergrowth of Gerard’s hair.

“I will do this. I can’t live without out you Gerard, what better way to show you my love than giving my life for you to be happy with the man you love?” I could see the pain Bob was putting himself through. He was trying so hard to make life perfect for Gerard so that he could be happy. I know Gerard was receiving comfort from his ex and that I should probably be jealous or at least take Gerard away. But, I knew in my heart, that this was what Gerard needed and I didn’t mind. It wasn’t like Bob was trying to take Gerard away from me. I just let it happen.

We sat there for a while before Gerard was able to compose himself again to raise and wipe his face of his tears.

I let my hand rub Gerard’s back as sniffled and looked over at Bob. He nodded.

“Bob, I love you, but I love Eric more. I don’t know what I did to deserve such love from such amazing men but I did...” He looked at me and smiled lightly. “I want to live the rest of my life with Eric.” Bob nodded, hurt at Gerard’s words that he loved another man more, yet happy he was making Gerard happy.

“Bob, I don’t want you to feel like you have to do this-” My voice was cut off by Bob.

“No, I don’t feel like I have to. I know I have to.” I nodded, understanding his words.

“Now all that’s left is to find out if we can, although I’m pretty sure you can. The main thing was that someone had to die.” They nodded and looked over at the clock.

“We could always call the devil...” Bob’s voice whispered as I thought about his words. It was true. At midnight was the hour to call, yet it was only nine at night.

“Let’s gather supplies.”
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Question- can you guys tell me if I'm any good of a writter?
