Descending Angel

chapter 3

All of Erik's, yes, Erik's, because I wasn't him, friends were gathered around me, thinking hard as to why I had this tattoo. I don't know why they were getting so worked up over it, since I loved it purely because it had to do with Gerard.

"Erik, I'm going to ask you a serious question. Are you secretly obcessed with my brother?" Mikey asked. I sighed, trying to get across how annoyed I was.

"Sure, why not?" I asked sarcastically. I rolled my eyes for good measure, just in case they didn't catch on to the sarcasm. Frank let out a frustrated yell and shoved his way through Mikey and Ray to stand near me.

"Why is he the only one you remember?" he demanded. I shrugged and glanced over at the helpless Gerard. All the pressure was getting to him and he looked very uncomfortable. He was running his hand through his hair every few seconds nervously. Lauren and Mikey were both giving him glares.

"Hey, it's not his fault, idiots, it's mine." I snapped. They both gaped at me like I was some monster. But they were the ones ganging up on a guy too shy to tell them to back off. Mikey sighed and put an arm around Gerard's shoulders.

"Yeah, you're right. Sorry, Gee." he said to his brother. Gerard just nodded.

"And, besides, I don't know a thing about him other than his name. So...tell me stuff about yourselves, alright? Because as of now, I only know your names." Frank quickly stepped up to the task. What a good brother.

"Okay...uh, me, Bob, Gerard, Mikey, and Ray are all in a band. It's a small band, so it's not a big deal..."

"Cool. What is our last name?" I asked. I could see the slightest droop in Frank's shoulders.

" you remember nothing? Man, Mom is going to kill me. She doesn't even know yet." he groaned. He sat down at the end of the hospital bed and put his head in his hands. "Fuck, I'm so stupid. I should have never let you do something like that." he mumbled.

"It's not your fault, Frank. If I was too stupid to realise that I could get hurt from doing that, it's my fault. Have I always been doing shit like that?"

"Yeah, always. We both have. But I'm starting to think that it's time to grow up. We're sixteen, and that's way too young to die." he told me. A chill ran up my spine and I shivered.

"Agreed, man. So, how do you think our mom will react?" I asked. There was a collective groan heard round the room.

"Oh, we're grounded until...forever. Uh, I shudder to think about it. But as long as you're okay, it's fine. We may have to put a halt to band practice, tho."

"Just tell her that you weren't round when it happened. Say I ran off and when you caught up with me, I'd already fallen." I told him. He just seemed to grow sadder as I said this.

"Man, you're really not the Erik I know."

"Was I an asshole?"

"Yup, a big one. You'd always make fun of Bob and Gerard when they came over for band practice."

"Oh. I'm sorry, Bob and Gerard. Forgive me, please?" I asked, looking over at them. Their shocked faces were almost answer enough. They both nodded slowly, almost identically.

"Frankie, yeah, that's what I'm calling you, are we identical twins?" I asked. He raised his eyebrows at me.

"Yeah. There's a mirror in the bathroom if you want to see yourself." he told me. I nodded, and attempted to get out of bed. I realised a little too late that I was hooked up to several tubes via three needles in my wrist, and ended up pulling them out.

"Ow! Who freaking puts needles in people? Damn assholes..." I muttered, rubbing my sore arms. I opened the door to the bathroom and stepped in. I had to switch on the light, and gasped when I saw myself. I really was someone else. I looked alot like Frank except my hair was pretty long and I had a patchy goatee. Frank came to stand behind me.

"So...there you are. What do you think?" he asked. I ran a hand over the goatee.

"I'm getting rid of this. I don't like it." I said. Frank gasped loudly right in my ear.

"What?! You're getting rid of Shirley???" he squeaked.

"Oh, tell me I did not name it. What kind of freak was I?? And yes, I'm getting rid of it. I can't even get it to grow right! Geez!" I exclaimed. I pushed my way out of the bathroom and stood in the middle of the room.

"Do I smoke?" I asked no one in particular.

"Yeah, you do." Mikey answered me.

"Thank god!! Can I have one, please? Anyone?" Bob was the first to comply. He stole the pack out of Gerard's jacket pocket and handed them to me.

"Why, thank you, Bobrard." I said. Everyone gave me the 'what the hell' look.

"Well, Bob was the one who handed them to me, but he obviously got them from Gerard, so I combined the names to save time. Stop staring. I know it's hard, and that I'm a stone cold fox, but it's a bit uncomfortable."

"Wow. It's like it's not even you anymore. You're actually pleasant." Ray said.

"Merci, Ray. That's French for thank you, by the way. And...uh, yeah, I guess I am a new person. So get used to it."
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burning down neverland..